
I fell in love with the transfer student

Theodore Moss has a dream that is to truly fall in love still in school, just like the characters in the romance books. Living adventures, sharing sweet moments and overcoming obstacles are some things he hopes will happen to you. But it is not so easy when other students are prejudiced with their sexual orientation. But everything can change with the arrival of the transfer student, Gabriel Jones, who even under the spotlight of popularity tries to get closer and friendly with Theodore. That is, if the rich and popular girl Sadie let this happen! Will this friendship be able to unravel true love? This is a romantic cliché, to sweeten your imagination. {Boys Love | Omegaverse}

Alisgreen0107 · LGBT+
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140 Chs

The moment in the locker room

Theodore waited for all the players to leave the locker room when he entered holding a straw basket. With the abundant silence, he had entered quietly to keep the uniforms of the official team in the closets.

As an assistant to the team, Theodore was responsible for taking care of the uniforms, so he collected them on Saturday and washed them to return on Monday. In addition to taking care of the food of the players on match days, among many other tasks.

However, when rumours about his sexuality and class began to spread, his task became more difficult. Players just weren't comfortable with him anymore. They always kicked him out of the locker room at the end of training, since the boys were taking a shower.

To make matters worse, no one wanted to take Theodore's place as an assistant. They actually wanted to, but players were already used to the pampering that blonde omega gave them. Which person would take uniforms to wash? Or else order lunch boxes taking into account their allergies? Or even, to observe them so accurately that you would know where they would need to improve?

Nobody beat Theodore as an assistant.

Nicolas had to bargain a middle ground for the team to continue to function. Theodore could not interact with the boys, and was only allowed to enter the locker room when everyone was gone. The distance had been created, and in a way the blonde believed to be better than receiving insults.

The friendly match would take place over the weekend, and Theodore needed to resolve some issues of the team along with Nicolas. But before, returning the washed uniforms was his mission.

Closing the first cupboard and separating the next neatly folded uniform, Theodore paralysed when he felt a strong smell. A predominant citrus aroma that left his legs wobbly. Then he heard the sound of a shower. Turning his head towards the pits, he turned pale before the possibility of being caught there.

That would be a deal breaker, wouldn't it? He'd be screwed by championship time.

Swallowing hard, he rushed to store the uniforms to escape from there. Only the damned jammed, not opening so easily before their despair.

― Open the shit!

Even with his frustrating chiding, Theodore struggled to open the closet door. The despair only increased when he heard the shower being turned off and the intense smell of an alpha mixed with soap spread throughout the dressing room. Quickly the boy held the straw basket and ran to the last row of the cabinets under stumbles where he could hide. He took a deep breath listening to the sounds, calming his heart so that he could find the best solution.

He shouldn't be caught.

He would respect the agreement his best friend had created. He also didn't want anyone to interpret it as if he was hitting on someone.

Sound of footsteps coming out of the box were heard. Theodore stretched his head and listened attentively to that sound increasing along with the smell. His body had begun to respond to the stimulus, his pupils dilated and blood concentrated at a single point in his body.

Whoever it was, it was getting closer. So, Theodore had been spying on who could be and where he would be going, having the surprise and unhappiness to see being Milles. The tall boy was with the towel wrapped around his waist and another on his wet hair. He walked looking at the floor.

Despair had returned like a hurricane when Theodore realized he was hiding in the row of cabinets where one of them belonged to Mckenzie. Quickly off to the other end, waiting for the right time to flee. However, no matter what he did, Milles would see him.

Getting caught was already a bad idea. Getting caught by Milles in that condition was greeting the devil on a tour to hell.

Squeezing the basket against his chest, Theodore already accepted the fate of being caught by the last person with whom he wished to be alone, when a pair of arms wrapped his waist and suddenly pulled him back.

When Milles arrived in the closet itself he looked around thinking he had heard something. But the dressing room was already dark and empty. Stretching his head looking at the huge palm vase and the spine, he swung his shoulders carefree without finding anything.

He quickly changed into his school uniform, throwing wet towels into the huge corner basket. He pulls his backpack out of the closet before pulling it over and heading for the exit.

Milles Mckenzie had left the locker room believing it to be the last one, but he did not imagine that so close to him there were two boys hidden in the shadows, behind a column and a palm vase.

Holding his breath, Theodore was in a panic. His heart beat so fast that his legs would tremble. In addition to the obvious fear of being seen by Milles, his greatest source of nervousness was the warm hands that squeezed him against a stiff body.

