
I hate the protagonist: The antagonists system

It is the year 2269. 248 years ago something about the world changed. People started gaining roles in society. Extras, villains, heros and obviously in such a world a protaginist is born. After a protagonist passes away a new one will appear 12 years after to continue the work of the previous. The protagonist will be chosen by the twelve year old with the purest heart. To continue to uphold peace in the world. On the other hand, those who were classified as extras having no prominent role in society and end up becoming fodder for those of higher classes. Their destiny being death alone. Outis, having been classified as an extra, lives the life of a neet. Being 21 years old with no job or life goal. He lives a sad life with his Mother. Having lost his father and now recently his mother, Outis blames God for his bad luck. He becomes filled with anger towards the protagonist who has everything he wanted without trying. [You have been granted the recruit system] He looks up to find a system before him along with a little creature. He is given the choice of choosing any three skills of his choice. What did he choose? A skill which allows him to manipulate time, wealth and a skill where he can control people's action after gaining their full trust? Could this be the turning point of his life? Would he be able to change his destiny as am extra? ** Cover not by me. If your the artist and you want me to take it down please let me know

SchoolSucks · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The system


Yes, it's me.

The boy who was sitting with his mother nine years ago.

I'm currently twenty-one year old. I have nothing much going for me. Nothing.

No job, no girlfriend, no friends.

Well, who needs those anyways.

I get up my chair, it was the kind of chairs you see in an office.

I liked it much more than an average gaming chair. It made me feel like I was doing something with my life.

You could see visibke butt cheek prints on the chair. Just how long have I been sitting there.

I was playing games once again. CUD, that's what I was currently playing. I only got up because I needed to take a dump.

I head to the bathroom. I open my dark brown paneled door which leads to the bathroom.

I stumble upon my mirror which was above the white ceramic sink.

I see myself in the mirror. I notice some facial hair growing on my pale white skin. I should probably shave soon. I have umber brown colored hair which complemented my Misty blue eyes. I had thick dark eyebrows and plump lower lips. I could have been considerably attractive if not for the visible freckles on my nose.

I admire myself in the mirror. The only thought that could run through my head was why don't I have a girlfriend.



I walk to my toilet and take a dump. I keep convincing myself it's safer here, at home.

Ever since the day when we got classified. My life changed.

The people whom I once considered friends all turned on me. i spent the rest of my school days as bread shuttle, sent on other minor errands or degraded and bullied for being an extra- Not complaining about the last part though.

Yes, I was sent by not only villains but also hero.

Despite all that, don't blame them.I would do the same if I was a hero or villain. Maybe worse.

I leave the toilet after I finish.

" It's time for dinner isn't it? Why hasn't Mom called me down for food?" I think.

During this time of the day, I am often called upon by my mother for dinner.

I rush up the wooden stairs. My room was in the basement.

I normally enjoy the perks of living in the basement. It's just like a mini house after all. And it's very convenient. The only problem is having to climb up the staircase

Yes, the staircase. And I'm not overreacting, it truly is the hardest part of my daily routine.

I finally climb up the staircase.

I see my mom eating food on the marble dining table.

She's eating without calling me. That's a first.

I serve my portion of food and sit on the dining chair.

There is no dialogue between us. I take a quick glance at her. She has gotten wrinkles and eye bags now, I don't think I've ever noticed that.


I hate her.

If only she trained me well when I was younger I wouldn't have ended up like this. I blame her for everything that has happened to me.

I could have been a hero or just maybe even the protagonist.

I really do hate her. I push my chair back, pick up my plate of food and head to my room.

Yes, I knew what I was doing was quite childish, you know putting all the blame on someone who only tried there best.

But... Who else should I blame?


Oh hell no.

As I walk down the stairs I hear my mother sobbing.

I shrug it off, she's only facing the consequences of her actions.

I eat my food in my room.


Its 2:30Am

I'm still awake.

Why wouldn't I be. Today is that time of the day after all.

I walk to my desktop and open my web browser.

"Gistcord.com" I search on my desktop.

I have a server on the gistcord and I am a professional moderator of one of the most popular servers on the platform.

