
I Got Picked By The Cosmic God To Replace Him As The New Cosmic God!

Zyron's day was as normal as any other day. But suddenly after he blinked, he found himself in the middle of nowhere in the space. It turns out that the Cosmic God, the ruler and protector of the universe where Zyron exist has called him to announce that Zyron will be the next Cosmic God of the universe. Although anti-climatic and is beyond of Zyron's expectation, The Cosmic God gave the title on Zyron and hurriedly disappeared. Zyron is facing a new journey to understand the power that is given to him. And to discover every secrets and mysteries of the universe that is now on Zyron's hand.

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Who in the hell! Dude this was a realm I created using the newest energy I created too! Being able to interfere inside it is just so absurd!


Thanks AZTRA, now I'm calm. But still, even Zarathustra has no idea what I did. But this thing figured out how to intrude my Aetheric realm. I was supposed to keep it secret between me and the enemy I killed inside this realm.

"No! I can handle this on my own!"

Zarathustra angrily shouted. The fear and confusion radiating from her a while ago was replaced with anger and frustration.

"Now, now. Just kill him already. If you can."

The mysterious voiced said sarcastically which just lit up Zarathustra's anger even more.

"But of course you need to survive this first. Good luck!"

"No! Mai' nar! "

Zarathustra growled furiously. The three balls of blue- Violet and dark-red orb who supposed to be cosmic beings released a pulse that travels rapidly. After just 3 seconds, the pulse came back and the orbs exploded as the pulse made contact, it released destructive force of cosmic energy.



I was immediately teleported outside the realm and from infront of me, a ripple can be seen forming in the space. The disruption in the space itself became large cracks releasing destructive cosmic energy.

From behind me, you can hear clashing and explosions occurring. Oh no! The crack is facing the middle of the battlefield where both mine and Zarathustra's force are fighting!

At this point, countless of homunculus will be destroyed and the gods and their troops might be killed! I don't care about the enemies but I have to do this!

"Dark matter vanguard!"


I actually just controlled the dark energy to form dark matter and make a gigantic shield out of it. But this will be a powerful defense spell because nothing can touch the dark matter.



The Kzarg' Virog general growled before my talon sword's top protruded from the top of his head. I pulled back my talon sword more like a whip from his chest and it slithered back into my sword handle.

Right when we were transported in the new battlefield, a mini-map appeared in the screen in my mind. It shows dark-red dot pointing the general type named by the system.

I head out to hunt them and I already killed a hundred. Seriously, general is not fit for weakling like this.

I felt Zyron-sama's faint presence suddenly got strong. I turned towards the direction. I saw his majesty forming a shield made of dark matter facing a crack in space that emits destructive force.

The enormous dark shield was formed at the same time as the crack completely broke and a surge of destruction was poured on the shield. But Zyron-sama's gigantic shield held strong deflecting the surge of destruction infront of him.

I appeared beside him and kneeled as square line formed underneath me creating a invisible solid ground.

"Zyron-sama. What happened."

I asked in concern. Although his holding a gigantic shield and deflecting a destructive force. His stern mask was never removed from his majesty's charming face.

"Someone interrupted inside. But don't worry, it's still manageable. How's our side doing ?"

As expected of Zyron-sama. I wonder who's the fool who got in way of our majesty. I pity him for his upcoming end.

"Our side is being pushed back but the enemies's front line are deteriorating quickly as an exchange. If we fight a battle of time, our victory will be sure our majesty."

"Good, know beware of the admirals, I just located their energy signatures and the strongest of them seems to rival your strength. Prepare for the worst, this entities just appeared. Someone joined the battle."

Oh? Rivaling me? My heart is racing! Zyron-sama acknowledged my strength and from how he said it. It seems like he deemed me as the strongest of his force. Zyron-sama!

"I understood. I will sure bring victory to you Zyron-sama."


I seriously regret having the ability to read minds. You're creeping me out Diabolo-kun! But it's true that he is the strongest.

I read his mind to analyze the battle and all I saw was the horrible death of the enemy generals! As expected of a demon. I also read his affectionate thought for me which I wish I'll never read again!

Someone was really joining the battle. That voice earlier and the appearance of these entities stronger than the general type of Zarathustra. That's why I named them admiral type.

The most suspicious was that the strongest was a celestial demon. Something isn't right.

Finally the surge of energy ended and I stepped back from the crack.

Dark-red smoke hazed out of the crack.

"Now I'm out of your realm. Let's see if you can still keep your arrogance!"

An alien tentacle with large one eye materialised out of the smoke. She's now 100x bigger than when she was inside my realm.

I predicted that I will have a hard time fighting her and that aetheric realm is just a short cut to victory I created. I'm just going back in the original plan.

I increased the output of Cosmic energy circulation into my veins. I still have physical form but my insides are not human or for mortal anymore.

My white hair radiating golden aura blazed wildly as the output increased. From the hole in my chest where my Cosmic core resides, vine-like tattoos of cosmic color slithered it's way scattering all over my body.

Zarathustra release more dark cosmic energy and our opposing presences radiate pressures all through out the battlefield which made many head turns towards us.



I cursed under my breath as the huge mouth of giant muscular humanoid dinosaur creature bite my upper body off of my lower body.

My vision turned pitch black and it quickly came back. I'm in the avatar depot, again. This was my 4th revival. They're just too many of them!

I sighed before I hovered back to the battlefield. In my way I saw. Santa claus? He looks like Santa because his riding a sled-like spaceship pulled by 6 white wolves!

He's laughing and shooting with his gatling gun on his right arm and slashing every enemy gets near him with a pirate saber! No way! He's real and cool! Wait! He might be an avatar! But there's no avatar like that on the avatar menu!

"Are you Mark?" A deep loud voice resounded in my back. I slowly turned my head and saw a white dragon with blue spikes on his back.

"How did you know! "

I suspiciously asked.

"I figured out. Oh! And this is what a special avatar looks like I'm cool right? Oh and!"

The dragon halt and his form was covered with cold mist as lightning cracked inside the mist. The mist disperse and an ikemen with albinism was in the center of it!

His skin, hair, and eyes are white! He's wearing an admiral like uniform with the sleeves unused. He's clothes are white and blue. Who is this guy and why did he know me? Wait! Special avatar?
