
I Got Over You!!!

In the Nigerian jungle where ruthlessness isn't just necessary to make money, it is prerequisite to survival. Drug lord/mafia boss, Rotji has it in excess and he lords his empire mercilessly. One of the most handsome bachelors in town, he is every girl's dream, bad or not. Sadly he isn't quite eligible. Man just wants to get laid, move on to the next girl, and conduct his crime business with no hassle. Love what??? Lol.... Maybe in another lifetime. Nenrot, a drop-dead gorgeous dame with fiery blue eyes, and sensuous lips, lips, which had often sentenced men to their death at the mere thought of being underestimated for being female. Make no mistake, Nenrot's blue eyes hold no warmth, they are as cold as ice. She's the queen of her kingdom, she makes her money, and bloodies rivals. Girl learned early enough that it's cold outside so, she knows better than to trust anyone. Did someone say, love? God forbid! A whole hard girl falling in love? Nah!!! The head-on collision that usually happens to people in life sooner or later happens between Rotji, and Nenrot. Yes, love did. The take no prisoners kind of love!!! A stronger empire is built, alliances are solidified, and businesses are merged. Nothing sweeter right? Only, a leopard never changes its spots, Rotji had to screw up. But what's Nenrot to do? It's love. The shit she never would have taken way back when was constantly thrown into her face, and she helplessly takes it all. Unfortunately, we don't get to choose whom we love, the universe has a hand in these things. When a hard girl falls in love, she falls hard, but hey, even the sleeping dog has to wake up eventually right?

Oluseyi_Alagbe · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs


Nenrot and Olu are seated in her living room, admiring the package that had just been delivered to her.

"I don't know, Olu, this guy has been bombarding me with gifts every single day. I don't know what his end game is."

"Don't act like you don't know we men don't usually do things like things except for a reason. I told you he might have designs on you. From what I've been observing these days, I just might be right." He winks at her and smiles.

"Stop, Olu, it's not funny. I can't even declared me his gifts because most times, it's usually waiting at my doorstep."

"If you don't want it, why not just send it back to his address?"

"You think I haven't tried that? He still returns it untouched. I don't know what to do."

"Why not have the boys tighten up security and make sure to not collect deliveries on your behalf anymore?"

She nods her head in agreement, "I think that makes sense. I never thought of it before. I'm implementing that today."

"Can I ask you a question though? "

"Of course, you can go ahead."

"I mean no disrespect mama, I'm just curious about the way you feel with the gifts, but are you sure he hasn't somehow gained ground in your heart?"

"You ought to know me better, I'm not for all that. Honestly, I like the gifts, cause he picks thoughtful ones every time, but that doesn't change anything."

"If you say so."

"I just did. Now, how about the clients we are to meet today?" He checks the time on his watch, we only have a few minutes to catch up with them. If we want to arrive there early, we better get moving now. I'm not certain the meeting is going to be productive. There were so many complaints after I told them about the new increase in shipping fees."

"Well, most people don't like change, but it's the only thing constant in life. We are Nigerians after all, we adapt quickly and that's why the government keeps frustrating us. Just leave the talking to me, I'll handle it."

She stands and picks up her bag, "Let's go then."

Nenrot and Olu are having a meeting with two of their clients, Victor and Michael at Nenrot's membership club, discussing business and analyzing the steps to follow.

"You see, you both know shipping in products has become harder since the government has declared a war on drugs. We've had to change tactics, and that's why we are announcing a price increase." Nenrot says smoothly, looking straight into Victor and Michael's eyes.

Victor sets his cup down on the table and shakes his head. "This is coming as a shock. The whole situation hasn't affected you alone, we are making way fewer profits than before because we have had to change our means of distribution. We spend more on security and transportation now than ever. Increasing the price at this point is uncomfortable, I don't see how that can work. I am certain I speak for others that are not here when I say we can't afford an increase."

Nenrot nods and looks at Michael, "Well, what do you have to say to what Victor said?"

