
Intro of my world!

It was a sunny day, the birds were chirping, the smell of the fresh arrived spring with its fresh leaves spread in all directions.

There was a knock in the door. I jumped out of my bed and slowly moved towards the door. BAAAAM!!! The door broke in pieces and in came my maid, Lisa. She broke the door with her icy blades power!!

Sorry I forgot to introduce myself!

I'm Luna Yamato, the princess of the " THE HIDDEN WORLD OF POWER" Well lemme explain you, in my world there have been four main species THE ONE'S WHO POSSESS THE ICE, THE ONE'S WHO POSSESS THE FIRE, THE ONE'S WHO POSSESS THE TREES and THE ONE'S WHO POSSESS THE VAMPIRE.... The kingdom of hidden power has four main villages based on the types of power one possesses i.e, the ice, the fire, the trees and the vampires. These four villages have been allied since centuries and among the four the top village i.e, The ice has been choosen as the one leading *the hidden world of power* .

Lemme say you how they choose their leaders. In every fifty years they have a war and the one winning is choosen as the leading one :)

The next year is the completion of my father's rulling era and I have to stand for the king's position next year and I'm literally nervous to carry out a war!! Also I've never once killed a mosquito so then how am I supposed to carry out a full fledged war?!?!

Well another secret I'm telling you guys....

I'm in love with the Prince of the vampire's village (>~<). Now how am I supposed to carry out a war with the person I love?

I forgot to tell you all, the main rule of this World. A person can only marry another person of his own clan but if he marries a person of another clan he has to lose his everything! So now if I marry Yuzuru, the Prince of the vampire's village and the love of my life, I will lose my everything. But I can't afford to lose my EVERYTHING!! So as a result I'm still hiding these hidden feelings of mine since 10 years (btw I'm 14) and I'm already at my limit (ᗒᗩᗕ)

Luna Yamato here

Thanks for reading till here! Next

Chapter has a intimate love scene!!

There is development in Luna and

Ukyon's relationship and a



It's my first time writing a novel so hope you guys enjoy it (≧▽≦)

Also I've a cat whose name is Luna and that's where I get the idea for the name of the female lead XD

Unlike Luna my cat just poops around and eats :)) Also today he was about to spill coffee in my PC. Hopefully I caught him before he did that and then put in a box. Since then he has been trying desperately to come out of the box XD Later I took him out and fed him salmon :))

Thank you for reading and I will be sharing more stories of my dear demon cat XD

See ya

Stay safe!!

Luna_Yamato_5064creators' thoughts