
I Have An Almighty System

Vyn, born into the legendary Aethelred family, was a stark outlier in a lineage famed across the Southern Continent Empire for its near-mythical strength and nobility. The Aethelreds, said to rival the saga of creation itself, were titans among men. Yet Vyn stood powerless, whispered to have either offended the gods or committed unforgivable sins in a past life. In a world ruled by strength, his lack of magical abilities rendered him nearly invisible. Seen as a stain on their prestigious history, the council of elders exiled him to the harsh battlefields to redeem his honor. After two relentless years fighting beasts and despair, an unimaginable twist occurred. At his lowest, a mysterious ‘System’ appeared, spouting utter nonsense. Was this a divine joke or an unexpected chance for a redemption? As bizarre messages flashed before him, Vyn faced a choice: succumb to his fate or seize this strange opportunity to rewrite his destiny. ... New chapters are updated daily, with 1-2 chapters released each day! If you're enjoying the story, please add it to your library. Your votes and reviews are a huge motivation for me, so please support the book in any way you can. Happy reading!

Saint_Grey · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

The Strong Prey Upon the Weak

With determined strides, Vyn left his new apartment, heading for the Adventurers Association. Just as he stepped out of the towering Hawk's Tower, he took in the scene before him. The street was bustling with people, a vibrant display of life and activity.

From the dresses of the people walking down the street, it was clear that this residential area was quite populated by the upper class. Elegant ladies in beautiful gowns strolled by, accompanied by gentlemen in finely tailored suits.

Vyn watched as several luxuriously decorated carriages passed by him, their drivers calling out, inquiring about his destination in hopes that he would take their services. These carriages were adorned with intricate designs, their horses well-groomed and shiny. However, Vyn ultimately ignored them all, his mind set on his mission.

After a few minutes, a more regular, less ostentatious carriage passed by and stopped at Vyn's beckoning. This carriage was simpler, its wood worn but sturdy, and the driver had a kind, weathered face. Vyn climbed into the carriage and told the driver where he was headed. With a nod, the driver set the horses into motion, and the journey began.

Vyn had decided to opt for a more regular carriage for specific reasons. He knew that since he was going to the Adventurers Association, he had to be cautious and tread carefully.

The association was a place teeming with adventurers of different ranks and varying ambitions. The way things worked in Ravencrest was that the strong preyed upon the weak. Arriving at the association in a luxurious carriage would be like waving a pot of honey at a group of bears.

He didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to himself so early on before his journey to the top had even begun.

There was a saying that everything happens for a reason. Vyn had learned a great lesson from his past experiences. He knew that things weren't going to be easy, but he had to act with utmost caution. He didn't want anyone to view him as some rich brat and pick him as a target for bullying and extortion.

He remembered all too well the looks of envy and greed that could turn friendly faces into adversaries.

Of course, Vyn wasn't scared of bullying. He had been so exposed to it in the past that he had gotten quite numb. His skin had thickened, and his resolve had hardened.

There was also the fact that he had gotten quite stronger now, so not just anyone could bully him. But there were still several levels and power structures above him with countless more powerful rankers. He couldn't afford to be too cocky at this stage.

He had to stay low until the time was right if he didn't want to be ravaged by hungry wolves.

The journey took about an hour and a half before the carriage arrived at the Adventurers Association. Just as Vyn expected, the whole place was swarming with adventurers.

The area was alive with activity, adventurers adorned with different types of equipment and armors, ranging from a few pieces to full body armor that gave off an intimidating appearance. Some carried massive swords, others had staffs that crackled with magical energy, and a few even had exotic pets by their side.

The Adventurers Association was a very large place with several buildings and a spacious field. The whole area was crawling with several intimidating figures, some mounted on beasts of different calibers, giving them an aura of dominance and power. It was like a small city within a city, with its own rules and hierarchies.

Vyn was used to this scene, so he didn't think much of it. He headed straight to the main building and entered a grand hall.

