

Cheng high school. Today is the most important day of your life says the dean as he sees a worried look spread across a group students including our mc.Our MC name is Jin and his best friend ho as ho tries to express his nervesnes to which race he will get Jin and our mc says with your fat body you will get the harden soldier as ho says I am not that fat and our mc laughs and says ok.

As the first person steps up he got grasshopper race as his qualification was too low and many people got fire ability race and it was our mc friend turn as he got the harden soldier race and cheers echoed throughout the field and next was our mc and alot of people were wondering what he will get and as he stepped up onto the stage.

He got a builder race and people were stunned and then they burst out laughing and he him self was shocked and then a voice in his mind says builder race system awaken.As he stepped down alot of people were giggling and 1 even said look the top student who is he now a worthless race and challenges him to a fight in 4 weeks and next up was the person who challenged our mc to the fight and he got fire and water attributes race and people were jealous of him.And he started boosting about him self and fast forwards to when our mc is in his house he is static that he finally awekened and then he started exploring the system.

He selects on the button that transports him to his world he sees ten builder standing there then the system issues a quest and says dig a pit deap enough to kill low level monsters and rewards will be according to the job done and then. Next chapter will be here in a while thank you for the support 😊😊😊💞💞💞😊😊😊