
I Grow Stronger By Eating Dragons

Hiatus to focus on my other novel which I believe is leagues better than this one. Probably dropped forever, but who knows.

NecroBin · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

They are supposed to be stupid goblins that grew a bit too tall and wide!

"Fuck! Why are they so prepared for us anyway?! They are supposed to be stupid goblins that grew a bit too tall and wide!" Valla heard Tramil curse as he blocked two clubs with his shield while getting hit by two others.

Just in case their situation wasn't bad enough, the boss finally began to make his move.

Valla's eyes narrowed with grim determination as the orc chieftain, towering over the battlefield with his massive war axe, surged forward amidst the charging horde. She knew the pivotal moment had come, and she swiftly enacted her taunt skill, known as "Ironclad Challenge." With a thunderous roar, she drew the chieftain's attention away from Tramil and Scarlet, who were already overwhelmed by the onslaught.

The chieftain turned towards Valla, his eyes blazing with fury and bloodlust. His massive form loomed over her, dwarfing even her considerable stature. Valla braced herself, shield raised and warhammer at the ready, as more than twenty-five orcs closed in around her. Each swing of their axes and spears was met with the resounding clang of her shield and the crushing impact of her warhammer, though most hit their mark and her armor started accumulating a lot of damage.

Despite her valorous efforts, the sheer number of orcs encircling her made it an impossible task to prevail alone. Valla fought with unyielding resolve, every strike a testament to her strength and skill. Yet, the relentless assault began to wear her down. Her movements became slower, her breaths heavier, as fatigue and injuries accumulated.

Meanwhile, Scum and Tramil fought fiercely on their respective fronts. Scum's agile strikes and cunning maneuvers wreaked havoc among the orc ranks, creating openings and exploiting weaknesses wherever he could. Tramil, wielding his sword with precision and determination, cut down orc after orc, his eyes never leaving Valla's plight.

With each passing moment, Valla's situation grew more precarious. The orcs pressed in closer, their attacks becoming more coordinated and relentless. She knew that without immediate aid, her efforts would be in vain. She glanced briefly at Tramil and Scum, silently urging them to finish their opponents swiftly and come to her rescue but the picture she saw only reinforced her thought that she was alone for the time being. The experienced tanker knew that she was very likely to fall here as her injuries were starting to get severe, yet she didn't falter. She would go down first before she lets anyone else die on her watch. Her honor wouldn't allow her to have it any other way.

Just as the orc chieftain raised his massive axe, poised to strike Valla, a bestial roar pierced the chaotic battlefield. The adventurers and orcs alike turned their heads in confusion and fear as the ground seemingly trembled beneath them. Before anyone could react, a shadowy figure descended from the sky with swift speed.

It was a black creature, sleek and deadly, its form reminiscent of a monstrous predator. With a savage war cry, it lunged at the chieftain, targeting the unprotected spot around his neck. Its jaws snapped shut, teeth sinking deep into flesh, while its razor-sharp talons raked across the orc's face, tearing away skin and muscle. A gurgled scream of pain erupted from the chieftain as blood sprayed in all directions, staining the ground crimson.

The orc warriors, momentarily stunned by the sudden appearance of this airborne assailant, hesitated in their attack. Some backed away, fear flickering in their eyes as they witnessed their leader being savaged by the creature. Others, emboldened by their chieftain's plight, redoubled their efforts to overcome the adventurers.

Valla, still shielded by the intervention of the mysterious creature, seized the opportunity. With renewed vigor, she pushed back against the orcs surrounding her, her warhammer swinging in wide arcs that shattered bones and splintered armor. The tide of battle seemed to shift, if only momentarily, in favor of the adventurers.

Meanwhile, Tramil and Scum, momentarily forgotten by the orcs in the chaos, continued their own battles with renewed hope. Tramil's sword flashed in the sunlight as he pressed his advantage, while Scum darted through the melee like a shadow, exploiting the confusion to strike deadly blows from unexpected angles.

Above them all, the black creature continued its onslaught. It was a whirlwind of fangs and claws, relentless in its assault on the chieftain. With another vicious swipe of its talons, it gouged deeply into the orc's chest, eliciting another howl of agony. The chieftain staggered, blood pouring from his wounds, his strength waning.

The chieftain thrashed and roared in agony as he struggled to dislodge the relentless black creature from his back. With jaws clamped firmly around his neck, it refused to yield, even as the orc's desperate blows landed. They crashed to the ground together, the impact sending a shockwave through the battlefield.

Yet the creature held fast, its talons gouging deep into the chieftain's flesh. With savage determination, it clawed at the orc's face, tearing away the remaining eye in a gruesome display. Blood streamed down the chieftain's face as he flailed helplessly, his strength ebbing.

Before the other orcs could reach their leader's side, the creature struck one final blow. With a fierce bite to the chieftain's exposed neck, it delivered a fatal wound. Then, with a powerful flap of its wings, the creature launched itself into the sky, leaving behind a scene of chaos and confusion.

In swift succession, it descended upon Tramil's foes, catching them off guard and dispatching two with swift and lethal strikes. Then, without hesitation, it leaped into the midst of Valla's adversaries, using the adventurers as mere objects to make its murder spree easier. With calculated precision, it targeted the orcs distracted by Valla's onslaught, further sowing panic among their ranks.

The adventurers, momentarily stunned by the creature's brutal efficiency, regrouped and pressed their advantage. Tramil and Scum redoubled their efforts, capitalizing on the chaos created by their unexpected ally. Valla, empowered by the diversion, continued to hold the line against overwhelming odds.

Above them, the black creature circled like a shadowy specter, a harbinger of death to their enemies. With each strike, it demonstrated a cunning and ferocity that belied its youthful appearance. The orcs, now facing threats from both the adventurers and this mysterious predator, faltered in their advance. Not only did they have to watch their backs, but also the sky.