
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantaisie
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58 Chs


The arc was over, i had rested in there for a few more days, learning to create runes more efficiently, learned more about magic, learned a few magic abilities too!

And improved my weapon mastery, overall i got a lot stronger, if i had fought that mentally ill magician again...

I'd probably last 15 more minutes, it doesnt seem a lot has changed but i did only last 4 minutes in the previous fight.

To me that is considered a lot though! The increase in strength felt like how a lord has gained 5 knights. (Swamp castle refrence)

As we were gonna say our goodbyes, aino hugged me goodbye, along with a kiss! And let's just face it...

The person reading this gets no bitches...

After saying the goodbyes, i finally set off towards human civilization! I'd need to get stronger too still, and the golems would help, but not that much.

Besides, the things i need are in human civilizations... as i was walking heading towards the nearest city from here, i heard the sounds of battle.

I climbed a tree and travelled that way, by jumping from tree to tree, until i saw it. A carriage being attacked by bandits.

But instead of charging ahead i remained, one thing that aino taught me is that charging head in not knowing anything might be bad.

The carriage guards fought valiantly but were met with defeat. The people inside the carriage, probably nobles.

Coming out knowing the defeat of their guards. There are 3 of them, a woman and 2 males, possibly her bodyguard.

She asks "what did we ever do for you to cause this much bloodshed?" After hearing that, i was about to charge in when i hear a man filled with injuries said "what did you do? You killed our families!"

Then i set still once more, the woman replied with "why blame me for the mistakes done by my parents? Im innocent!" I was once again about to move until...

Another bandit walks up and throws a necklace at the floor in front of the noble and said "remember this? This is the necklace of the woman you executed, all because of your mistakes! She was my sister... she wouldn't a crime even if she was desperate..."

Then i sat back down again. the woman replying "i am sorry for that happening... but i did not have a choice! There was a spy in the castle and your sister was a suspect!"

And another bandit came to her, and said "and why did that happen? Right because you personally ordered a raid on a village of another lord!"

To be honest i just sat down completely, fuck helping! I dont even know who's in the wrong here.

Then there was enough talking, and everyone just rushed at her. Her along with her bodyguards proved quite the fight, for a noble she fought well.

A sword was about to behead her until she unexpectedly grew her nails into meters long and blocked the blow. Then grabbed the assailant's throat and sank her mouth in his neck.

She's a vampire, i was just standing up when the person she was draining suddenly overpowered her and bit her back in the neck.

He was also a monster, so were the bodyguards. They started a brutal battle.

This time i wasnt going to sit back down... i called out alice and she popped up beside me, i asked her if i use the other system for a moment.

Then she smirked at me and said "didn't you say you would never use me?" I jested saying "hey, the bed gets lonely." As she giggled in reply.

Then she agreed but asked what i was gonna use it for. I replied with "just watch." I felt my old power again, i could see the power flowing in my veins.

i missed this, putting both of my hands in the air i had summoned a gigantic meteor, aiming at the battle, i shouted out "FUCK THIS PLOT TWIST SHIT!" And incinerated everything in site...