
I got reincarnated in the world of One Punch Man

Warning: The story is exceedingly dark and contains explicit mature and gore scenes. Don't be surprised if the name of the main character in this fanfiction is the same as that of the main character in my other fanfiction. Because they are the same person, but I made it appear that there is another multiverse in which my main character reincarnated into various Anime worlds Q: Rather than having to separate them, why didn't the Author combine them into a single Fanfiction story? A: It would be extremely inconvenient and confusing. Do you really want to? For example, reading fanfiction where the main character travels to another Anime world every few tens of chapters. Q: Rather than using the same main character, why doesn't the Author create a variety of unique main characters for each fanfiction she creates? A: I genuinely think it will be troublesome and exhausting. After all, I want my main character to have the same outlook and nature. I have a Patreon where I post many NSFW illustrations of various fanfiction characters I've created, and you can also get access to 20+ early chapters ahead of time; your support is greatly appreciated. patre0n.com/Instamoist

InstaMoist · Anime et bandes dessinées
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170 Chs

Deep Sea King event

"ahhh...♡ Kaiser, if you squeeze my boobs that hard, I just can't...♡ mmmh...♡"

"Fubuki, your large boobs are so stunningly attractive. it would be a shame if I ignored them..."

Still in the same car and maintaining the same position, Kaiser enthusiastically squeezed and groped Fubuki's chest. Even though it was hindered by the tight clothes she was wearing, seeing how Kaiser's fingers were sinking showed how soft and supple Fubuki's boobs were.

"Are you satisfied now... now it's your turn to do such perverted things secretly behind Lily's back..."

Kaiser continued to whisper in Fubuki's ear while their eyes were fixed on Lily, who was standing outside and was unaware of what they were up to.

"I don't... nnggh...♡ this is all because you forced me... so it's not my fault... mmmh....♡ don't pull it… arghh…♡"

Fubuki will groan in a seductive voice that is different from Lily's cute groan. Her body is also already wet with sweat, which makes her give off the scent of an adult woman, causing my dick to twitch a few times.

Kaiser furrowed his brows when suddenly he saw people running helter-skelter across the street. They looked scared as if trying to avoid something, so he stopped what he was doing for the time being.

Fubuki, who was confused as to why Kaiser had suddenly stopped, then turned her head and looked at him. But Kaiser simply smiled and kissed her before she could ask anything.

"We will continue later, okay," said Kaiser as he affectionately kissed Fubuki's soft red lips one last time before moving away from her.

Fubuki's heart, which was already beating quickly, was getting out of control, and her face was also getting hot. Even forgot what she was going to say, but a knock on her car window woke her up.

Lily looked like she wanted to say something, and Fubuki lowered the window before the girl with the ponytail hair reported, "Fubuki-sama, it seems we are having trouble here, I just heard screams and voices asking for help not far from here."

"Monster attack? Has the Hero Association made any announcement yet?" questioned Fubuki in a solemn tone, though a hint of her flushed face could still be seen.

"No, the Hero Association has not provided me with any information."

"Maybe because the attack just happened," commented Fubuki and Lily, who heard it nodded in agreement.

Kaiser muttered, "Don't tell me that event happened today, what a coincidence," as he seemed to be thinking about something else at the same time.

"Do you know anything about this, Kaiser?" asked Fubuki when she saw that Kaiser seemed to be hiding something.

"Lily, you've already called the other members of the Blizzard Group, right? You better hurry up and help those people."

When Kaiser ignored her question, Fubuki became slightly suspicious, but before she could say anything, Kaiser had already gotten out of the car and seemed to have a conversation with Lily.

"Lily, you can definitely do it, and if you're in trouble I'll help you," after encouraging Lily, Kaiser then stroked her head before giving a small push, causing Lily to smile and become even more excited.



Fubuki then approached Kaiser, who was currently looking at Lily, who was running away excitedly while waving her hand, and Fubuki couldn't help but make a comment:

"Why are you giving orders to her? Lily is my secretary, you know."

"Do you see how happy she is? I believe she would rather listen to what I say than what you, who are always so stern and irritable."

"Kaiser, you bastard-" Fubuki was on the verge of losing her temper when suddenly Kaiser suddenly grabbed her hand and said:

"Come on. It's time to farm your contribution in Class A," Kaiser then ran while firmly holding Fubuki's hand. Unbeknownst to Kaiser, Fubuki was currently smiling as her gaze remained fixed on him.

'ahhh, I don't know anymore... this guy is really strange... but somehow I'm more excited now than I was before,' said Fubuki to herself, and her hand started to grip back on Kaiser's hand tightly.


Along the street, where many people were fleeing, Fubuki and I went in the opposite direction, getting closer to the beach, where the monsters might appear.


"Grrrr... humans! now is the time for you to perish, we Seafolk are fed up with how you pollute this planet..."

As Fubuki and I got closer to the area, we could hear a deafening roar accompanied by a condescending tone of voice, but I was somewhat accustomed to the events by this point.

'That line, is the Deep Sea King event already here,' I thought with a smile as soon as I saw the figure of a gigantic monster with an octopus head not far.

"What should we do, Kaiser?" Fubuki asked, and it seemed as though she wasn't too worried anymore after seeing her opponent, who was only one and didn't look too strong.

I didn't answer right away because I remembered, with the appearance of this monster, a passing hero who was rumored to be Saitama, defeated him with a single punch, and then a few days later, the Deep Sea King appeared with his men.

My eyes immediately lit up when I saw Lily's figure not far away, she was busy managing the citizens who were running around in panic, but I then called out to her:

"Lily, come here."

When Lily saw me, she hastily ran over to me, and when Lily saw the figure of a giant monster with an octopus head standing in front of Fubuki and me, her body immediately began to shake as she hurriedly took out her staff.

"This will be good training for you Lily, this monster is your opponent now."
