
I had the Saintess Executed, now she’s the Demon Queen and I’m her Toy

[THIS STORY WILL HAVE MATURE THEMES INCLUDED] [Updated Every 3-4 Days] {Artist: Sikeseeing} Locked away deep down in the newly claimed castle for the Demon King, Kalika Archelion, a young immortal woman awaits in her dungeon prison. Her spirit broken many times, over, and over again. despite this, she refuses to give up on one day freeing herself of the confinements of her now demonic sisters Lillian. The very sister she had executed. The very sister that is now the Demon Queen of their now fallen country that is still embroiled in the war of human versus demons. Now peering through the darkness, Kalika resigns herself to biding her time. awaiting for the opportunity that she may use to escape this cruel predicament to grasp control over her own life once more. With an uncertain future, and vile schemes lurking in the background. Kalika must steel herself, preparing for the worst to come as there is no hope of escape or rescue. Just a deep dark abyss that is so dark, that it is practically corruptive. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kalika glares at the demon before her. "I Hate Demons! I Hate them! I hate you, my sister, your brother, EVERYONE!!" "Hmph. are you sure about that Kalika. from where I'm standing, that mask of your is starting to crumble." Rakon started to chuckle. he grabbed her chin tightly. "by the time I'm done with you. you will belong to me." _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Staring at her blood blade Kalika Gazes around her prison cell. She throws the blade, surprisingly penetrating the stone bricked wall. "Bored?" Rakon appeared before Kalika once again. She ignores the demon. She conjured her blood blade back in hand. she now examines the matted blade in hand. "No..."

CASAN278 · Fantaisie
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61 Chs

Chapter 29: Burdens

"Y-you set me up." Kalika clenched her fists.

"I did nothing of the sort. I'm simply giving you a new opportunity. So don't panic." Rakon turned his attention back to the crowd before him.

"Panic!? You're just using- Mmff!!"

Valam got in front of Kalika and with a smile, she motioned Kalika to stay quiet.

"I… I can't breathe!!"

After a second fell to her knees, gasping for air.

"Like with every game there are rules you all will have to abide by." He held out a finger. "First, his activity will take place only from the morning to dusk. Secondly, Killing of guards will be met with swift execution. And lastly…any desire of interacting with Kalika aside from killing her will be punished severely."

Rakon gazed sinisterly at the crowd before him. "I will be watching everything so be sure not to even jest the idea."

Rakon smirked. "Other than those rules, anything goes."

Back with Tilus and Donovan watching, Donovan is unsure what to make of the last rule stated. "Wait. That last rule… doesn't that mean-??"

"It seems like he's cutting Kalika ties to anyone who might want to be friendly. " Tilus pondered.

Kalika gazed back up to Rakon still trying to catch her breath. "What the hell!!"

"Weapons will be delivered to your cell in the following morning, so be sure to be ready for the fun ahead."

With that last statement Rakon was finally done with announcing the current change for the prison, allowing the crowd to leave. Some of the prisoners within the crowd seemed to be excited as evident by the distinctive chatter going on below.

"There's no doubt that they're plotting and scheming of ways to kill me now."

Daji, the gray haired demon soon started to coddle up to Rakon. 

"<do you want them to use those strange weapons too ?>" She asked.

"<No, Those are needed somewhere else. But do bring Kalika back to her cell. She'll need the rest for morning ahead.>" He then pointed back to Kalika. This only served to frustrate the women, but despite this she acted with etiquette, accepting this job.

It isn't long before Kalika is surrounded by the three women.

Rakon glanced over to look at Kalika. "They'll be escorting you back to your cell. I'd recommend resting up for the morning's event, to be at your best."

Kalika could only seeth in her own anger, practically forced to comply. "Fine. But what do you plan to accomplish with this!?" she demanded.

Rakon doesn't answer, instead giving a simple smile and a remark. "I'll be seeing you in one month's time. Until next time…" He waved her off before turning to a bloody mist, vanishing before her and leaving her to the care of the demonic ladies.


Kalika upon being returned to her cell is kicked in by Daji and onto her bed. The three women stand in front of her cell door contemplating something in their native language. From what Kalika could pick up, they seemed to be thinking about killing Kalika.

Kalika narrowed her eyes. "Those demons."

