
I got reincarnated with a kingdom building system

John was one day jumping on his trampoline when it broke and he died ________________________________________ |[hello you are the new host of the kingdom | building system ]. | ________________________________________ .....wait what I now have a system and it looks like I’m in a white space that looks like it goes on forever I hope you like this book!

Aiden_Karaffa · Fantaisie
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The raid of the hacker


[you can now raid other ponds and get raided]


"What do you mean by raid"


[you can attack or be attacked]


"Wait so why do you make it so we fight others if they were also where people to" asked


[I like war]



[you can also name your kingdom]


"I feel like you are just avoiding what you just said" John said


[kingdom now]

I fell like you are just avoiding what you just said



Grfdhffhfidgggegegdhhdbfhdhjejdn GB Thoth

Kingdom now now nowwwwwwww



"What just happed "asked John


[You are now bebebebeing raidddddddeddd]


I giant Hole opens up and out came a small fish

"Hello "said the fish

{fish has stuffy British accent}

"I have been sent to give you a message "the fish continued "my master thinks you will be a good addition to his group he can hack the system so this will not be remembered by the system "

What?!? John said

"Uggh my master is willing to give you hacks he has learned that the system has had millions of billions of "users" from different worlds and all of them die "


If you join you will gain the power not to die but you must keep this a secret from the system

"If it will help me live "John said" I guess I will join"


Welcome to the hacker system menu

/kill ___

/spawn ___

/give _____


Sorry some stuff happened and I almost burned my house down

Aiden_Karaffacreators' thoughts