

Lilly and William explored the mansion's garden without any care as if this mansion was theirs. They didn't look like intruders at all; at most, they looked like a curious duo wandering around in curiosity.

Lilly sighed and said, "What a pity!"

William refrained from saying anything and instead took a note mentally that Lilly loved Flowerbeds. He would remember this.

As he brushed past some plants that stood knee-high over him, he approached Lilly while making sure he didn't ruin any flowers.

"Master, are you sure he hasn't run away till now?" William asked. They had been taking their time, so he was afraid that the Mayor would run away.

"Don't worry, I'll know if he tried to escape," Lilly said, tapping the ground below her, "Besides, he will probably use some underground passage to escape. If he really is as cowardly as everyone says, then I'm damn sure he had some tunnels running underground."