
I Got Over You!!!

In the Nigerian jungle where ruthlessness isn't just necessary to make money, it is prerequisite to survival. Drug lord/mafia boss, Rotji has it in excess and he lords his empire mercilessly. One of the most handsome bachelors in town, he is every girl's dream, bad or not. Sadly he isn't quite eligible. Man just wants to get laid, move on to the next girl, and conduct his crime business with no hassle. Love what??? Lol.... Maybe in another lifetime. Nenrot, a drop-dead gorgeous dame with fiery blue eyes, and sensuous lips, lips, which had often sentenced men to their death at the mere thought of being underestimated for being female. Make no mistake, Nenrot's blue eyes hold no warmth, they are as cold as ice. She's the queen of her kingdom, she makes her money, and bloodies rivals. Girl learned early enough that it's cold outside so, she knows better than to trust anyone. Did someone say, love? God forbid! A whole hard girl falling in love? Nah!!! The head-on collision that usually happens to people in life sooner or later happens between Rotji, and Nenrot. Yes, love did. The take no prisoners kind of love!!! A stronger empire is built, alliances are solidified, and businesses are merged. Nothing sweeter right? Only, a leopard never changes its spots, Rotji had to screw up. But what's Nenrot to do? It's love. The shit she never would have taken way back when was constantly thrown into her face, and she helplessly takes it all. Unfortunately, we don't get to choose whom we love, the universe has a hand in these things. When a hard girl falls in love, she falls hard, but hey, even the sleeping dog has to wake up eventually right?

Oluseyi_Alagbe · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs


Nenrot is seated in her living room with Olu, going through the dossier on Hammad's family.

"I must say, Olu, I'm very impressed. This report is thorough. Thank you."

Olu smiles and blushes at her praise, "I take it you are satisfied then."

"I am. I knew I could count on you."

"You sure can any day. So, what's the next step?"

"The armory is loaded up, and the boys are ready. I want you to kidnap Hammad's wife and kids."

"I wasn't expecting you to go that far, that's hardcore really. His wife and children are not a part of this."

"Well, they are. Haven't they been spending his proceeds together? You think if the positions were reversed, Hammad wouldn't do more. Besides, all is fair in love and war."

"If you say so. All you need to do is tell me when to move, and I'll be ready." He slaps his head as he remembers something. "I almost forgot, I set up a meeting with a potential customer, he wants to see you, and talk business ASAP."

"Yeah, you mentioned something like that the other day, who's he?"

"He's one of your biggest competitors, he's at the top of his game."

"What's his name?"

"His name is Rotji, do you know him? He's the number one in this game, and his operation is way bigger than ours."

"I know him, not personally though, he was one of my role models before I ventures into this line of work and I know his operation is rock solid. He's at the top of his game, so why does he need our shipping line? I hope he's not just using that as a decoy to gauge our operation.

"I heard that his route got burned. He's lost many shipments to the NDLEA. He's legit."

"When is the said meeting supposed to take place?"

"At his lounge. I have been assured that it's safe, and anything we discuss there will not go past the table."

"I see, well, I won't go to the meeting."

"Why is that, mama? I asked you beforehand, and you were cool with it."

"Nothing changed, it's just that he's the one who needs us, we don't need him. He ought to come and see me, not the other way around. I don't leave my kingdom to go and see people, and you know it too. It's a rule."

"Rules are meant to be broken. There is always an exception to the rule."

"Not in this case."

"Helping with his merchandise is a good move for us. We need allies now more than anything with Hammad on the prowl for his pound of flesh. If we can seal the deal, he's going to be our biggest customer, no doubt. It's going to be a lot of money."

"I have all the money I could ever need. Why stress myself? You know I'm passionate about having money cause I grew up poor. I'm always looking forward to making more, but I won't extend myself to please anyone. Convey my response to him. If he wants to do business with me, he should get on his ass, and come see me. I won't leave my territory for any man."

"But, mama....."

She cuts him off, "no buts, Olu. I have spoken, and that's final."

"If that's what you want, your wish is my command. I wish to take my leave now, some matters need attending to."

"Okay, get to it." He departs and exits the house.

One of Nenrot's bodyguards arrives and informs her that she has a male visitor. He leaves after getting permission from her to let the visitor in.

Victor enters and exchanges greetings with Nenrot.

"Good evening, ma'am. I am at your service. What can I do for you today?"

"First, I need a massage, and afterward, we would go upstairs to my room for the usual. romp."

Victor sets the bag he brings with him down on the table. "I have lots of different oils to try on you. My other clients loved it, and I'm sure you will too."

"That remains to be seen. Meanwhile, I want a different treatment tonight, I have been stressed lately. If you impress me with the massage, and in the bedroom, I'll pay you more."

"Thank you, ma'am, you know I have never, and won't disappoint you. Where are we going to use? The couch?"

"The couch is fine." She stands up and takes off her dress, leaving only her pant and bra on. She lays face down on the couch and Victor begins his task with vigor.