"I am fully in support of it, we have been paying a lot of money in bribes to security agents to ensure they don't burst out warehouses, and raid us. Getting our products to our clients is harder, we have been taking extra precautions. It's not easy on us too. I strongly urge you to reconsider."

"I guess that concludes our meeting then, you may leave." She says motioning towards the exit.

Victor and Michael exchange surprised glances.

"We don't understand," Michael says.

"It's simple if you can't pay extra to have your goods shipped, I suggest you get yourself another shipper. Those are my terms, you either take it or leave it."

"You are not the only shipper in town, you know. It's not like we don't have other alternatives for far cheaper prices." Victor concludes earning an approving nod from Michael.

"If you would prefer your goods to be shipped with the risk that it might get seized, and you won't get any of it, I suggest you do so. There's no compromise on this. It's just the way it is. You may excuse yourself."

"It hasn't come to that, we know you always deliver, but we are already under pressure. There should be something you can do to help. We've been shipping with you for a long time, a minor issue like this shouldn't ruin our relationship. The relationship we have built over the years." Victor smiles at her in a bid to disarm her angry facial expression.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. Take it or leave it, no hard feelings, it's just the new development."

Michael shakes his head and sighs, "How much increase are we talking about?"

"It's only ten percent, and it is non-negotiable."

Victor and Michael exclaim together, "Ten percent!"

"That's what I said."

Michael sighs again in exasperation, can you at least bring it down a bit, say like five percent?"

Olu watches the exchange in silence as he had earlier been instructed by Nenrot.

"I'm sorry, it's non-negotiable I told you. I didn't make this decision lightly, it took a look of work to calculate costs. I would be left with almost nothing if I continue charging the old price. I'm not in this business for charity, it's to make money, plain and simple. So, what do you say?"

Victor and Michael look at each other and nods. "We have no choice, we'll take it."

"How about you, Michael? Are you on board?"

"Yes, I am."

She claps her hands in excitement, "The new prices would be communicated to you and my other clients soon. Thanks for your time, and your cooperation gentlemen, you may leave."

Victor and Michael stand up and leave the table to make their way to the exit, with a frown on their faces.

Olu regards Nenrot in silence, with newfound regard. "I must say, I am impressed by the way you handled things. You didn't even back down or compromise one bit. I know the five percent that was suggested is more than enough. Why didn't you agree to it?"

She smiles and sips her drink. "I could have accepted the five percent, but I wanted it to be known that I can't be stepped over. If I had accepted the percentage they suggested, it would make me weak. They are going to capitalize on that next time, and not take me seriously. I'm the only woman in this line of business, I have to be twice as tough as any man. People already think being a woman makes me vulnerable. I intend to change that notion."

"I never thought of that, it's a good idea."

The delivery man that has been making Rotji's gifts to Nenrot enters the club and goes straight to Nenrot's table.

"Hello, madam, I have a delivery for you."

She frowns in puzzlement, "I am not expecting any delivery. Are you sure you are in the right place?"

"I am sure, madam, aren't you Miss Nenrot?"

"Yes, I am. Hand the package to my assistant here," she says nodding towards Olu.Who sent it?"

Olu takes the wrapped gift from the delivery man and starts to inspect it from the outside.

"It's from Mr. Rotji."

"Oh, my God! How did he know I am here?"

"I don't know, madam, I'm just doing my job."

She waves her hand in dismissal, "Thank you, you may leave."

He turns out and exits the lounge.

"Should I open it, mama?"

"Yes, please."

Olu tears open the package and hands the inscription inside it to Nenrot.

She unfolds the paper and reads it quickly. "For every gift you try to return, you get 3 more. By the way, has anyone told you how beautiful you look today?" I'm outside the club, waiting for you right now. Would you do me the honor of coming out to see me?"

She hisses and gives the paper to Olu to read.

He reads it in silence and smiles, "So, he's outside. I wonder how long he's been waiting."

