
Memories ch. 4





Aether began to hear someone calling for him, it was a low quite voice, He slowly opens his eyes, as he looks around, he didn't see anyone.


Someone again Called him..

"W-who is it??"

Aether said with a scared face

"It's me.. the one in the book"

"Are you scared that it was a ghost?.."

The man on the book said while trying to not laugh

"Wh-what?? O-ofcourse not"

Aether tried to defend himself..

"What ever.."

Aether then stood up and walked towards the table where the book is settled.

"So?.. why did you call for me?.."

Aether said with a confused face

"I think.. I might be able to remember what the gem looks like.."

The man in the book said with a quiet voice..

"What really?? Then tell me.."


The man then started speaking again

"Well..you know the first meeting we ever had?.. I kept asking for the gem..well actually.. that gem, was the only thing I can remember..I don't even remember my own name.."

Aether was shocked


"Then that means you can't even remember your own name.."

"Then can you tell me now what the gem looks like?"

Aether said with a worried face

"Well...this gem..might be long gone now.."



the boy Aether was confused

"Sh...quiet down your voice"

The man in the book said as he tried to calm down Aether

"Ok I'm sorry..but can you explain please?.."

Aether said as he lower his voice

"Well..as I start to investigate the mana inside me, I started to remember some of my memory.. that gem.. it was mine..all mine, I also remember the 1st war of the 8 kingdoms.."

"The first war of the eight kingdom?? Wasn't that almost 700+ years ago??"


"Yes indeed.. I'm that old, but.. I can't remember how that gem got taken away from me.. or how I ended up stuck inside here.."


"Well that will be a problem if we don't know how you got stucked in this book in the first place.. if I find that gem, will it be able to free you?"

"I don't know.."

Aether sighed as he started talking again

"Then can you tell me what you see in there?"

The man in the book started talking again

"It's just darkness, and full of words I can't seem to understand"

"Full of words you can't understand? Can you describe it to me? I will write it down.. because, what I'm seeing is this book pages is empty.."


"Ok, I will describe how they look."

The man in the book said

The man in the book then started explaining the hundred plus unknown words to Aether, Aether tried his best to write them like how The man in the book explain those words.

The next day..

Aether was so tired from last night, he wasn't able to sleep since he kept messing up what The man in the book is describing.

Aether sighs as he walked to his bathroom and brushed his teeth, he then put on his clothes.

Someone Started knocking on his door

"he-her Highness... princess aether.. are you there?.."

One of the maid said

"What is it?"

Aether replied

"May I come in?"

Aether got curious

"Yes you may."

The maid then went in with tons of gifts, it was all different sizes, there are big and small sizes and there is one letter..

"Maid, what is this??"

The maid got startled as aether talked.

"U-uhm.. since wits your birthday, Your mom sent you a lot of gifts your Highness.."

Aether was shocked

"m-my BIRTHDAY???"


"H-how old am I right now?.."

The maid got startled again.

"U-uhmm you were 17, but not since it's your birthday today.. you're now 18, princess.."

Aether can't help but smile widely

"I-its really my birthday??, I can't wait to see all of those gifts, hehehe~"

He chuckles as he sent off the maid

"You can go now, please say thank you to my mother for the gifts"

The maid nods as she left the room quickly

Aether then first opened the biggest gift!


Hours later, Aether's room is now filled of golden gifts, all that's left is the letter, aether slowly opens the letter and start to read it.

Dear Aether

I hope you liked the gifts I sent you, sorry that me, your mother won't be able to attend your birthday because of business, But now, since you turned 18 it's your time to choose the academy you want to join. but you need to remember, you need to keep your identity as a girl. Because you have a royal blood, Aether.

-By Your loving mother


Aether was.. confused?..

"HUH???.. academy?? What Academy??"

Aether quickly went to his drawer and picked up a book, it's a book about academies, he started reading it even tho he can't read them properly, he still understand a little.

"What?.. ARE YOU SERIOUS??.. how can I attend to a Academy when I have weak mana!!"


"I can't even use a single skill without fainting."

(Aether knew because he have all of the past Aether's Memories)

"But.. mom seems so nice.. she really wants me to pick a Academy.. wait.. what was this kingdom called again?..the kingdom I'm staying at is called hmm..."

"I think it's?.. sera.. serapori? Hmmmm... ah! Seraphoria! That's it! Now I just need to look for the one Academy at Seraphoria"

He started turning the pages


"Ah! There it is.. so hm...I guess every kingdom only have 1 academy each.. was that a rule or something?, I don't remember it in Aether's Memories.."

He said to himself as he sigh.

He then started reading the book

"Hmmm.. so.. it's called Academus Des Mystic Artes.. that's such a weird name.."


He sighs

"This seems like a hard choice.. I don't know if I should even join this academy because... THERE IS NO MANA UPGRADE IN THIS ACADEMY!, this Academy only help with healing, restoring and upgrading your abilities but it didn mentioned mana.."

He sighs..

"Since my abilities is still unknown.. I guess i will have to join this academy.. I guess I also have no choice.."

"So now.. how do I join this academy?.

Aether sighs as he grabbed another book

"But first..I have to discover and check the elements and magics in this world.."

He opens the book and started to read it

"Hm..I also need to know what is Aether's Powers first.. but it seems like in his memories, Every time he tried to use his power.. he will just faint"

He sighs

"Why is Aether so weak, I can't remember aether being this weak when I played the game.."

"Hmm. So here is.. time.. vision..future.. so time is.. hmmm uhhh, this is so hard to understand ughh! I really have to keep learning this world's language.. for now I'll read the Powers first..so here we have.. shadow, darkness and nightmare.. and the next is.. sound, echo, fear.."