The hall was filled with a long queue of people who were seated on several long benches. They were all waiting for their turn to meet with the attendant who handled their administrative activities. The hall buzzed with the murmur of conversations, the clinking of armor, and the occasional shout of greeting between old friends.

Vyn took a seat next to the last person in line and settled in to wait for his turn. Several minutes passed as Vyn waited, observing the people around him. The queue moved in a concentric pattern as each person who got attended to left while the next person went to see the attendant.

He watched as the attendants worked diligently, processing requests, updating records, and handing out assignments.

Vyn was already halfway through the queue with several people who came later now seated after him. Just then, he immediately sensed a strong aura as three figures entered the hall.

Although they just walked past him, Vyn felt the lingering aura around them. It was very suppressive and made the air feel heavy.

These figures were all adorned in full-body armor that looked very intimidating and giving them a menacing appearance. Everyone seated around turned their eyes toward these three figures, unable to look away.


Vyn thought immediately. He could tell they weren't ordinary people. Maybe it was because his own strength had increased, but his senses were on high alert.

It felt like he was staring straight at danger. Many other people seated nearby had the same reaction, staring at these three figures with wary expressions and nervous glances.

The three figures walked past the line of waiting people and went straight to the attendant at the front. Surprisingly, no one seemed to have any objections. Instead, they continued to stare at the trio with weary eyes, whispering among themselves. The tension in the room was palpable.

Vyn overheard a boy sitting next to him. The boy was whispering to a girl who seemed to be his friend. Vyn didn't know who these three figures were, so he leaned in closer, trying to catch their conversation.

"Whoa, do you see that? It's really them!"

The boy's voice was filled with awe as he whispered excitedly.

The girl beside him, her eyes widening in surprise, furrowed her brow and said, "B-but, how… What are they doing here in Ravencrest? Aren't they based in Brackenhill?"

"Well, how should I know why they're here? I heard that Ebon Council recently cleared an A-rank dungeon. Maybe it has something to do with that." The boy shrugged, looking just as confused as the girl.

As soon as Vyn heard this, he instantly had an idea of who these figures were. The name Ebon Council wasn't just any random name. They were well-known and revered as one of the top ten guilds in the entire continent.Their power and influence spread far and wide.

Being one of the top ten guilds was no small feat. These guilds wielded enormous amounts of power, authority, and wealth. From what Vyn knew, the minimum requirement to become a member of these guilds was to be at least an A-ranker. Some of the top ten guilds even had Saints as their leaders.

If these three figures were members of the Ebon Council, it meant they were at least A-rankers. This was not something to take lightly. There weren't many A-rankers in Ravencrest, and having three of them here at once was an extraordinary sight.

The presence of these powerful individuals made the air crackle with tension.

Vyn could easily guess the identity of two of them as they bore the resemblance of identical twins.

Their faces were strikingly similar, almost like looking into a mirror. They were most likely the Munival siblings. These twins were famous, and not in a good way. There were several rumors about their prowess and fearsome reputation.

People whispered about their linked battle style, saying it was nearly impossible to defeat them when they fought together. More importantly, it was their status as identical twins that made them easily recognizable and even more intimidating.

'Tsk! It must be nice being strong!'

Vyn thought with a mixture of envy and irritation. He felt a slight irritation bubbling inside him by the fact that this group had just ignored the entire queue.

They didn't even glance at the line of people waiting patiently. Instead, they went straight to the attendant desk as if they owned the place. It was really upsetting behavior. But Vyn knew better than to voice his frustration out loud. He had learned the hard way that complaining could bring trouble, especially against such powerful figures.

Even with that, the privilege of being powerful was really something to be envious about. Everyone in the queue, although clearly annoyed by their behavior, dared not voice even a bit of complaint. Their faces showed a mix of frustration and resignation, but they all kept silent.

They could only stare, their eyes filled with unspoken thoughts and feelings. Some looked fearful, others seemed resigned, and a few, like Vyn, had a flicker of envy and irritation in their eyes.