
I Grow Stronger By Eating Dragons

Hiatus to focus on my other novel which I believe is leagues better than this one. Probably dropped forever, but who knows.

NecroBin · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

So that is your name... Valdrakar.

Scarlet and the black dragon wyrmling traveled back through the thick forest for hours until they reached a well-hidden cave. The journey was long and arduous, but Scarlet's excitement never wavered. She followed the dragon with unwavering determination, her heart racing with anticipation.

When they finally arrived at the cave, Scarlet took a moment to examine her surroundings. The entrance was concealed by overgrown vines and thick foliage, making it nearly invisible to the untrained eye. She pushed past the greenery and stepped inside, her eyes widening in awe.

The cave was extremely barebones, its rocky walls and floor devoid of any decorations or treasures. Despite its simplicity, to Scarlet, it was the most magnificent place she had ever seen. She couldn't contain her excitement and let out a cute squeal of delight. This was her first time inside a dragon's lair, and the very thought filled her with boundless joy.

"This is... amazing!" Scarlet exclaimed, her voice echoing off the cave walls. She looked around, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "I've never been inside a dragon's lair before. Thank you for bringing me into your home!"

The black dragon wyrmling watched her with a curious gaze, its sharp eyes taking in her every movement. Scarlet's enthusiasm seemed to please the young dragon, and it let out a low, rumbling grunt in response.

The red-colored dragonewt began exploring her new surroundings, marveling at the hidden sanctuary the young dragon had found for himself. The cave was concealed by thick foliage and a nearly invisible entrance, making it a perfect hideout.

Entering the main chamber, Scarlet's eyes widened at the sight of the expansive, naturally formed cavern. The ceiling arched high above, with stalactites hanging like ancient teeth from the darkness. Soft light filtered through narrow cracks in the cave walls, casting an ethereal glow that danced on the rough stone surfaces. The floor was uneven, with patches of moss and lichen giving it a surprisingly soft texture underfoot.

In the center of this large chamber, there was a shallow pool of crystal-clear water, fed by a small stream that trickled down one wall, its gentle sound creating a soothing ambiance. Scarlet knelt by the water's edge, dipping her fingers into the cool liquid. She smiled, realizing that Valdrakar had a reliable water source to keep him hydrated during his time in the cave.

To the side of the main chamber, she discovered a narrow passage leading to a smaller, more intimate space. This secondary chamber was cozier, with a lower ceiling and walls adorned with faint, bioluminescent fungi that cast a soft, blue glow. It was here that Valdrakar seemed to have made his true home. A bed of leaves, moss, and other soft materials was arranged in one corner, forming a makeshift nest where the young dragon could rest comfortably.

The walls of the smaller chamber were smoother, almost polished, as if water had once flowed through and worn them down over centuries. A few small, polished stones and shiny trinkets were scattered around, perhaps collected by Valdrakar in moments of curiosity or instinct. Scarlet's gaze lingered on these items, touched by the dragon's semblance of a hoard, no matter how humble.

As she continued her exploration, Scarlet noticed something unusual on one of the walls of the smaller chamber. Curiosity piqued, she walked closer and squinted in the dim light to see better. There, carved into the stone with meticulous precision, were the letters "Valdrakar's Hold."

She traced the letters with her scaly fingertips, feeling the rough edges of each one. A smile spread across her face as she whispered, "So that is your name... Valdrakar." Her voice was soft and dreamy, filled with a sense of wonder. "Valdrakar. Valdrakar. Valdrakar!" She cheerily repeated the name a few times, swirling her tongue to change the pronunciation a little each time.

Valdrakar growled, making her come back from wonderland and turn around to fixate her attention on him. He approached her and made a bowing gesture, which she quickly grasped the meaning of as she lowered herself to be on the same height level as her lord.

He got even closer to Scarlet as he gently touched her forehead with his snout. The young dragon focused his energy, his eyes glowing with a soft, ethereal light. Scarlet felt a warm, tingling sensation spreading from the point of contact, and she closed her eyes, letting the sensation wash over her.

In the darkness behind her closed eyelids, blurry images began to form. She saw her master change from a cute little wyrmling into a larger, more powerful and menacing dragon. She saw him lying still in the cave, surrounded by a faint, shimmering aura. The image conveyed a sense of deep vulnerability and the passage of time, suggesting that the transformation process was not instantaneous.

Next, she saw herself standing guard over his resting form, protecting him loyally from unseen threats. The image was clear and vivid, imbuing her with a strong sense of purpose and urgency. She understood that he wanted her to protect him.

Soul Share. This was one of the many innate abilities some of the dragon species had. Just another example why they were truly the greatest beings.

Scarlet opened her eyes, the glow in the dragon's eyes fading as he stepped back. She met his gaze with newfound determination and understanding.

"I understand, Master," she said softly, great conviction evident in her tone. "You need to evolve, and you want me to protect you while you do so. I won't let anything harm you, even if I have to lay my life down to do so, this I vow."

He gave a satisfied rumble, happy that she had understood his silent instruction. He moved to the center of the second chamber where his makeshift bed was and began to prepare himself for the transformation, lying down and curling his body into a ball protectively. Scarlet took up her position near the entrance of the cave, her senses heightened and her resolve steeled.

As he closed his eyes and began to focus on his inner transformation, Scarlet stood guard, ready to face any threat that dared approach her master's home. As a healer, she was far from the ideal woman for the job, but she would do her best, that was certain. She looked back at her lord's vulnerable form and squealed inwardly, "I can't believe I actually get to witness a true dragon's evolution! This is a reward not even my old tribe's elders received, I'm sure of it! I joined that human party on a whim, stuck with them through their long and pathetic orc hunt which lasted for months as I had nothing better to do, and got rewarded this much! Blessed be thee, O' Great Mother, for giving me a second chance. Now I just have to fervently pray that Master accepts me after I reveal that…"