
215.2 minutes to solve

A handsome blond man came up to a cargo truck and politely knocked on the back door.

The cargo door opened, and he nodded and casually walked in.

Inside was a small armory, complete with long and short guns, with already five people picking out their equipment.

"I'm Number 4 from Paris, pleased to meet you all," the handsome man said, as he also picked out a handgun.

After disassembling it for a check and fitting the sleeve, he tested the spring's tension and politely smiled as he said,

"Speaking of which, us lone wolves are actually gathered here together, just to deal with a single target?"

The other team members were still straightening out their equipment, and no one responded.

These people were all dressed in plain clothes, appearing relaxed. Though they were holding guns, they seemed as indifferent as office workers hustling for the subway with briefcases in hand.