
I Guess, Another World is Really Different

Akira, a weak boy after dying gets transmigrated in an anime world in a weak poor boy named Arthur. And with full hope to start a new life he proceeds but he only sees the dark side of world. Will he will lose to the dark side or he will keep hope in the darkness? Read to find out. --- This is a Kenja no Mago Fanfic. --- To support and read advance chapters, go to - ko-fi.com/mewriter

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82 Chs

Chapter 48. August and Arthur

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"So, are you ready for your opening speech?"

Arthur asked Shin who was looking over everywhere in search for someone. All of Shin's attention was on the crowd with numerous students. He didn't even respond his question and continued his search.

"Is he alright?"

Arthur came near August and asked him. After all, August is Shin's best friend.

"Hmm. He is searching for his friend."

August said, after remembering the talk of the night.

"So, it's a girl."

Arthur said and August nodded. August was indeed surprised that Arthur deduced that the person Shin was looking for was a girl. But then he looked Shin and understood anyone with high intelligence can easily guess it.

"So, Sage's grandson has finally found the way for his hell."

Arthur who was also strict and cold, smiled and cracked a joke. August at first waited a second, and then understood his joke and laughed.

"You're indeed funny. I thought you are always cold and calculating."

When he first saw Arthur, he saw his brilliance and his somewhat indifferent eyes. Arthur is indeed a good person and a funny one, but he shows this side only to Violet. In outside, to show no flaws in himself, he gives his cold appearance.

And August was a bit overwhelmed by it. And that's why he was cautious about him approaching Shin.

"You're right. I am a very rational person. But I am not some kind of tool. I am human, of course I will crack a joke or two normally."

To leave in this world, Arthur have always put his emotions behind his rational mind. Now, it has changed a bit since Violet's appearance in his life but the changes don't happen suddenly. Though now he contacts people with more goodwill, he still retains his indifferent self which comes out mostly during battles.

August looked at Arthur and Violet behind him and made up his mind.

"I'm sorry."

He bowed. As a prince, even if he is at fault, he shouldn't bow. As the supreme authority, he shouldn't lower his head. If someone sees it, it will affect not only his reputation but will also lower royal family's reputation.

And Arthur understands that far better than anyone. He was shocked to see the prince bowing to him.

"Why? Why are you apologizing to me?"

He was curious why the prince bowed to him.

"I was investigating the results, and found that your results were better than both of us. I wanted to change it, but couldn't do it because the academy already posted them in public. I want to say sorry for this negligence of royal family."

'I am shocked.'

Arthur's eyes widened.

'To think he would apologize over something like this… Interesting.'

Normally if someone else would be in August's position, he would ignore it. Most nobles know the fault but never acknowledge it. But August acknowledged it, and apologized to him taking responsibility for it even though Arthur is a commoner.

It didn't show in Arthur's face, but his favorability rose for August and royal family.

"It is alright. I don't hold grudges over something petty like this."

Hearing his response, August's eyes twitched.

How could this person say that this matter is petty?

This is the most famous magic academy. And getting first place can easily establish a place in society. Until now, all the first-place mages have gotten excellent deals from royal family, nobles or different countries.

For nobles it might not be a big deal expect for the reputation, but for commoners it is like a dream. Many commoners practice for being the number one student.

Yet, here was the abnormal variable – Arthur. He never cared about this, because he already has a secured future for himself.

'Sigh! I don't understand how geniuses think.'

August didn't put more pressure than this, and continued his talk with Arthur.

"By the way, where did you hear that joke?"

"Oh! It was during one of my travels. I was going and found a fellow traveler. And he was married. So, he told me the difficulties of being a married person."

Arthur lied with straight face. If he remembers, he found that quote in some random anime or manga in his previous life.

"It must be difficult for him."

Arthur looked at August sympathizing the imaginary traveler.

You're not even married; how could you understand the pain?

Arthur wanted to ask, but didn't.

'I wanted to find Cecily, but I guess…'

Shin came with a downcast face. Then he looked at both Arthur and August giving him a very teasing look.

"Damn! Don't make fun of me!"

He jumped on August and clutched him with his hand trying to punish him for teasing him. And then he heard a voice making him verry happy.

"Emm… Hello, it's been a while, Shin-san."

"Cecily! Right, you were also accepted too! Oh! And Maria too!"

"Don't make it sound like I'm not important!"


Arthur looked at the girls in front of Shin. From his enthusiasm, he understood the girl Shin was talking about is probably the blue haired girl with a big chest named Cecily, giving out a pure feeling like a small animal needing protection.

And beside the girl is probably her friend. The red haired with a demeanor completely opposite of Cecily, a wild and untamed.

'Wait! Aren't these girls…?'

Arthur remembered these girls from the time of the cliché accident he encountered in his first day into this city.

'Shin saved them that time.'

"I was a little worried since I didn't see you on the announcement day. And you're lining on his side, then it means…"

"Yeah. We're also in S class, Mr. Honors student!"

"We will be in the same class."

Hearing the girls' responses, Shin face was filled with happiness like no other.

"Look at his face. So much affection…"

"You're right. I don't know why he thinks nobody knows about it."

And August and Arthur looked at him, and wondered how people can't noticed the love overflowing from Shin's face.