
I Grow Stronger By Eating Dragons

Hiatus to focus on my other novel which I believe is leagues better than this one. Probably dropped forever, but who knows.

NecroBin · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

Papaya or Mango?!

Scarlet approaches me, her eyes light up, and a broad smile spreads across her face. She takes the bright yellow papaya, its sweet fragrance filling the air, and eagerly brings it to her lips.

She bites into the tender flesh, and her expression immediately transforms into one of pure delight. Her eyes close, savoring the sweetness, and a soft hum of contentment escapes her lips. Her cheeks puff out adorably as she chews, the juice trickling down her chin.

Scarlet's enthusiasm is infectious, and I watch her with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction. I've never watched another being eat, at least not so intently. I wonder if I have the dragon equivalent of such a blessed expression on my face when I consume my meals. Probably not. She did starve for days after all, something I hope to never have to experience, which is quite likely with my dimensional storage being filled with so much food as is.

She holds the fruit with both hands, her fingers sticky with its nectar, and takes another big bite. Her eyes open, sparkling with joy, and she looks up at me with a smile so brilliant that it instantly makes me content as well. It feels strange. I didn't gain anything, in fact I shared my own hunt with someone else. It should be a tragedy, something that must be lamented. For some reason I don't understand. I feel the opposite.

"This is so delicious, My Lord! Thank you so much!" she says, her voice muffled by the mouthful of fruit. She giggles, a sound as sweet as the papaya she's eating, or is it a mango? I really should ask her for clarification.

Her enjoyment is a sight to behold. Each bite is taken with such enthusiasm, and the way her face lights up with each taste is utterly charming. She looks almost childlike in her joy, and the happiness radiating from her is palpable. I heavily prefer meat over fruits but she makes them seem so tasty that I can't hold myself back and devour a dozen or so pieces. Naturally, using my real organs to do so. It wouldn't be a feast otherwise.

As she finishes the first, I offer her another, and she accepts it with a grateful nod. Her movements are quick but careful, and she eats with an endearing eagerness that makes me chuckle softly.

She continues to eat for a few more minutes, her expression one of pure bliss. Scarlet licks her fingers clean, her eyes closing in contentment once more. She looks up at me, her expression glowing with gratitude and happiness.

"Thank you, My Lord. This was wonderful," she says softly, her voice filled with warmth.

I glance at the boar lying on the ground. "What about this one? Would you like to try? It is supposed to be the main attraction of the meal after all."

She follows my eyes and looks uncertain. "Umm… My Lord, I can't really eat more… What's more, getting a boar ready to be eaten takes a lot more preparation than simple fruits." 

Ah. She did say she can't eat them raw. I wonder what that is about. I'm really curious but as I take a deeper look into her eyes I realize that I had forgotten that she was not only malnourished but exhausted as well. Her momentary excitement washed it away but after eating to her heart's content it seems to have come back twice as strong.

"Alright. There's nothing to be worried about. Go rest now. The fruits should be nutritious enough that once you get a good sleep you will feel much better. We can have a real feast then." 

She feels hesitant, but I can visibly see the wave of tiredness wash over her. "Thank you, My Lord. Where may I rest?" She relents easily.

"Hmm…" I ponder for a moment. "I used the second chamber as my sleeping room but I've grown out of it. You should take it while I start making the first, bigger chamber mine. There should still be a lot of forest foliage on the floor to use as a cushion."

Scarlet hesitates, clearly uneasy. She shifts from foot to foot, glancing back towards the second chamber and then at me. Her reluctance is palpable, and I can sense there's something more on her mind.

"Is there something wrong with the second chamber?" I ask, trying to understand her trepidation.

"No, My Lord, it's just…" She pauses, biting her lip. "Ah, I really shouldn't. Please ignore my actions." She dodged my question and began walking towards her chamber.

I don't feel like forcing her. By now she should be aware that she is allowed to speak up should she wish to do so. I watch as she makes her way to the second chamber, her steps slow and weary. She glances back at me once, offering a tired but sincere smile before disappearing into the dim recesses of the cave. The soft rustling of foliage confirms she has settled down.

With Scarlet resting, I begin to survey the first chamber. It's spacious enough to accommodate my growing size, but it will require some adjustments to make it comfortable. I use my talons to clear away debris and rearrange the foliage to create a suitable sleeping area. The process is somewhat therapeutic, the rhythmic motion of my claws against the stone floor calming my thoughts.

Once satisfied with my new sleeping arrangements, I settle down, curling my body into a relaxed position. I may've recently woken up from my evolutionary slumber, but I don't feel well rested at all. It makes sense to me, as my body was forced to undergo a great transformation in a matter of days. It must've been very stressful for me physically. I can somehow tell that I've been very speedy with my evolution, that might've played a role in my tiredness.

The coolness of the cave, combined with the softness of the foliage, provides a sense of tranquility. I easily drift off to dreamland where I envision myself rampaging in a big settlement with all my stats in the five digits and myself being significantly bigger. I tower over even the tallest trees! How glorious…