"That's what he said."

"What do you intend to do?"

"I would go and give him a piece of my mind, this is beyond stalking and being a nuisance." She stands up angrily but is stopped by Olu.

"Let me tell the boys to inspect the perimeter first." He quickly makes his way outside. He enters a few minutes later, "The perimeter is clear, and I saw him seated in his car parked outside. "It's safe to go outside."

She picks up her bag and storms out of the exit. She walks straight to Rotji's car upon sighting him. She stands beside the door, and begins to fume, "Are you stalking me? What kind of nonsense is this? Have you no respect for another person's privacy? Are you mad or something akin to it?"

"I'm sorry, there's no other way I could have gotten it to you. I saw you leave your house this morning, and I wanted you to get the delivery yourself so, I followed you here."

"Are you for real? What were you doing in my house?"

"I was just waiting to spot you, and, no, I'm not stalking you, I just wanted to catch a glimpse of you. If I have offended you, I apologize."

"How did you even know my house, and couldn't your gift wait till another day? You had to come to the place where I was having a meeting. "

"It couldn't wait, today is a special day, tomorrow might be too late."

"And why is that?"

"Because today is your birthday. So, gorgeous, here's to wishing you a happy birthday, and may this new year of yours herald the best things you ever wished for. I want you to have a day as beautiful as you."

She opens her mouth in shock, and bursts out crying, "How did you know? No one around me knows. I didn't have a single person on my staff wish me a happy birthday, and I like it that way. It's one of my best-kept secrets?"

"And why is that?"

"I had a rough childhood, and no one ever cared if it was my birthday or not, it's always just a regular day of suffering like every other day. How did you know?"

"It was hard to get that information, but where there's a will, there's a way." Do you mind telling me the story behind the birthday thing?" He hands his handkerchief to her through the window to clean her tears.

She accepts it and nods gratefully. "Thank you for the gift, wishes, and the handkerchief. Maybe I would tell you the story someday, but not now."

"You are welcome. So, how do you intend to spend your special day?"

"As I said, birthdays have never been special to me. I'm just going to conduct business as usual."

"I want to celebrate your day with you and make it special just for you. How about you have dinner with me?"

She smiles and chuckles, "I see what you did there."

Grinning he leans closer to her from the window and rests his hand on it. "What did I do?"

"You have been pestering me for dinner and I've always declined, now, you see this situation right here as an opportunity to take me out."

"Is there anything wrong in wanting to celebrate with a special person on her birthday? I just want this day to be different from your past birthdays. What do you say?"

"I say no. I planned my day already."

"And what plans did you make?"

"To go to bed, slip under the duvet, and forget about everything else for today."

"I am disappointed for real, you are making a man sweat extra hard on your account."

"Not like I sent you to do anything for me. By the way, I want you to stop sending gifts to me. I've had enough of them."

"Well, that's not possible."

"Are you serious? The next time you send someone to make a delivery at my home, the delivery man wouldn't make it out in one piece."

"I guess I would have to find a better method like the one I employed today. I will follow you everywhere you go just to deliver your daily gift."

"Rotji, please, just stop. I just need you to back off. Don't embarrass me by sending gifts to me wherever I go."

"Considering what you just said, I have a proposal for you. How about we reach a compromise?"

"What's that?"

"If you agree to go out with me for dinner this evening, I would back off completely. Except, of course, you want me to continue.

"Not on your life? I won't be blackmailed into going out with you." She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Well, I would just have to continue sending those gifts till you agree to have dinner with me."

She sighs in mock exasperation, "One dinner? Just one dinner, and you would back off totally? You mean it?"

"I just said it, didn't I? I have never said anything I don't mean. So, what's your answer?"

"Pick me up at my house by 6, and we can leave together. You know the place already, you don't need the address."

With a victorious grin on his face, "Are you for real?"

"I don't say anything I don't mean either. I would be expecting you." She turns around and leaves him smiling stupidly to himself.