
I Got Over You!!!

In the Nigerian jungle where ruthlessness isn't just necessary to make money, it is prerequisite to survival. Drug lord/mafia boss, Rotji has it in excess and he lords his empire mercilessly. One of the most handsome bachelors in town, he is every girl's dream, bad or not. Sadly he isn't quite eligible. Man just wants to get laid, move on to the next girl, and conduct his crime business with no hassle. Love what??? Lol.... Maybe in another lifetime. Nenrot, a drop-dead gorgeous dame with fiery blue eyes, and sensuous lips, lips, which had often sentenced men to their death at the mere thought of being underestimated for being female. Make no mistake, Nenrot's blue eyes hold no warmth, they are as cold as ice. She's the queen of her kingdom, she makes her money, and bloodies rivals. Girl learned early enough that it's cold outside so, she knows better than to trust anyone. Did someone say, love? God forbid! A whole hard girl falling in love? Nah!!! The head-on collision that usually happens to people in life sooner or later happens between Rotji, and Nenrot. Yes, love did. The take no prisoners kind of love!!! A stronger empire is built, alliances are solidified, and businesses are merged. Nothing sweeter right? Only, a leopard never changes its spots, Rotji had to screw up. But what's Nenrot to do? It's love. The shit she never would have taken way back when was constantly thrown into her face, and she helplessly takes it all. Unfortunately, we don't get to choose whom we love, the universe has a hand in these things. When a hard girl falls in love, she falls hard, but hey, even the sleeping dog has to wake up eventually right?

Oluseyi_Alagbe · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs


Rotji arrives at the lounge and sits in the private seat specially reserved for him.

He looks around the table and chairs for bugs. He has his space scanned for bugs twice a day.

He's leaving nothing to chance though, he takes out his portable bug scanner, and places it on the table. Satisfied that his space is bug free, he settles more comfortably. One can never be too careful in his line of work. Paranoia is the best way to stay safe.

He calls the waiter and orders a drink completely off the menu.

The waiter leaves to do his bidding.

Rotji could order anything here, and have it made especially for him. The staff all runs to do his bidding whenever he calls. It also helps that he's the owner of the lounge.

He is halfway through his drink when his assistant, Chinedu enters with Mr. Jothan, their contact at the NDLEA (National Drug Law Enforcement Agency). He is the one who alerts them whenever they are going on a raid. They have an arrangement, and Rotji pays him regularly and handsomely for his efforts. However, it's about to end, as Rotji has been losing his shipments for sometime, and he's had enough of it.

They all exchange greetings, and the newcomers take their seats.

Rotji faces Mr Jothan. "why did my merchandise get seized again?"

Me. Jonathan spreads his palms in response. "I already explained what happened to Chinedu Why are you asking again, Didn't he tell you?"

Rotji sips his drink and regards Mr. Jonathan with scorn. "he told me, but I want to hear it from your mouth. "

"Okay, I wasn't aware of the raid until we got close. I was only told when we got close to the port, my boss said they acted on a tip. There was nothing I could have done to save the situation then."

"I feel like you have outlived your usefulness. Why should I continue paying you if my merchandise keeps getting seized?"

"Rotji, you know I've always updated you before now, but we have a new boss, and he's an asshole."

"That's not going to be a problem anymore, anyway. "

"Why is that?"

"Because as of today, I'm terminating our contract with you. I just wanted to tell you in person."

"You can't do that."

"Well, I just did, you may leave or stay back to have some drinks, the bill's on me."

"Rotji, you are not being reasonable. This whole saga is just a temporary thing. The new boss would soon ease up, once he knows how things are done here."

"Well I don't do temporary, and I haven't got the time to waste."

Fuming, he spits out, "You know that's not possible. You can't just sever our ties like that. Have you forgotten I know most of your secrets? What's to stop me from selling it to your rivals if you tell me to leave?"

Rotji pushes his chair forwards until he's only inches apart from Mr Jothan. "The thought that I know where your family is, and I have them monitored round the clock. What's to stop unknown gunmen from entering your house, and slaughtering your family like Christmas chickens? Maybe you don't know this about me, but I detest being threatened."

Mr. Jothan's face suddenly turn ashen, and he shivers. "There no need for all that, we are all gentlemen here." He forces a smile, "I would back off, and never bother you again. I'm so sorry. I have another appointment to keep, I better leave now." He stands on his feet and hurriedly walks out of the lounge.

Chinedu who has been watching their exchange quietly, suddenly bursts into laughter.

"You went hard on him."

Rotji grins and sips his drink.

"He had it coming. Man had to be checked. I have half a mind to make good on my threat"

"It hasn't come to that. I'm sure he knows better than to start up shit."

"The man made me lose millions of naira, and ruined my credibility with my clients. There's still the matter of getting my goods into the country. If I don't start to deliver, people will think I'm getting soft. And when people think that, everyone is going to want to have a bite of me, friends and enemies included, though I don't know where that line is anymore. I see enemies everywhere I turn. Apart from you of course."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, boss. That asides, we need to find another way to get the products in. The heat is getting too much at the port."

"Yeah, I know that. If only you could view the contents of my head."

"Worry less, boss. I have a contact I need to speak with on that. I just might have a better link for us."

"I hope so. Better get to it then, and make it as soon as possible. I leave it in your capable hands."

"Will do, boss."

"Enough of business talks, I came here today to relax. Go find me a beautiful girl to take home. One of the waitresses should do for tonight."

"Consider it done, boss." Chinedu stands and leaves to carry out Rotji's bidding.

Rotji continues sipping his drink, and starts humming to himself.

