
Chapter 1

As I said before in the intro. My name is Alex Harper and I am now somehow in the body of Tenzo from the Naruto world.....you guys wanna know my backstory right?

I'm guessing you probably don't but I'm going to tell you it anyway.


Grandfather: Come on Alex! I know that you can do a lot better then that against your old man

The person you are hearing is my grandfather. He is quite stern and very ferocious at times.....but he is probably the most kindest person I have ever known. He is currently trying to make me beat him in a sparring match

Alex: Well I am putting in a lot of effort gramps but you are just well more skilled then I am

My grandfather smiles and boosts his ego a bit

Grandfather: That is true. You should fear when a old man is still alive in a profession where they die young

He is a marital artist. I've never known anyone who has died from that profession!!

Alex: You have a point there gramps

He doesn't have a point there.

Grandfather: We will take a break there Alex. I must say that you have gotten a lot better at martial arts as well...It must be your hair

Alex looks at a mirror

Alex: How can you even assume that gramps!? I become better just because I cut my hair a bit? I'm not Saitama you know!

Grandfather: Who?

Alex: N-no one...

What many people don't know is that I am a massive anime fan. Especially Naruto which is such a goated anime!

Grandfather: And have you gotten a girlfriend yet Alex? I'm getting older and weary! I've got to see your offspring at least once

Alex: It's hard Gramps! But I've been focusing on my job a lot more

Grandfather: But there has to be girls at your job right?

My grandfather nudges me causing me to chuckle and smile

Alex: Yeah....im going to go on a expedition with one of the girls at my work place anyway

Grandfather: You could count that as a date right?

Alex: N-no...

I blush a bit scratching the back of my head while smiling

Grandfather: I see.....


It had been a couple of days since I had been with my grandfather and was now getting ready to go on my expedition. I am a researcher who tends to research a lot about plants and wildlife....that may seem boring but to me that is absolutely amazing

Orimura: Hurry up Alex! We can't miss this opportunity!

Alex: I'm coming in coming...relax Orimura!

Orimura is my workmate at my laboratory that I work at...and she is also someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with

Orimura: We have to go and see those new plants that the boss told us to research about

Alex: I want to see them as well

Orimura: So hurry up then!

Alex: Okay okay....

We both get on the boat that the boss got for us and begin to make our way towards the island

Orimura: So....bave you been up to anything lately?

Alex: Just the usual to be honest, sparing with my grandfather, watching and reading some anime and just looking at wildlife. What about you?

Orimura: I have been getting more and more into bird watching you know! It's so fascinating to watch them-

I couldn't really care about what she was on about....the only thing that I was looking at was her face....and her hair moving with the wind and the sound of the voice just sending me right into a trance-

Orimura: Alex!! Can you hear me?!

I snap out of my little trance and look to Orimura smiling

Alex: Yeah I could, sorry I was just lost in thought

Orimura: Oh...okay

I look out into the distance while Orimura was quite close next to me as we enjoy the ocean's breeze while the boat is taking us to the island....


Seems things have a turn for the worst as there turned out to be a massive storm while we were going to the island and it just happened to be here right now

Alex: This is not good!

The boat was tossing and turning over and over. It seems that the boat wasn't really made for something like this

Orimura: We could try and steer it away from all of the crashing waves-

Orimura screams as she starts to get pulled back from the way that waves were rocking the boat

Alex: Orimura!!

I jump to save her as I successfully do pushing her out it of the way as I breathe a sigh of relief

Alex: At least she is safe...

Well I forgot about myself. Turns out the ship's mast had fallen down and I happened to be right below it.

Alex: Shi-

It smacks me right in the stomach and forcing the whole ship down...basically sinking it

Orimura: Alex!!!!

I was slowly passing out while looking at Orimura's beautiful face

Alex: Well....i guess I'm going to die. Maybe I should do what those isekai people do and just say what they want to happen

I rack my brain to try and think of something to say....as I finally get it

Alex: I wish I could be more with trees and wildlife....that...would really...m-make...my....world...

My eyes close. I feel coldness coming all over me as I just feel emptiness until.....


I open my eyes somehow thinking that I am alive

Tenzo: I am alive?

I start to touch myself (Pause!) to see if it is really me...but I realise that this isn't really me

Tenzo: What is going on with me?

I walk around the place I am in for a bit until I find a mirror. I look inside it and am horrified by what I see

Tenzo: I've....


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