
I Have Become a Capable Servant for the Villain

In a twist of fate, Elena transmigrates into the novel she once read. Embracing her new identity as Seraphine, a young slave designated to be a side character, she will be killed by her master, the villain of the story. However, She is not alone. She comes with a special Ai assistant named Alice who could help her change her future and overcome all her struggles. Seraphine must also come to terms with the unexpected twists that the story has taken, both as a result of her actions and the unknown surprises awaiting her. The world is set in a medieval to renaissance era with magics and inconsistent technologies. All rolled up into one adventure, from slice-of-life moments to comedy, fantasy, romance, action, and Academy. I hope anyone reading this has fun and enjoys the journey! If you are worried that the main character might remain a servant and be weak, rest assured that she will gradually grow stronger and attain a higher status in the future! The story's early part focuses on the character's relationship development, but it slowly gets more detailed and reveals the world's secret. Since I'm not too fond of lore dumps, and I am pretty sure you don't like it. Publication date 2/7/2023 *** Disclaimer: This is also the first novel I wrote in English; you guys can comment or give suggestions if you want to support me : )

NewbieJimjim · Fantaisie
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126 Chs


In walked Seraphine, her presence an unexpected intrusion into the tense scene. Her eyes widened in shock and concern as she took in the sight before her—a desperate maid struggling for breath in Damian's grip.

"What is happening here?" Seraphine's voice cut through the air, her tone a mix of disbelief and urgency. She swiftly assessed the gravity of the situation, recognizing the imminent danger the maid faced.

In that moment, Damian's anger dissipated, his grip loosening instinctively as he realized the extent of his actions. His gaze shifted from the maid to Seraphine, his expression a mix of guilt, remorse, and desperation for redemption.

"I… I…" Damian stammered, unable to find the words to explain his actions. The realization of his violent outburst and the potential consequences of his unchecked anger washed over him, leaving him shaken.

Seraphine stepped forward, her concern for the maid evident in her eyes. She extended her hand gently towards Damian, silently urging him to release his hold and allow the maid to breathe freely once more.

With a mixture of relief and gratitude, the maid gasped for air as Damian finally released her, his face contorted with remorse. He took a step back, his entire demeanor filled with regret.

"I… I lost control. I'm sorry," Damian finally managed to utter, his voice tinged with genuine remorse. He averted his gaze, unable to meet Seraphine's eyes, overwhelmed by shame for his actions.

"Could you explain what is happening here, young master?" Seraphine asked Damian, her voice polite yet filled with an unwavering seriousness that demanded an explanation for the incident.

Damian took a deep breath and shared the scandal that had been targeting Seraphine. "There are scandalous rumors circulating among the servants, and I... I was attempting to teach this maid a lesson," he admitted, his tone tinged with a mix of frustration and regret.

Seraphine's eyes narrowed slightly as she listened, sensing Damian's embarrassment and his struggle to find the right words. Her tone softened as she probed further, her voice laced with empathy. "What kind of scandal are they spreading, young master?"

Damian's face turned a deeper shade of red, his ears burning with embarrassment. He hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between Seraphine and the floor before he finally spoke, his voice almost a whisper. "Well... They said that... you have to engage in... sexual activities to gain favor with me."

Seraphine's breath caught in her throat at the audacity of the rumor. Shock and disbelief washed over her features, followed by a wave of indignation. She quickly composed herself, realizing that reacting with anger would not serve any purpose.

"I see," Seraphine replied, her voice steady despite the emotions swirling within her. "Those are baseless and false accusations, young master. However, I believe that a more appropriate punishment for the servant involved would be termination of their employment, rather than resorting to such extreme measures."

As the maid heard the mention of being fired, her face turned pale with fear at the thought of losing her job. Desperation took hold, and she abandoned her pride, crawling towards Seraphine and clutching onto her leg, begging for forgiveness.

However, Seraphine's expression displayed a mixture of disgust and disappointment. She shook off the maid's grip, her voice firm and resolute. "You once disdained a slave like me, and now you come begging for mercy? Your shamelessness knows no bounds."

Seraphine turned her attention back to Damian, her gaze unwavering. "Young master, I believe that firing these servants without compensation is a suitable punishment for their actions. I urge you to consider it."

Upon hearing Seraphine's suggestion, Damian quickly made up his mind. He ordered the maid to leave, despite her tears and pleas for forgiveness, her head bowed in desperation.

Once the issue was resolved, Seraphine and Damian took their seats on the couch near the food tray that the maid had prepared. Damian's appetite had waned due to the events that had transpired.

"Now I have lost my appetite, thanks to that insolent fool," Damian muttered, his grip tightening around the sandwich that he no longer felt hungry for.

Seraphine settled down across from Damian, her mind filled with questions that needed addressing. She mustered the courage to inquire about something that had been weighing on her.

"Young master, may I ask you something?" Seraphine's voice was laced with curiosity as she sought clarity on an important matter.

Damian set the sandwich aside, his gaze locking with Seraphine's as a gesture of respect, signaling that he was fully engaged in their conversation.

"What is it?" he replied, giving her his undivided attention.

Seraphine hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Do you hate the idea of being involved with a servant?" Her question was direct, seeking to understand the boundaries Damian had in mind when it came to their roles as master and servant.

Damian pondered her question, taking a few seconds to consider his response. "It really depends on the individual. For instance, I don't hate or disdain you, Seraphine. You and Marcus are currently my favored servants, as you both demonstrate exceptional competence and provide invaluable assistance to me."

Embarrassment tinged Seraphine's expression as she gathered the courage to pose another question. "Then, have you ever considered making me engage in the activities the rumors mentioned?" Her voice was tentative, unsure of what the answer might be.

Rather than displaying anger or disbelief, Damian's face flushed with a deep shade of red. He used his hand to cover his mouth, attempting to conceal his embarrassment, although it was evident to Seraphine.

"Well... I'm not ready for that yet, but I don't hate the idea of it with you," Damian mumbled softly, his words barely audible to Seraphine.

"Pardon, young master?" Seraphine leaned in slightly, requesting clarification, but it only intensified Damian's blush.

"Never mind. Just leave for now. I have a lot of work to attend to. You should return to Marcus," Damian quickly changed the topic, urging Seraphine to depart. His inability to control his expression prompted his desire to end the conversation abruptly.

Seraphine understood that she shouldn't press the matter further and complied with Damian's request, leaving the room. The answer to her question remained elusive, leaving her uncertain about Damian's intentions regarding the rumors and their potential relationship.

As Seraphine closed the door behind her, a mix of relief and uncertainty washed over her. She couldn't help but mutter to herself, "I hope the young master doesn't hate me because of this foolish rumor." Her words carried a tinge of worry and self-doubt.

To her surprise, Alice's voice interjected into her thoughts. "Don't worry, Seraphine. It's quite the opposite, actually," Alice chimed in, her tone filled with a smug satisfaction. It seemed she had overheard Damian's response, even though Seraphine hadn't.

Startled, Seraphine turned to face Alice, her eyes searching for answers. "So, you know what the young master said? Please, tell me," Seraphine pleaded, hoping to gain insight into Damian's true feelings.

Alice, however, remained coy. "Well, I can only speculate. I don't truly know the specifics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯," she replied, accompanied by a shrug. Her mischievous expression hinted at the possibility of having more knowledge but chose not to divulge it at that moment.