Well, that's just my cover story. The real reason I'm here right now is to check on my little kitten.

Yes a gistcord kitten. It's the closest thing I have to a girlfriend. Despite her just being a gistcord kitten, we've grown way closer to each other and all just for monthly gistro!

It's what I use most of the allowance I get from my Mom for.

It's very worth it.

We continue to talk all night and all night I hear the continuos yet silent sobs of my mother.

'Can't she be quiet?' is all I think.

It is then I hear the stricking scream of my mother.

I quickly rush upstairs to my mother's room.

I open the white paneled door, my hands shaking.

I find a lifeless body of my mother on the floor.

I immediately breakdown.

It seemed like she was holding a clear glass bottle which is now shattered on the floor.

Did she poison herself?

In the palms of her other hand was a letter.

I crawl towards her, I couldn't gather the courage to walk.

"I'm sorry."

I sniffed quietly, tears threatening to spill out from his eyes. Tears welled from deep inside my eyes.

Why? Why is she sorry? Its not her fault, It was never her fault.

Tears continue to roll down my eyes

"It wasn't your fault!" I cry out"It was... "

"The protagonist..."

Everything became clear. It was never mothers fault, it had always been the protagonist. He who stole everything from me without even trying.

"I HATE THE PROTAGONIST" I shout out loud.

It had always been his fault. Why didn't I notice this since?

[Hello Outis, You have been chosen as the antagonist!]

A black system like screen appears above me displaying tha above text.

I was shocked by what i saw before me. Was this some kind of sick prank?

I stand up and brush my hair with my hand.

I stand upright and put my hands in my pockets.

"Mom you can get up now, i know this is a prank" I said in a seductive voice.

If they were going to post this somewhere later on I should atleast seem hot and mysterious.

[What the heck, this isnt a joke.]

"Haha sure. You guys got me, ok? You can stop all this now."

They really went all out with this prank didnt they? They even got a holographic thingy for it.

I attempt to put my hand through the hologram but it shocked me.

"Owww" I scream "I-i mean. That didn't even hurt heh."

They're really trying to get me to break character huh.

[You have been chosen as the antagonist.]

Heh, I guess I should play along a little.

"Oh really? I thought they said the antagonist had not been decided."

[Yes, but because of how boring the story has been, we decided to pick one ourselves.]

"So you chose me? Why?"

[You are the person who hates the protagonist the most.]

Hmm I can't lie I really do hate him.

"How am I supposed to even go against the protagonist when I'm so weak?" I reply.

No, I don't believe anything it's saying but even if it was true an extra can never defeat the protagonist- not to talk of a minor extra.

[We will grant you the favour of picking three skills/abilities that you think will aid or at least give you a headstart in your journey.]

To be honest, I'm really getting quite into this roleplay.

"What are my options?"



Different card like holograms we're displayed before me.

Every possible skill you could think of was there, even skills like necromancy.


Though I know what the hologram is saying is not true, it's still quite fun to take this seriously.

I could pick a skill like necromancy but I don't really want to be involved with the dead so much.

Regression is also a good choice but I'm not a fan of dying so I think I'll pass on that one.

Hmm time manipulation is a good option though. I can manipulate time and I don't have to die.

"I'll take this one..." I say as I point at the time control card.

[You have 2 more choices.]

Since I chose time control which is quite a passive skill, I should pick an agressive skill now.

Is what I would have said if I cared.

"I'll have the skill 'wealth'."

It's not as though this is real, so why should I rack my brain over it.

[... Ok, You have one last choice.]

Hmm. I should just pick a random one then.


[Alright then you have exhausted your three choices.]


I noticed my mom was still laying on the floor. I squat down.

"You can get up now mom."

I say. She's quite a good actor being able to lie on the floor for so much without even flinching.

I shake her hand trying to get her up.


Why doesn't she have a pulse.

"Haha Mom this isn't funny anymore get up!" I shout.

[What are you doing? She's dead.]

"For real?"



"This isn't a prank is it?"

[It's not]



Mc kinda an AH

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