
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantaisie
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58 Chs


The wolves started bombarding us with spears, but thankfully most of us can cast barrier magic to block the spears, except me.

So instead i just cut the incoming spears with my sword, it seemed like they ran out of spears to throw, suddenly a siege machine came crashing the trees it run past, it's a battering ram with magical enhancements...

I shouted out "explosives!" then as i ordered, they drew and everyone fired. However no arrow pierced through the battering ram, it was elemental resistant...

Thankfully though I've done enough to increase my agility for me to use my ring's ability! I put mana on my ring and then a shadow assassin appeared and said "I'm ready to serve!"

I ordered him "go kill their leader, that man over there fusing the monsters together!" he looked at him and said "i cannot I'm afraid... But with some equipment!" then i gave him kane's dagger and increased its poison content, enough to kill a lion in 3 seconds.

He took it, nodded, and said "consider it done!" after our conversation i saw an entire tree flying towards us, they tried casting a barrier but it was destroyed, and it made a breach to the walls.

Looking at the battlefield i saw a gigantic beast, jewelry on its neck and arms, and wearing armor aswell... This will be a great advantage! I shot an insanity arrow, but nothing happened...

So i shot 3 more, and it destroyed another part of the walls, so i ordered one group to fire insanity arrows with me, and it finally worked!

But not before throwing another tree and making a breach on the left side... Every single one of the beasts charged, not caring about the left over mines.

5 got left behind to take care of the assassin i sent, things got heated so we released the flaming logs and literally dropped the tar cauldron and destroyed the battering ram.

Sadly though they brought another ram, the beasts were mostly dead, but one mistake and all of us can die because we were still outnumbered.

And the beasts have penetrated through the walls, however we penetrated through them aswell. We had won, but we forgot about the insane giant, it rush towards the city.

It killed a few of us and destroyed the walls, some buildings, the academy, the barracks, warehouse, granary, before it finally died... Hitting it's head in the city walls after tripping on some trees.

And my assassin did it's job and disappeared, we had finally won, and i have fainted from not having much strength left in me.