
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantaisie
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58 Chs


With a makeahift blademaster as my opponent... obviously i'd fucking lose! Throwing a bottle of slightly pure holy water at it did absolutely nothing!

The root of the tree begins to attack me with its blade, as if having a mind of its own, its trying to make me cut into its woody flesh.

Knowing full well it would melt the sword making me lose my advantage...

What i need to do is reduce its acidity level... and for that i'd need water...

But if i do that, when it finishes consuming it, the acidity will lessen, but the amount of acid will increase...

Which is technically more deadly... as it kept swinging at me i just parry at it, being careful at its extremely acidic tentacle root.

I jumped back gaining some space, then took out my bow and an explosive arrow. 2 things can happen here. The acid melts the arrow before it explodes.

Or it would explode, the acid spraying everywhere and melting my face off! I'll take my chances...

The tentacle burrows down and appears in front of me, i aimed my arrow jumped back and shouted "eat this you piece of shit!"

And then released, the arrow collided, and melted. Then suddenly the sword burst into a green flame... it adapted...

I shouted out "motherfucker i cant even parry that without melting my face off!"

Then the tree root charged at me, i jumped back again, the only way i can help aino is by distracting more of the tentacles.

Looking at aino, a majority of her armor has been melted off. Taking an explosive arrow from my inventory i shot at a group of root tentacles, this time at the ground.

Then the tentacle i was facing swung at me. It was already too late to dodge, so i sacrificed my bow and blocked it.

The acid behin to spray on my outfit and it starts to melt. Even if it was acid proof it was still a bit useless...

Suddenly 4 tentacle roots rose from the ground in front of me, and 2 behind me. I dropped my broken bow and started to run screaming "HEEEEELLLPPP!!!!"

The other golems came to the rescue, and after 15 minutes we won...

Aino is half naked though and we are just stating at her...

I took out a suit of armor i looted when me and skyler changed history and gave it to aino.

Aino looks at me and smiles slightly and says "sorry about your bow..." i hugged her from behind and said "no problem, i'll just use another one."

We started to loot the plant monster and dispose it properly... by me taking it and putting it in my inventory and deleting it from existence!

The only loot we could really take was just its bark, because the acid melts the glass...

We then headed back home, as i watch over aino. She is a cute person... for a millenia old golem i suppose... i patted her head as we continued to walk... knowing i will be leaving soon enough...