

AmIAJokeToYou · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Awakening

The sun had begun its descent, casting long shadows over the tranquil landscape of the medieval world. Ethan, a young man with a disoriented mind, slowly regained consciousness. He blinked several times, trying to make sense of his surroundings. Tall, emerald-green grass swayed gently in the breeze, and vibrant wildflowers dotted the meadow where he lay.

"Where... where am I?" Ethan mumbled, his voice barely audible.

As he rose to his feet, a sharp pain shot through his head, leaving him momentarily disoriented. Thoughts raced through his mind, questioning his sudden arrival in this unfamiliar realm. Was it a dream, or had he truly been transported to another world?

Ethan's attention was abruptly drawn to a weathered leather-bound book resting in the grass beside him. Curiosity piqued, he reached down and picked it up, the rough texture of the cover beneath his fingertips.

"What's this?" Ethan wondered aloud, his voice tinged with confusion. "How did this book get here?"

Without warning, the book emitted a soft, ethereal glow, drawing his attention to its pages. As if guided by an invisible force, Ethan's fingers turned the pages until he reached the first entry.

In elegant handwriting, the words appeared before his eyes, written on the ancient parchment:

"To the one who holds the Book of Creation, welcome to the realm of wonders," the inscription read, its message echoing in Ethan's mind.

Ethan's eyes widened in astonishment. "Is... is this book communicating with me?"

Silent and enigmatic, the book's words continued to manifest on the pages, as if written by an unseen hand:

"Yes, young traveler," the book responded within Ethan's thoughts. "You have been transported to a world brimming with magic and untold possibilities. It is a realm similar to your own, yet vastly different. And you, by some twist of fate, have become its chosen guardian."

Ethan's heart raced as he absorbed the book's message. "Chosen guardian? But why me?"

The pages of the book turned once more, revealing the answer to his question:

"The reasons may be veiled in mystery, but know that the Book of Creation has bestowed upon you its power," the written words explained. "Within these pages lies the ability to bring forth anything your heart desires. But remember, every creation comes at a price, a balance to be maintained."

Ethan's mind whirled with a mix of disbelief and excitement. "So, I have the power to create with this book? Anything?"

The response appeared swiftly, ink forming on the page:

"Indeed," the book affirmed. "With each sunrise, you may summon forth one entity of your choosing, imbued with a singular skill or ability. However, for each creation, a sacrifice must be made. The essence of monsters or their cores shall fulfill this exchange, and they shall be stored within my pages."

Ethan's gaze shifted to the horizon, where shadows danced in the fading light. "Monsters... Are they a threat in this world?"

The book's response was swift, the words appearing before him:

"The realm teems with creatures both wondrous and perilous," the book replied. "Monsters roam the lands, preying upon the innocent and disrupting the balance. It is through your creations that you shall champion the cause of justice and safeguard the realm from their grasp."

Ethan's determination ignited within him. "Then, I will use this power to protect the innocent and restore peace to this land. I shall become a beacon of hope."

As the last sentence was written, the pages fell silent, leaving Ethan to contemplate the weight of his newfound destiny. The world unfolded before him, a

realm of magic, monsters, and uncharted possibilities. With the book as his guide and companion, he set forth into the unknown, his resolve unyielding.

A thought nagged at Ethan's mind, a seed of doubt planted by his vigilant nature. He looked down at the book, its pages filled with words that had stirred both hope and skepticism within him.

"Why should I become a hero when I possess the power to create anything I desire?" Ethan voiced his inner conflict, seeking clarity from the book.

In response, the next sentence appeared, written in the book's script:

"This world is in grave peril, Ethan," the words conveyed a sense of urgency. "The fabric of existence is unraveling, and only through your intervention can it be saved."

Ethan's brow furrowed. "But why should I save a world I know nothing about? Why should I risk my life and make sacrifices?"

The book's reply materialized on the pages, addressing Ethan's concerns:

"As the owner of the Book of Creation, you are bound to its fate. If this world falls into ruin, the book will seek a new owner, and that transition comes at a cost—the life of its current bearer. By saving this realm, you ensure your own survival."

Ethan absorbed the weight of the book's response. The revelation hit him hard—his own life was intricately tied to the fate of this world. Survival became intertwined with the responsibility to be its savior.

With a mixture of acceptance and determination, Ethan nodded. "I understand now. If I want to survive in this world, I must embrace my role as its protector. I will wield the power of creation to bring about change and ensure a future for both myself and this realm."

The book remained silent, its pages waiting patiently for Ethan's next move. As dusk descended upon the land, casting an ethereal glow over the horizon, Ethan ventured forth. The weight of the book and its profound purpose settled upon his shoulders, as he embarked on a path riddled with challenges, sacrifices, and the untold possibilities of a world teetering on the brink.

"I shall honor this duty," Ethan affirmed, his voice steady and resolute. "For the sake of this world and for my own survival, I will become the hero it needs."