
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

You are unfit for the role, just give up already

Sadly Matheus doesn't make any progress in his quest to convert 10 people.

Matheus is with Natsuki and Sujiro at a place that I think is a theatre, it's dark but they can still see each other.

The lights get stronger, now they can see clearly that they are alone, there are around 50 seats and someone on the stage.

They get closer to this person.

"Bruno?" Matheus said confused.

Yeah, it's him, Matheus looks happy to see him "Are you dreaming too buddy?" Matheus said. Bruno nods also happy to see Matheus.

Sujiro says finding him funny "You don't even know if he is real."

"Ah whatever, I ask him later, anyways I'm glad to see you two in a better mood"

I like the mood, just a bunch of friends enjoying the moment, I hope nothing bad happens.

Bruno friendly invites them to get on the stage.

They comply and started to hear instrumental music that match the mood.

Once they playfully get on the stage, a bunch of people get inside through the same door Bruno came, from all ages, wearing good clothes for the occasion of course like suits, just one weird thing, they are wearing masks like the ones from masquerades, and even animals ears real or not I don't know, they are too far away to be sure.

Once they took the theater got darker except the stage lights of course.

"So, Matheus..."

Matheus pays attencion to Bruno.

"Do you mind if I tell you what I think about your performance?"

Matheus makes a confused face with a smile as if he is expecting a joke then says "Okay but, what performance?"

Bruno with a smile makes a gesture to look behind him.

He does and hears steps, 2 guys that look kinda like him, both look manly and badass with an intense stare of a hero ready to face any villain, 1 is wearing a green combat jacket, blue shirt, and jeans with a brown belt. The other wearing a butcher's outfit of green cloth with brown hide straps around his shoulders, as well as strapped under his stomach, which a large green flap covers, 2 bags one on his belly and the other on his right thigh, a little bit of blood in coming from them, and some flowers and vegetables can seem sticking out of them, it's also possible to hear glass bumping into each other, when he moves.

"Can they hear us? (the audience)"

Bruno says to Matheus "They have good hearing. Those are the 2 roles you took upon yourself right?"

"hmmmm" Matheus looks confused.

"The manly badass hero that punches the shit out of villains and the doctor with unorthodox healing methods."

"oooh yeah, wait wut?... how did you know?"

Bruno chuckles "Of course I would know, you get in my theater, assumed a role without consulting or asking for permission, and thought I wouldn't notice your shinanigans?" the crowd chuckles and whispers things I guess they are mocking Matheus.

Matheus's smile slowly dies with his expectations.

Bruno says "Yeaaah, if you ask me" he looks ironically hesitant "Your performance has been a flop, I'm afraid you are unfit for such a role."

"Hmmm, what?"

Bruno chuckles "Look how clueless you are, let me help you. You are just not entertainingly following the plotlines you picked. When you heard about the ritual from Hirohito what you did do about it?"


"Exactly! nothing, cuz you are a pussy, too afraid of change and taking initiative, no wonder you never kissed a girl." the crowd laughs at Bruno's mockingly comment.

"Are this crowd, real people?" Matheus asked him a little worried.

"Man... ok fine, if you insist on this role I will give you a hand but are ready to pay the consequences?"

"hmm, I don't, know," Matheus said with hesitation.

"I know," Bruno said with a confident smile "Tell me what you think, if the universe is a stage play, is it a tragedy or comedy?"

"Comedy, God will prevail in the end."

"Hmmm, I like your optimism, let's see if it lasts when it faces some drama. You two" he was referring to Natsuki and Sujiro "ever wondered why Matheus never calls your two by, your pronoun of choice?"

They look pensive and then realize he is telling the truth.

Bruno seeing this says "Yeah, that's because..." he slowly and confidently walks to Matheus puts his hands on his shoulders, and turns him to face Natsuki and Sujiro, the 2 are looking at Matheus's faces but he avoids eye contact. "tell Natsuki, how beautiful SHE is, please, go ahead."

After an awkward and tense silence, Natsuki says "You are making him uncomfortable."

Bruno says "Oh, really? Uh, okay." he takes his hands off Matheus "But, doesn't he also make you uncomfortable?" ... "I know he wants to tell you, something really funny, but, he is too shy, so I will tell you in his place." Matheus looks a little worried and uncomfortable.