Finally after a moment of deliberation they backed off slamming the cell door behind them. Despite the three women being gone, Kalika's rage continued to grow. She wanted so badly to punch and kick at the wall and bed before her, it was almost unbearable. The only thing she could do was to fall to her knees and scream her heart out.

"Rakon… Rakon! Rakon! Rakon!! Rakon!! RAKON!!!"

After a few seconds Kalika smiled, blurting out a giggle. She quickly snapped herself back. "Rhonda."

Kalika Clamoured to the Bars of her cell. "Rhonda!! Rhonda!! Where are you!?" Kalika continued to call out for her maid to no avail.

"Damn it Rhonda! Where are you!?"

Unknown to Kalika, Rhonda is sitting by the very end of the hall, staying out of sight. She wipes a tear off her face while keeping Kels Blood dagger in hand. She looks at it practically unsure what to do with it until a huge red demon appears before her.

"B… Bjorn…"

General Bjorn looks down at Rhonda sternly. "What are you doing here? I believe your mistress has called."

Rhonda Whimpers out a sniffle. "N…No… I can't… Not anymore…"

Bjorn narrowed his eyes. "So the contract has ended, Eh…And you're going to let that stop you."

"B-but if I continue to help her, Rakon might…" Rhonda starts to caress the eye patch over her right eye.

Bjorn looks away, understanding the lingering fear from that day. "I've heard once that between the Lupeus, Entions and succubus… that the Succubus race was always the most determined and steadfast of any of the other demon races out there… perhaps they were wrong…"

Bjorn soon after starts to take his leave. He stops. "Oh, and before I forget. Maybe be more careful with your partner, You should consider yourself lucky that Azar never found out."

Rhonda Blushed a little soon after, watching Bjorn disappear from the corner of the hall to whatever duty he had to perform next. Left to her own devices Rhonda continues to linger, sitting on the dungeon prisoner floor.

Back with Kalika she finally gave in with Rhonda coming to her.

"He did something to her too… Didn't he… I don't even know who or when I face this next person…" she pondered for a moment, understanding what has to be done. "I'll just have to press him for information then, but for now I just have to survive his stupid game."


It's the dead of night and Lillian is looking over a map along with General Jala and two other commanders. they're inside a warm cozy tent lit by candles around them. They are coming up with a new plan of action for the next upcoming battle ahead.

"So that's what you're after?" Jala asked.

"Yes." Lillian affirmed.

"This is risky if we do this… and if that intuition of yours is wrong again, the King won't be too happy about this. This could push the war back another couple years."

"I'm sure of it Jala. Their General, Thomas Kyrier is certain to show up for this battle." Lillian places a yellow wooden figure between a plethora of blue and red figures. "This General I heard will sometimes come out after consecutive victories over their enemies."

"Is that the reason you've been sending our men to their deaths?" Jala looked very unconvinced. " I thought you weren't in a rush to kill this general…"

Lillian clammed up a little. She crossed her arms, nervously looking away. "T-that was before I knew that killing him would've expedited this dumb war!"

Jala could only sigh hearing Lillian's retort. "Your highness, I assure you there were other alternatives to achieving this outcome."

"Perhaps, but one of the fastest ways to lure out your enemy is to build up their own morale. And if they're none the wiser, you can strike them down at their most boastful."

Jala could only look on in disappointment. The two commanding officers became more conflicted upon seeing Jala's reaction.

"You two leave. Me and Jala need to speak alone," 

The two commanders followed the given instructions, leaving the tent.

"There's something you're not telling us. I could only imagine that it has something to do with that girl."

Lillian once again clams up. "N-now what makes you think that."

Jala unfolded a parchment from one of his jacket pockets. Sliding it on the table slowly. "I received this just this morning."

Lillian took the parchment, reading it. 

"It talks of the shipment of strange weapons and a soldier from the Celestine empire." Jala explained.

She gripped the parchment fiercely, reading faster all before tearing it to shreds. Despite her eyes turning black from rage, she attempts to keep a calm motif.

"I can see how you would be concerned now."

"So you are concerned about this Celestine soldier. I hope you understand that the king was likely jesting about that 'friendly' thing."

Suddenly the entire tent flew up in the sky along with all the other miscellaneous things that were inside. All the soldiers including the commanders were all now looking in their direction.

Lillian's gaze became much more menacing as she tried to keep up with a calm demeanor, despite all the bloodlust she was emanating.

"P-perhaps a more secluded place is an order," Jala said.

