
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantaisie
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58 Chs


I tried to leave but apparently... Apparently there was an entire army outside the cave, and skyler found her way into me while the army surrounded the area, except this side.

She asked me "what's going on?" then i told her everything as fast as i can. And she told me "bring me to him."

And so we did it seems his majesty wasn't too glad i came back with a friend "you brought a friend with you? Why?" he looks like he's telling us to leave.

Skyler said "your majesty Henry, it is nice to finally meet you."she then looked at me and said "remember that sword i gave you? Give it to him."

She said so with a hopeful look, i sighed then opened up my system and gave it to him. He was shocked of what he had seen.

Then skyler explained "this sword was entrusted to my great grandfather, from the king's great grandfather. Said to only give it to the king, when the royal family is in mortal danger."

Then i bowed offering the sword and skyler said "and now your majesty... We would like to return to you... The sword of royale history!"

The king was hesitant at first, but then he took the sword, and the runes glowed yellow, and his eyes turned yellow then he said "follow me."

And we all followed him outside the cave, and outside was an entire army, and we knew it. The king climbed up a hill and we followed him again. He slaughtered stragglers on his way.

Then on top of the hill, overlooking the army, and then he made a prayer "God... Our Lord, you sacrificed your life for us, because of evil and you cleansed the evil within us. But today i won't offer peace because it is impossible... I offer the blood of these wicked men!"

Then he plunged the sword onto the ground, and the sky turned red, it rained red, and swords made of light came crashing down.

After it was over, there were only mages left on the battlefield, and he shouted "the kill order... Is now abolished!!!"

I smiled, he finally understood that what we do with magic is by choice. Then he looked towards us and asked us what our names were, and we told him.

Then he said "bow down." and we did, and he said "with the power bestowed in me, i dub thee, ms skyler, and ms mika, savior of the empire, and worthy successors."

He continued "if and when the empire becomes corrupt, i hope that you two... Will stop it from abusing the power..."

Then he turned to his remaining knights "and i dub thee, sir nightingale, sir Henry, and sir Jack, etc. you six will be my most loyal and powerful knights, if the empire is in danger i expect you six to protect the empire and for the generations to come."

"and when the empire becomes corrupted, you must all debate to plan a rebellion against a corrupted empire... And plunge this sword inside a large stone... Only the worthy can pull it..."

(authors note: please read my contest book, "if there's already a million isekai, why not 1 more?" I'm embarrassed to say i reach over 30 views per chapter while this book reaches up to 600)