Chinedu soon returns with a petite looking, fair skinned lady in tow.

"Here I come, boss. This here," pointing at the girl "is Nelly. I hope you like her."

Rotji motions for Nelly, to sit beside him. "How are you doing today, Nelly?"

Nelly takes her seat and smiles. "I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'll be over there by the bar if you need me, boss." Chinedu takes his leave.

Rotji turns to properly appraise Nelly, and nods his approval at what he sees. "I'm fine too, Nelly. I take it my assistant has explained the terms and conditions to you."

"Yes, he has. He said I would sleep with you for the night, and get paid though, I would gladly do it without payment. You are so fine. I can already think of a million things to do to you." She smacks her lips appreciatively.

"Thank you for the compliment. This arrangement is completely voluntary, it has no bearing whatsoever on your job here. You don't have to do it if you don't want to."

"Your assistant told me all about that. I literally jumped on the offer. I am here willingly."

"Are you into bdsm though? My night is never fulfilled without a therapeutic release, and bdsm is just my thing. I understand if you are not into it."

Smiling shyly, "I'm into anything you are. All you have to do is just ask."

"I guess that's okay. You will be paid a hundred and fifty thousand naira for a job well done. The price might increase depending on how well you impress me."

"I never leave a man unimpressed, trust me."

"That remains to be seen. Pardon my manners, please. What would you like to take?"

"I'm okay. I just need to get fruit juice when we are leaving to take my pills."

"What pills? You don't need to worry about getting pregnant, I always make sure I'm protected."

She chuckles and rests her hand on his lap. "No, not that kind of pill."

"So, what kind of pill is it?"

"The kind that would make me impress you." She batts her eyelids at him.

"Wait, you do drugs?"

"Not really, I only use a couple sometimes, just to get the action going, you know?"

He gently removes her hand from his lap, "I don't think this arrangement is going to work."

Looking confused, she uncrosses her legs, "I don't understand. You have a problem with me using pills?"

"Actually, I don't because you are an adult, and you can make your life decisions yourself. It's just that I don't stay in the company of people that do drugs. I think you should leave."

"Coming from you, that's rich. Imagine the irony, a drug dealer not liking the company of his clients. Or don't you know I buy your goods too?" She snorts, "if hypocrisy was a person."

"Sorry, I need to confirm again, you work here right?"

"Of course I do. I'm one of the waitresses working the upper level. I just clocked out from my shift when your assistant approached me."

"I see, who hired you?"

"The manager of course."

"Good, three things are going to happen in the next few minutes, but before that, I need to clear your misconception about something. I'm not a drug dealer, I'm just a respectable businessman with multiple businesses. I don't deal in drugs, never. Now, let me give you the most valuable advice you would ever get. I don't care how smart you think you are, don't you ever mouth off to me again. I am still your boss, until I am not. It would be wise to keep whatever smart comments you have in future to yourself."

Subdued, Nelly nods. "I'm sorry sir, I spoke out of turn."

"Good. Now, the three things that I said are going to happen will happen in quick succession. One, you would get your ass of my seat, and pick up your paycheck on your way out. You are fired! Two, tell the manager that hired you to pick up his too, cause he's also fired! Three, your supervisor is also going to pick up her paycheck, no need to tell you why, you know already."

Surprised, she stands, "I'm so sorry, sir, I don't know what came over me. I don't even know what I did wrong."

"You ever heard the saying, "loose lips sink ships?"

Nodding stupidly, "Yes, sir."

"Well, you have loose lips, combined with your drug use, it's a recipe for disaster in my business. I am going to close my eyes, and count to 10, if you are still here by the time I'm done, it would be a memorable experience for you and not in a good way. " He begins to count, "1, 2, 3, 4...."

Nelly quickly picks up her bag and runs out.

Rotji calls for Chinedu, with the intercom on his table connected to the bar.

Chinedu arrives and takes his seat. "What's wrong, boss? I met Nelly fleeing away. You don't like her?"

"I ought to beat some shit into the manager."

"What did he do?"

"Can you believe that girl, Nelly uses drugs?"

"For real? I didn't know honestly, I'm sorry. There was no indication of that."

"How could the manager have hired her without conducting the routine drug test? You know how much I emphasize on that?"

"In his defence, boss, she might not have been using when she got the job, or maybe she stopped for some time. Either way, he might not have known."

"Don't make excuses for him, the test is meant to be conducted four times in a month. All it takes is for one drug starved employee to spill all my secrets for a fix, and I'm done for. Why do I bother telling him this all the time if he won't make use of it?"

"It's okay, boss, I'll handle it."

"No need, I fired him already."

"You should have let me do that."

"I didn't trust that I would be able to keep my anger in check long enough to not beat him to death."

"It's okay, boss. I would oversee things going forward."

"Please do, and make sure you hire another manager, waitress and supervisor as soon as possible. Run another background check on that Nelly girl, I don't trust that the manager did, and if he did, I don't trust the one on file. You should also conduct another unscheduled test as soon as possible."

"You fired the supervisor too?"

"Yes, I did. I don't pay her that much to not pick up on things like that. It was happening right under her nose."

"It's alright, boss. I would get right on it. Shall I get you another waitress?"

"No, find me someone else. I don't want to risk taking any of the waitresses home until they have been scrubbed clean. I also hope you always remember to tell them it's voluntary."

"It's the first thing I always say. I would be back soon, I saw some girls at the bar earlier." Chinedu is about to leave when Rotji stops him.

"And Chinedu?"

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you for all you do, I don't take it for granted."

"You are welcome, boss. I am happy to do it." He leaves.

Rotji continues sipping his drink.