
I got reincarnated as the villain and i plan to be the protagonist

A man got reincarnated and became the villain, is it too late to become the protagonist?

West_walker · Fantaisie
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58 Chs


After i gave him the boots, he became a lot faster, and i told him to keep stealing, and also told him to hide what he finds.

After that i made a few more things to help me complete the quest!

""flesh tearing sword

requirements: 109 agility

+35 agility

+43 strength

special effects: increases the penetration and damage death by 45% when you use it on flesh based entities"

"lucky wooden training dagger

Requirements: none

+12 agility

+3 strength

Special effects: increases the speed of stats gained by 20%. Your luck also increases by 10 points"

"exploding arrow

Requirements:27 strength

Special effects: creates an explosive reaction when hitting a target, reduces healing effects by 90%"

"exploding arrow

Requirements: 33 strength

Special effects: creates an explosive reaction when hitting a target, the explosion will cause continuous burning."

"exploding arrow

Requirements:57 strength

Special effect: creates an explosive reaction when hitting a target, causes short term paralysis when the smoke enters the body."

"folded iron armor x9

+87 defense

Special effects: damage taken from basic attack decreased by 60%"

I then gave the dagger to crimson. I only have 3,540 villain points left so i can't waste it. I have 3 healing potions, so i guess it would be enough if i accidentally lost a limb.

I entered the sewers which was heavily guarded by unarmoured soldiers. I entered the sewers, and a few moments after walking i heard a lot of marching noise...

This must mean they are ready to invade... Damn it i was too late! I rushed outside and warned the guards "HELP!!! they are marching towards us! They are leaving the sewers!"

After hearing me, 5 soldiers rushed to get help from anywhere they know. I rushed back inside "stop! It's too dangerous!" someone tried to stop me but i didn't mind and rushed inside.

I made my great sword appear in my hand, thankfully this part of the sewers is larger than the other paths so i could fight to my full potential!

I saw them and they got ready to defend against me, they spears in front. So i the explosive arrow that deals continuous fire damage.

It destroyed their formation and i rushed in and swung my swords to their cores and i killed 4 before they fired arrows at me.

I used the great sword to defend myself, but they used this chance to try and surround me. But swung my sword around me after the arrow shower, cutting all of them in half.

Then i continued swinging myself holding my greatsword towards them. Swords, arrows, and spears hit me but but thanks to the armor, i barely felt anything.

I stopped because the world was starting to spin, i destroyed most of them, the only ones left are some archers and a warrior with a sword.

After a few moments i destroyed them, then all that was left was to destroy their cores, and so i did. And what's left now... Is to sneak through an army...