
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantaisie
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58 Chs


We were on a tent because we took a break considering it was almost nightfall, it was a long moment of silence before he said "how much for the artifact?"

I immediately said "not for sale." then he stared into my eyes, "then I'll just get it another way..."

I raised an eyebrow and asked "you gonna steal it?" he looked at me surprised "what? No! Wait... Maybe!" looking all around after each word, he sighs and said "I'm gonna try to replicate it, as long as it isn't created by someone from the past 200 years i can replicate it..."p

I looked at him dumbfounded, there's only 3 possibilities he can do it, new magic, he creates spells, or... He's a system user too!

So i asked him "how do you know how to replicate?" he smiled and said "I'm guessing you already know how rare... We are."

I chuckled, i guess that answered my question, i gave him the book for him to replicate, and asked "how long will it take?"

"about 2 hours." he replied, so i stood guard for 2 hours, after he was done he gave it back to me. I asked him "I'm curious... What system do you have?"

He replied "the scholar's system, i can analyse, replicate, and use any artifact that wasn't made within the past 200 years."

I examined both the book and the replica, then asked "is this the exact same?" he shook his head then said "no, the replica only contains 60% of the original artifact's power, that's the limit of my power..."

I took the original then left, saying "it's late, you should rest I'm gonna stand guard..." well nothing uneventful happened at all, some scout wolves came but they left knowing our numbers.

2 kilometers away we were disrupted, this time by golems, these golems are too strong for us to handle, too fast for us to run away from, so when the golem appeared, we hid, these golems are about 5-6.5 feet tall, these golems aren't normal golems...

The golems i know are stony... These look almost humane! They have everything! Even clothes! Magic really changed everything...

After they disappeared from our sights we continued our journey. Then i walked to our leader and asked "Hey lead, can you tell me about the golems?"

He replied "just call me tarkarva, also 120 years ago when golems used to be just stony giants, but with the increase of magic they evolved, their cores compressed and became more powerful, along with their bodies, it turned from stone to something steel like... From the texts they used to be 25-33 meters tall... That's all i know."