
I got reincarnated as a Tenno-Zerg-Prototype.

Due to a deal a new fragment of the Author was released to do his worst and survive and win to reach even further than his previous Attempts now using the three as he holds a spark a unique and dangerous one he is a representation true to his creator and he names himself Argon for some freaking reason. Well all the things except my ideas and execution of my Oc belomg to theyr respective owners, i will write this as i feel I need to it may be slow but hell I will try my best goodbye and i hope you lile blocks of contineus text since i like em very much.

DaoistqemBat · Jeux vidéo
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7 Step seven.

I saw the warp bend around us and then we landed our strength has reached enough for this universe we arrived around a planet one similar to Earth but it looks different we are cloaked and I made a drop-ship for myself and a few of the more adventurous residents we were three and we flew towards a structure resembling a huge woman I started lowering the fall speed with my psychic power and finally we landed and then I opened the drop ship it resembled a large manta ray I had it hide in the water we look human and we have a fundamental superman and catamaran mix with low martian man hunters shape change capability well let's get to it we walked to the giant stone woman we walked for a bit and found the house in her palms I saw a woman come out of the house her sunglasses off her three eyes wide in panic as she first looked at my two companions and me at my form I do resemble the boy but with a bio crystal in my forehead witch was stark white wipe my two companions have a yellow and blue bio cristal,s i she was weary and very panicked for all the different things that we are capable of doing, i got my claws on the ground she flinched then nothing happened well for the moment i with a pooling motion they saw a tear in reality above the planet surface as a giant cluster of shards was exposed then with my void i made it very clay like after witch i started compressing and reshaping it wile taking the undesired ones and making a secondary form wen i was done a obsidian about twice my size was made i looked at the other side to see a amalgam of other gems about half the size of it and not perfectly mixed i then felt the soul lines and coding i connected and finally the new ego was restructured then the forming started a giantess equal to the statue size was made wile i saw the othe one about half the size was structured similar multiple limbs and heads lile a old ancient being with hundreds of hands and heads on two legs and two larger hands a titan form it was its structure they fell and started discussing with themselves and looking at the large obsidian gem she sat internal using her minds and thought, the time they do it i settled up a barrier so they may not wander garnet was falling to peaces cute the two gems arguing between each other i had been asked way are we here my two companions spoke i felt not at all comfortable to speak so i snapped one of my fi gers and they saw a notebook and ink pen form i then wrote: Hellow i am Argon a traveler my companions here have felt the presence of a great one and desire to discus with it and learn of its technicks and powers if not just to heal and separate them nothing much lets go.

As an answer to my writing one huffed and the other had a very pondering look then we left arriving at Steven he was happy to meet us I patted his head then with a smooth pool his gem was retired from his belly but he felt weak until I gave him a pill after which he returned to his lively state I smiled and patted his head once more as the crystals gems disbanded as I am holding pink diamante I then with a smooth move covered it in my mass absorbing it integrating and copying all of its aspects and memory,s stored then a bio gem was recreated then I gave it to steven I told him it has all your mother memory,s, once you absorb it by eating you will become one with her one with your power and you will suffer for it just knows it is worth it to know what she went thru good luck with your bigger siblings we will get up and leave we are leaving the two titans here do take care of them will you not your majesty Roze Diamante goodbye this was very useful now we leave so we don't meddle any further in this universe good luck Stiven DeMayo and yest its you human family name Universe is bot the original one and you can go contact others of your human family good look . (the final message wrote) as we discovered and with a diamante core to boot very useful for our next world we waisted about twenty days of energy with the cluster itself we remain about 425 days left if my calculus is right if not we can recover during the warp travel as we have the tech and now the disposable minions ok lets go.