
I Gave Birth To The Male Lead's Child

Having died in a plane crash, Camille believed she was lucky to have gained a second chance at life when she woke up in a different body. So her surprise was great when she soon realized that the world she was now in seemed awfully familiar to the novel she had read a long time in the past. She could not remember much about it but was absolutely confident of one fact. “The male lead did not have any children!” She growled while looking at the bulging belly that was beginning to get noticeable. The novel she had read was about a cold and stern male lead who did not experience love at first sight but slid down the slope called love in a gradual and well-preserved manner. Even the woman he had eventually fallen in love with was someone comparable to him in all ways. They shared similar traits of being the best and not settling for less which was something that Camille had liked about the novel. However, there wasn’t much to read about two perfect individuals falling in love with each other. Hence she had absentmindedly completed the book before throwing it in the back of her mind, thus forgetting about it until now. But who would have thought that she would end up inside that very novel she had disliked for its characters being too perfect? Not only was she inside that novel but the body she possessed was a nameless passerby who would soon be giving birth to the male lead’s child. Yet Camille was confident that there had been no mention of the male lead having children with anyone throughout the novel! At the same time, the vivid memories of the night the original owner of this body had spent with the male lead were also irrefutable. Therefore, considering all sides of the story, there was only one path she could choose in this situation. “I will stay away from the male lead and let him have his slow-burn romance with the female lead!” She declared what she would do and was determined to see this mission through to the end. However, the man who kept approaching her made it seem that her mission was in jeopardy before it could even begin. __ Camille: I might lose my life if I get too close to the male lead… Male lead: When did I ever say that!? __ This novel has pregnancy, adorable babies, child care, and a whole lot of fluff~

ObsidianOrbs · Urbain
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35 Chs

A Young Lady In Love (2)

She loved him from afar and he did not even know that she existed yet shone brighter than anyone else in her heart and life.

This was what she had intended from the very beginning but fate had different plans for her.

A few months ago, she had been invited to a party at a club and despite her initial rejections, her friends had forcibly dragged her over to let her enjoy life rather than being stuck at work all the time.

She was reluctant to stay for long but facing the friends who pouted and complained that they never got to see her due to her work, she decided to let go of her inhibitions and enjoy the night with them.

After all, they were right as she had been too focussed on her work that she had hardly spent any time with them in the recent past.

Noticing that she had agreed to stick around, bottles of liquor were ordered and in no time, the group of friends were drunk and giggling like fools.

As they were in a respectable establishment that was trusted by many, they had no fear of any unfortunate incidents taking place and hence could enjoy themselves to the fullest extent.

The young lady was watching her friends have fun and she too constantly sipped the strong liquor from her glass while conversing with them.

As she enjoyed the loud music, her eyes scanned her surroundings in a drunken haze.

She had just let her eyes roam around to watch those around her but had unexpectedly caught sight of someone that caused her eyes to widen in surprise.

She had come here to spend time with her friends, to get her mind off work and other thoughts that constantly pestered her mind.

Never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined finding the one who plagued her with numerous thoughts in a place like this.

Though this establishment was famous for having many young masters and misses visiting it regularly, she could not believe that she found that man here.

This surprising encounter sobered her from her drunken haze as she began sneaking peeks at him from the corner of her eyes without letting her friends notice her inattention.

Since her friends were also drunk and enjoying the vibrant atmosphere, her covert actions had escaped their eyes.

Seeing him so close that he could turn in her direction and notice her at any given moment caused her heart to thump in excitement.

However, that excitement faded when she saw him focused on the conversation he was having with the man he had come here with.

Throughout that interaction, his eyes were either on his phone or on the man with him.

This caused her lips to curl downward as he had not shit a single glance in her direction.

Due to her drunken state, she had forgotten that it was her desire to stay in the shadows and willingly love him from afar.

It was also this drunkenness that evoked the courage within her that she had lacked all along.

Hence when she saw him rise from his seat after his meeting had come to an end, she had also made up her mind on what she needed to do.

She would confess her love to him on this very day and at this very place.

Though her plan was contradictory to what her sober self was striving for

, in her current state, she cared not for such matters as she too rose to her feet.

In order to catch up with him before he left, she would have to hurry in the direction he had just disappeared in.

However, it wasn't as easy as she had assumed it would be as her friends had finally noticed her actions which this time were too attention-grabbing.

Seeing her up on her feet, they grasped that she wished to head back home and hence began urging her to stay for longer.

They even made promises of all kinds to buy her anything she asked for but her mind was set on only one thought.

Therefore, she apologized as she rejected the lucrative offers they had made.

She also promised to invite them for a meal before leaving right away.

Her stubborn actions left her friends bewildered but they had no idea what was on her mind as she had disappeared in no time.

If her friends were in their right minds instead of being drunk, they would have noticed another strange aspect about her hasty departure.

The direction in which she had rushed away wasn't the entrance which also served as the exit for his establishment.

Instead, she had headed towards a pathway that leads to a different portion of the establishment, one which they had never visited in the past.

On the other hand, the young lady who was following the man she fancied halted in her steps when she finally caught up with him.

Her heartbeat sped up when she realized that she would be expressing the love she had kept hidden all these years.

Nervous perspiration dampened her palms but she did not let it deter her.

Instead, she clenched her fists in determination as she strode forward.

Camille opened her eyes as that was the end of the short movie that played in her mind.

What came next were scenes she had already witnessed when she first woke up in this body.

The moans and whimpers coming from a voice that sounded just like hers echoed in her mind once again, making her blush as she put an end to those evil thoughts.

Patting her cheeks that had reddened after recalling what the previous owner of this body had done, Camille chose to disregard those memories and focus on what happened next.


Upon waking up the next morning, she regained her senses and was stupefied when she found the man laying next to her on a messy and well-used bed.

Lowering her head, she found red marks all over her body.

From her chest to her thighs, every part had been marked by the man asleep beside her.

Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she could not face him in such a state.

Recalling that her drunk self had tried to confess to him which later led to their current situation, she blushef further as she hurried to get out of bed.

Now that her drunken courage had worn out, she no longer had the confidence to face him.

Thus she hurried put on her clothes with hushed movements before escaping while he was still asleep.

After that night had passed, she returned to her usual life and pretended that nothing was different as she had no intentions of approaching him ever again.

She was sure that he did not know who she was and hoped that things would remain this way despite everything that had taken place.

Even when she later learned of her pregnancy she had no thoughts of letting him know because she believed that this would disturb his life which was the last thing she wanted to do.

This was how Camille had somehow ended up becoming the one who would soon give birth to the Male Lead's child.

The original Camille did not know that the man she loved was the ML hence I've never mentioned ML for a major portion of these chapters.

Enjoy the updates~

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