Bruno wears a mask that looks like Matheus and mockingly imitates his voice then says to Natuski and Sujiro "Screw your feelings hehe, you are never going to be a woman! and you are never going to be a man! because my giant invisible guy told me." The crowd laughs, then he stops acting like Matheus. Bruno is not right in his face but, it feels like this when Bruno looks at Matheus's face, an oppressive look, intimidating despise trying to look funny, as if from his eyes came chains that bind Matheus's willpower to defend himself.

Sujiro says to Bruno "Bro why are toy trying to start a beef for no reason, Matheus cares about our feelings right Matheus?"

Matheus is facing the exit door 'What the hell is happening??'

Bruno says "See, he is probably thinking about the Jesus shirtless or something like that not even paying attention to you. Tell me, why do you think he is being so evasive? if he has nothing to worry about."

Sujiro says to Bruno "Whatever, why are you acting like a child?" Natsuki agrees with Sujiro.

Seeing this Bruno showed a sign of respect and then smiled back saying "Wow, brave, but why aren't you so brave like that to tell Natsuki you like her so much?"

Surprised Matheus slowly turns his head to look at Sujiro's face, it's red with embarrassment, he says confused "U spying on us?"

"I will tell one last time, I'm not spying, just looking at my theater. Would you kindly make silence for the 2 here to speak?"

Awkward silence.

Bruno breaks it "Oh yeah, not only that but Sujiro identified himself as a male because you identified yourself as a female, he literally changed gender for you, cute." laughs. "Not making fun of you btw, I just find it funny how you managed to hide it for so long."

Silence again.

"Nothing again? okay. Let me show something" he turns on a huge TV on the stage, that shows Matheus in Sujiro's Home, he helped her to open a jar and in gratitude, she hugs him from behind, he then proceeds to walk to the bathroom funnily, because he got a boner. "Damm bro AR AR AR AR AR" Bruno and the crowd laughs.

A person in the crowd says "Caught in 4k!"

"Ain't it funny, how to despise him finding the idea of you two being a trans couple an abomination, he gets a boner on you Sujiro? because of a hug, a hug." Bruno said.

Matheus casually and without haste prepares to swing, looks surprised, and looks at his own hands, "looking for this?" Bruno said with a challenging smile and confident tone "Come, take it."

Matheus does nothing.

"Damm, murder?" Bruno said.

"This is a dream, fuck you," Matheus said relaxed and looking disappointed, then passed his hand on his face to relieve stress.

"Oh, so when things don't go the way you like it's not a supernatural dream anymore? hahaha, well if this is a dream, then why don't you make yourself at home? there is plenty of women here for you to rape, oops I mean, special sex intercourse, man I love Putin haha."

Silence again.

"Damm, you guys are so boring, I have to keep moving the plot forward... especially for this boring ass hero, and this boring theater, that the previous owner messed up the play I'm trying to make. Alright, next plotline Matheus is failing; the missing ones."

Natsuki says "What do you mean?"

"I mean, don't you think Sujiro's parents are a little bit different, the same goes for Kobeni and Makima, Matheus knows what I'm talking about. I mean, do you think I was really her mother's ex? Are they really what they claim to be? come on pain more attention to them."

This statement left Matheus, Sujiro, and Natsuki confused.

Bruno says to Matheus "And the last plotline that you are being a flop is... the battle royale, I expected you were going to do something about it, I don't know exactly what but, you know, something, the same goes for the entire town... you know what, I'm gonna do something fun about it, that will expose you, still wanna keep your role?"

Matheus just stares at him without showing interest in answering.

Bruno says "Oh yeah, one last thing to say" he turns to face Natsuki and Sujiro "Sujiro, are you sure he saved you or it was staged? look at this mf, he claims that has regeneration powers gifted to him by Jesus, but he doesn't use this shit like the badass hero he wants to be, are you two sure to proceed with the ritual even with his incredible example of faith?" the crowd laughs. "Damm imagine how much he could do, with those gifts, and look how bad he is not using them. Don't mind the shit he is trying to puts on your head, do what you two want." he makes a sympathetic smile. "I want to protect you two from him." he turns to Matheus and then says "If that heaven of yours is so good, perhaps you should work harder, to bring it to other people don't you think?" laughs mockingly.

After a brief silence, the lights slowly start to fade away... now it's pitch black and dark.

"If the folk refuse to wear the monster costume, I will make them," Bruno said with confidence.

Thanks for reading <3

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