
I got transmigarated into my grandfather’s unfinished novel

Aryan’s grandfather has a strange quill. Anything which it writes can become a world of its own….. And then he ends up getting transmigarated in grandfather’s unfinished book *** The first world/book :- Set in 1980s Mumbai when the underworld, gang wars and mafia were at their most powerful and influential in the city (Disclaimer:-No Romance) **** Aryan is a freelancer who often goes on various explorations in dangerous places. He has many skills and is in search of his missing parents. He will do anything even kill to find out the truth about his parents.

Revinsane · Fantaisie
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23 Chs


"I never really thought it would be this bloody"

Osho suddenly spoke surprising Aryan.

They both were walking towards the sounds of the gun fire.

Osho continued

"I joined the gang because I was jobless, there were no jobs available which payed enough. I needed money to educate my son and daughter"

Aryan did not say anything and just listened

Osho said

"My wife died during child birth and I raised my twins on my own, of course with a little support here and there"

He suddenly chucked

"Hahaha I wonder why I am opening up to you suddenly like this? Maybe the gun fight was too much for me? Or maybe you feel a big different"

Aryan was about to reply when he heard the sirens of the police van. He grabbed Osho's hand and hid behind a traffic block board in order to wait for the police van to pass.

"Ne now ne now" the police sirens rang out.

The police soon came and stopped directly in front of the traffic board behind which Aryan and Osho were hiding.

The police door opened and slightly overweight police officer walked out. He had khakhi coloured overcoat and sharp and experienced eyes.

There was thin and clean shaven man following behind him.

The overweight police officer stopped in front of the traffic board a metre away from Aryan.

He took out his tambakoo and put it in his mouth. While the clean shaven man took an out a lighter to light the tambakoo.

After inhaling and blowing out a round circle do smoke the overweight police officer said

"Brief me on the current situation?"

"Yes sir"

Aryan's ears perked up and he payed close attention to the conversation with the police officer.

The clean shaven took his notes and read

"According to our journalist Dakshita Kulkarni had recently exposed the criminal syndicate of Vadaraijanna Mudaliar. The exposure of his heinous crime caused the support from the Tamil community in matunga and Dharavi to dissolve. The 'D- company syndicate took advantage of this to invade the Mudaliar gangs territory and start a gang war. Presently their aim seems to be taking over the territories of Muduliar gang."

The overweight inspector signed and said

"It would have been fine if a dog bites another dog. But these bastards are involving innocent bystanders involving innocent people in their stupid gang war as well"

Aryan who was listening widened his eyes at the mention of a certain name

'Darshita Kulkarni isn't that name the protagnist in Grandfathers unfinished novel!?'

Osho was finding it a bit uncomfortable to sit in crouching position for so long. In addition to the mosquitoes hovering and biting him it was far too unbearable. He tried to move, accidentally bumping into Aryan.

Aryan was shoved ahead suddenly and ended up pushing the traffic board over.

The overweight man and clean shaven police officers were startled when the traffic board fell over. They jumped back, in a hurry and looked back only to see two people crouching down in an eavesdropping position. Both of them were holding a pistol in their hands as well.

Osho and Aryan "...…"

The police officers "....."

Osho wanted to runaway and before Aryan could say anything the police officers had already taken out their pistols and said

"Drop you guns and put your hands behind your head!"

Osho and Aryan froze, they couldn't runaway without the danger of being shot by the police. And even if they were shot it would be simply be declared an 'Encounter'.

Osho and Aryan slowly dropped their pistols on the grounds and put their hands behind their head.

The police officers came forward and confiscated their pistols. Grabbed the two men and dragged them into the police van.

As Aryan was handcuffed and pushed in the back of the police van he had one thought in his mind

'What's going to happen now?'