Hours later, after Aether finished reading

He sighs

"Finally I'm done.. now all I just need to do is to improve my reading skill so I can understand the elements"

"But first, I need to ask the maids how to join a Academy."

Minutes, later, one maid arrived

"Wh-what is it you need princess?.."

It was the same maid that gave the gifts to Aether

"Can you tell me how I can join a Academy?"

"A-a Academy?.. well.. you need to have a invitation princess.. I guess your mom sent you one right?.."

"My mom? She only sent me a letter and gifts"

"Have you really checked everything princess?.."

"Hm.. ok I'll check again."

He started to remove some of the gift wrappers out of the way and then, there it is, he saw it. The invitation card from Academus Des Mystic artes.

Aether smiled


"I guess all I need is an invitation, I hope they won't check my mana"

He said to himself

He then look at the maid

"You can go now, thank you for your cooperation."

The maid nods

"It's nothing princess"

The maid then left Aether's room

The next day

"I want to talk to my mom.."

Aether said

"I want to ask her about the academy..first I should write a letter.."

He wrote a letter and he went to a maid to give it to his mom

At noon, his mother arrive, they both went to a private place


"Yes sweetie?"

"Can I ask about the Academy of Seraphoria?"

"Oh I see.. well it was also the academy I chose when I was younger, it was fun but also hard, all the lessons are exhausting but, because of those lesson, I manage to improve my abilities."

"Then.. can it improve my mana?.."

"Oh..about your mana huh?...well..I know you have a weak mana..wait let me recall...hmm..oh yes! There is that one class in that academy that can improve your mana.. but I forgot what class is that..so you better ask the students there.."

"Mom, what should I wear? Should I wear a formal clothes?"

"Well~~ I think you should wear, a red dress and black boot, it's so fitting and I'm sure you will get all the students attention~"

"Mom no!!"

"Ok.. ok I'm just kidding haha.. well you don't have to be formal, you can wear what you want, just make sure that your clothes will be able to hold your power, oh wait I forgot, have you discovered your element yet?"

"Not yet mom.."

"Well..I guess you really have to improve your mana my son..*

"But my son, you have to remember to not reveal our true gender, ok?. We already talked about this.. and I'll call only call you my son in private.."

"Yes mom I understand.."

They continued to talk for hours. And then the moon arise and his mom take her leave.

"This is so tiring.."

Aether said.

"I really have to learn more.."

"hm.. I guess I should learn.."

Aether then went to the library and grabbed many books, he then went back to his room and put every book he grabbed on his table.

"So let's start with this one... So this is about the other nations.. let's see.. the first one is.. Thundertop.. so thundertop nation is up in the sky?.. how is that even possible.. mostly, the people that lives in Thundertop, they are species that have wings??... Fuck.. the game didn't said anything about having different species.. all I have seen I'm this game was normal people.. now let's continue.. I can't continue reading.. let's go to the next nation, so the next one is Eldrathia.. So Eldrathia nation is known because it's a nation in the middle of the ocean?.. Let me guess.. mermaids lives there lolol, but I don't see what kind of species live in Eldrathia.. I guess it wasn't written in this book.."

He then flip the page.

"Ok next one is Seraphoria, oh that's it, it's the nation I'm in right now.. so Seraphoria.. only humans live here, and only human is allowed to go here?.. what"

Aether was starting to think why other race or species wasn't allowed to enter

"Hmm.. so that's why I only saw humans on the game because the game was only inside the serphoria.. but why would they not allow any other race or species inside here?.."

He sighs

"This is all too much.. I still have academy to attend next week. I better get ready."

Next week

Aether slowly wakes up and gets ready for school/academy, he told the maids not to help him anymore with anything or even enter his room, so that's why he is preparing by himself.

"I still don't wanna go.."

He said in his mind

"Well what ever I have no choice anyway.."

At the Academy

Many students were whispering about Aether

"Hey isn't that Aether? The one who did many Bad things?"

"I heard he was in a accident.."

"Well he deserves it."

Aether can't help but feel uneasy and uncomfortable.all those people who kept talking about him said nothing nice. Aether had no choice but to go to somewhere quite with no people. In there, Aether sighs.

"Stupid people. If only they knew. I shouldn't have been this stupid villain anyway.."

He sighs as he noticed that he was in some abandoned library

Aether's pov

I noticed that I was in a some abandoned Library. This is my chance to learn! I start to look around and get some books. I then put the books I picked on a table full of dust. I grabbed a Chair and wipe away all the dust and sat down, I started reading. But then as I was about to read, the bell rang. Ughh seriously??.. well.. I guess skipping a class wouldn't be that bad right?.. since everyone thinks of me as a bad person anyway.. I then continue to read and read. I didn't notice the time, it had been 3 hours already and it means it was lunch time. I still continue to read books, not until I heard footsteps. I quickly stoop up and hid, I know they are gonna notice the books I put on the table but I just wish they won't see me. I looked at the door and I saw Giovanni and Ling enter together. How do they know this place?.. I then heard them talking. "Had you been here earlier?" Giovanni asked Ling while looking at the books on the table. Ling then replied "no. This is my first visit today in here. Maybe it was from yesterday? Maybe I forgot to put them back." Ling said. I was relieved that Giovanni and Ling was convinced it was from yesterday, that means they won't keep looking. They then started to walk again. I then saw Giovanni pick a book from the bookshelf. It was titled: MANA, That's it! That's what I need! I need to wait for them to leave and get that.. I kept waiting and waiting, when suddenly my tummy rumbled, what the heck! This is not the right time to be hungry! Giovanni and Ling was alerted. "Who's there?" They asked, they started to look around. I need to get out of here...