Lillian starts to breathe much more heavily, trying to keep herself in check. "I-it looks like it."

They soon both vacated to a nearby forest to converse more in secret. Lillian paced herself back and forth, breathing slowly to control the rage inside her. Jala simply leaned on a tree, waiting, awkwardly.

"Calm yet?"

"Y-yes I think I'm much more c-calm." Lillian's Eyes were still black and this time veins seemed to be bulging from her head and neck. Seeing this Jala remained silent.

"Grrrr!! Friendly? Friendly!?" Lillian scoffed at the idea. "When I find that soldier, I'll be sure to grant him my blessing!" Lillian punched a tree right through, tearing half of its base off. She started to breathe more heavily, trying to contain herself.

"It's a bit of an overreaction, Don't you think?"

LIllian gave a crooked smile "Overreactions? No, I think I'm more than justified. It's not like you'd ever understand, you never had a brother or sister to look after."

"Your highness, have you forgotten…? Demons are always born as twins."

Lillian stopped immediately becoming silent. "R…Right, I almost forgot about that… did you have a brother, or a sister""

Jala took his time as if pondering. "I had a younger brother that I always looked after. We worked together, had each other's backs for many years."

"I see…" Lillian became much more calm. "And where is your brother?"


 "My condolences then," Lillian said.

"Please, your highness… Spare me the Pity. He died trying to kill me….and met his death at the end of my blade." Jala narrowed his eyes, reflecting on his own past. "To this day I still don't understand why he turned on me… not that it matters anymore. Because he only proved himself weaker than me."

Jala got up from the tree he was leaning on approaching Kalika. Hey conjured up his blood blade into his hand. "I can't say I understand why this human girl is so important…" he swung his sword down hard, cutting the remainder of the tree base next to Lillian. "but sheltering someone weak like that human girl will serve to be your downfall if you're not careful." 

Jala stabbed the trunk of the tree, dragging it along the ground to their campsite. " Not that I think She'll betray you at any point, she's much too weak for that. But just as a general advice; try to keep your emotions in check, otherwise it'll be exploited and you'll lose more than you'll gain."

Lillian turned her attention to the newly made tree stump. One half was smooth to the touch as the other half was chaotic and prickly. She quickly turned back to Jala who was still departing. "Jala." Lilllian said sternly.

Jala stopped turning to look back at Lillian. "Yes?"

Lillian starts approaching Jala, grabbing the tree. "Since when did you become a sage of wisdom?" Lillian lifted half the tree onto her shoulder.

After a few seconds Jala mirrored Lillian's action, putting the tree onto his shoulder to carry the log back to camp. "I'm no sage. But seeing that you've calmed down, do you still intend on having our forces charge in for another ambush?"

"I was… But perhaps I'll go with the idea you had. Thinking about it now, I think it'll make our victory all the more satisfying."

"Are you sure, it would entail you being the bait."

"It's fine. It's been a little while since I stretched my legs anyways."


Back with Kalika she's slumbering in the quiet cell , Embracing the short lasting peace before the chaos that will unfold. outside her cell Rakon watches her with sheer curiosity before taking a glance to the corner of the hall where Rhonda is also sleeping. he smiles contently.


"MAVERICK!" A prisoners yells.

"Don't tell me your actually going through with this!"

In the shadows a tall man with long brown hair and mostly shaved face sits on the corner of her bed. His cellmate with short brown and gray hair is looking at Maverick in disbelief.

"Why not? The prisoner who kills that bitch the most, gets a wish as a reward. Besides, I'm tired of twiddling my thumbs just cause of that outdated man." maverick opened his eyes, revealing a deep blue. "This is a golden opportunity and everyone else knows it. and to say it isn't only makes you a coward."

The cellmate was taken aback by his statement. "Tch! Did you forget! she can literally conjure up a blade like those demons-"

"AND!? Its us against her, our metal versus hers. this isn't an arena match of one versus one." Maverick Smiled. "This is retribution. damned if she forgot everything she's done, but I won't. and neither should you."

"Y... your right." The prisoner clenched his fist and jaws.

"That's right, she killed your brother. didn't she."

"He didn't even want to fight, and she just cut his throat where he stood."

"You feel that anger? remember it well when find and kill her. we will make her pay."

In the cell next the two men, Donovan it staring at the ceiling, just listening in on their conversation.


New Cover!! hope everyone likes its! X)

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