An arm wrapped his waist, his hand flat on his abdomen. The other hand covered his mouth preventing him from uttering any sound that would denounce the presence and nose so that he would not smell Milles. As if that wasn't enough, a breath stuck to his ear, creeping his neck.

His heart could not calm down in feeling that warm breath close to him. The strength that those hands had certainly did not contribute to their condition. It was not a very desirable situation, nor could Theodore control his body to react.

Only when they heard the dressing room door close did Theodore feel the grip loosen. Having the free hand of his nose, he could breathe again feeling the aroma he knew and appreciated in recent weeks. An aroma that completely covered it making the presence of omega negligible.

Slowly the omega had turned its head discovering the identity of its saviour, widening its clear eyes to see the brown eyes focused on you.

― G-Gabriel? ― Quickly moving away from the tall boy, Theodore squeezed the basket tightly against his chest ― Are you still here?

― I was talking to the coach until now, I was about to shower when I saw you.

Oh shit, not only would he get caught by Milles but actually get caught by Gabriel. Swallowing hard because he imagined himself breaking his agreement with the volleyball team, the boy tried to find the best excuse to give. He stepped back, about to run away from those dark eyes that were staring so deeply at him.

His body was still reacting to the sensations he had felt before, and the last thing he wanted was to get hard in front of his classmate.

― A-Ah right, then I'll go out so you're comfortable.

Turning his back preparing to flee, Theodore was stopped when Gabriel held his shoulder. Holding his breath without wanting to look back, the blonde remained standing in place just waiting.

― Can we talk? I promise to be brief.

Theodore looked over his shoulder, but did not turn. Yet it was a sign that he was listening to the boy. Without releasing the blond's wrist, Gabriel then continued.

― I wanted to know who Jake is.

The mere mention of that name was enough for Theodore to freeze in place. Gabriel had felt the tension in his colleague's wrist, almost making him feel sorry and giving up on the subject. However he had promised himself that he would listen to both sides of that story, so he would not release Theodore at all.

Theodore, on the other hand, swallowed dry several times while the confusion of sweet memories invaded his mind. As Nicolas had said before, the Mckenzie should have told that story to Gabriel. This did not please him much.

With the remaining courage, Theodore had finally looked into Gabriel's eyes.

― Why do you care about him, Gabriel?

— I know I'm being pretty nosy, but Milles said it was the reason they asked me to stay away from you. I won't make a decision until I know the whole story.

― You don't need to know. ― Theodore answered by facing Gabriel.

― Why not?

― That won't make a difference, Gabriel. Didn't you tell Nicolas it was your decision to make friends?

Gabriel had released Theodore's wrist without averting his eyes. He had not been able to argue against his own words. Taking a deep breath, the tall boy stroked his own forehead.

― I must be tired of being in the middle of this fight. It was bad Theodore.

The blond then approached Gabriel stroking his hair as he addressed a gentle smile. Amazed at the action of the minor, the player petrified without knowing how to react to such a brightness that that smile radiated.

― You don't have to worry about that, Gabriel. You're free to do whatever you want. That's my problem with the Mckenzie, all right?

Being about to leave, for the second time Theodore was hindered by that big, hot hand. Now he had turned immediately to face the tallest boy, even if it was hard to quicken his heart.

― Are you sure I can do whatever I want? ― Gabriel whispered.

If judged Gabriel based on his impressions, the blonde would say the transfer student was someone calm and charismatic. As a person who knows how to float in the rough sea, for he is whole. However at that time what Theodore saw reflected in the dark eyes was the most tense storm.

Yes, yes... Theodore realized that his classmate was afflicted with something. He realized that Sadie could have pressured the boy with the story of Jake. Poor thing, not even present to undo the misunderstandings.

Shaking his head to abandon the inconvenient thoughts, Theodore outlined a simple smile.

— I don't own you. I think you're all grown up to make your own decisions. If you're worried about this whole thing, then I'll let you know she has nothing to do with you. You can despise her all you want.

His intention was only to calm the boy down. Sadie would be using tricks to prevent Theodore from approaching. All that remained was to know if she would have realized how confused Gabriel was in having to deal with a story that would not involve his.

Well... Theodore himself had noticed, and had already made things clear. So Gabriel would see the obvious.

Waving goodbye, Theodore headed out of the locker room craving fresh air to calm his instincts. When the hand touched the doorknob, he heard those words that sounded like a promise.

― Remember those words in the future, Theodore. Because I've made my decision.