
Yin and Yang Combination

After sending Uncle yan to gather all the people in the town, Eldrick went roam around the castle.

"Looking at the building structure, it appears that no technology has been really put in; it appears that I need to hire some people to this castle, particularly some handymen to fix this place, as well as some talented people I can trust." Eldrick pondered

In the land of despair, none of the nobles wanted to take over this area as it is a barren land, people here could die at any moment. the fact that the land here is hard to cultivate, almost every plant here does not survive but it doesn't mean that it cant be fixed. also, the most terrifying that could happen here is a beast of horde attacking this land.

People bustled outside the castle, as this was the first time a noble had ever come here in the land of despair to take over the land. Then Uncle Yan reappeared and contacted Eldrick from the castle.

"Young master! these are all the people here in town." Uncle yan said

Eldrick nodded then asked beside uncle yan." are there any noble here?"

"Young master, there's none, and I think none of the noble ever wanted this land"

"That's great to hear." Eldrick smiled, knowing that if there was any noble here, they would start protesting because of the taxes and so on.

"A noble? I just hope they won't make as a slave for their goal" the people in the town start whispering to each other.

"Why would a noble even come here, there's nothing here"

"I know, I didn't think it is crazy enough to take this land"

Eldrick walked in front of the door of the castle then look at the people who are gossiping to each other, then cough to get their attention.

"ahem... the people here might not recognize me! I'm Eldrick Darkwin, the king's son, Edgar Darkwin. Starting today, you are my people, and I swear in my name that I will bring prosperity to this land and provide all of you with a better life than you could have imagined."

"That's bullshit!!! For all, we know none of the nobles had ever tried claiming this land. I bet you just want us! to be a slave for you" A bulky guy said in an angry voice

"That's right!! That's right!!" the people also start shouting as they thought that the bulky buy said was true.


After shouting Uncle yan draws his sword and wanted to approach the bulk guy but before he can move Eldrick stopped him.

"Uncle yan, that's fine!"

"But.. young master!"

Eldrick looked at the man, then over the people, and said sincerely, "Perhaps my word is too good to be true for the people here to believe, but that doesn't change the fact that the king appointed me as a baron to this land, as a baron in the land of despair, I'll do everything in my power to make this land prosper as this is also going to be my home!"

After a speech, Eldrick talked to uncle yan about his plan to recruit people tomorrow. then leave everything to uncle yan before heading inside his room.

"LISTEN UP!! if any of you wants to work for my young master come here in the early morning there will be jobs posted in front of the castle.

After announcing that will be a job people start talking, their eyes sparkle as they hope that they could get a job so they get food for their families.






After people dispersing.

"Brother, What are we gonna do, a noble has claimed this land, and will this prevent us from being an overlord?." The bulky man was the one who complains earlier. said in worry

"Hmmph That fucking Noble thinking of claiming this land, no matter who they are I'll fucking kill them," Jaguar said menacingly while holding a skinny girl in his arm.

Jaguar is the leader of a hunter in this village, and he hunts beasts beyond the village's borders. He was a jerk who bullied the town's residents and used the food he hunted to enslave people. Because he was stronger than the others, they simply let him be lord.

"But, Brother, if we kill a noble, we will perish; according to noble law, they will be hanged along with their family if they are killed by ordinary people. Especially the noble who claims to be the king's son and to be the king's son. I'm afraid we'll die in a way that's worse than being hanged."

Jaguar slaps the head of the bulky and said: "You Idiot!!! nobody has to know that we are going to kill that noble. we will go later tonight to sneak into the castle and kill the noble!"

"Ahhh!!! Brother, you're so smart!!"







Inside the castle, Eldrick lies down on the bed as he looks at the ceiling, after thinking for a long time about how he can improve the town.

After organizing the plan in his mind "This should be enough for now"

Eldrick look into the ring inside his hand then he took out the black book. then he began looking inside the book.

Eldrick noticed a [Yin And Yang Conbination]. After flipping through the first page. Then he begins reading the cultivation manual; within the book, there is a massage method depicting how the human body works and all of the pressure points. This technique can easily heal pain, muscle fatigue, and fatigue, but it can also acquire Yin Qi if used on females.

Eldrick continued reading as he flipped through the pages of the book; after a long time, Eldrick realized that this cultivation manual. The book was divided into two sections: how to please a woman and how to strengthen the body.

"Shit!!! this cultivation manual is like sex education. I better need to find a different cultivation manual!" Eldrick hesitated and pondered.

After pondering.

"Ohh!! wait!!, maybe I'll just cultivate the Yang method. it shouldn't be a problem just to strengthen my body then ill ignore the yin method." Eldrick thought as went through again the Yang method

After an hour, Eldrick felt his body bursting with power, he felt like a ton of worms crawling inside, going through the center of his body, then something exploded inside. Eldrick concentrate all his consciousness without knowing he saw a vast universe with a big nine orbs, one of the orb was filled with Sun-like energy.

"What is this?" Eldrick was puzzled by what he sees, he was fascinated by the orb that was filled with energy, he tried touching it but unfortunately, he could not touch it but instead, he felt heat coming from the orb then he was injected from the universe.

Waking up from his trance, Eldrick saw he had sweated a lot as if his body had come out from a sauna, there are also black substances that come out from his body that stench so much.

After inspecting himself Eldrick decided to clean his body, as he stands up from his bed Eldrick couldn't control his strength he accidentally stomps the floor leaving a hole on the bricks floor.

"What!!! how did this happen?" Eldrick was dumbfounded!

"Was it because of that Yin and Yang Combination? I can't seem to control my strength" Eldrick thought as it seems like it was the only reason.

A moment later, after practicing to control his own strength, Eldrick was able to grasp it. then proceed to clean body!.