
I fell in love with the transfer student

Theodore Moss has a dream that is to truly fall in love still in school, just like the characters in the romance books. Living adventures, sharing sweet moments and overcoming obstacles are some things he hopes will happen to you. But it is not so easy when other students are prejudiced with their sexual orientation. But everything can change with the arrival of the transfer student, Gabriel Jones, who even under the spotlight of popularity tries to get closer and friendly with Theodore. That is, if the rich and popular girl Sadie let this happen! Will this friendship be able to unravel true love? This is a romantic cliché, to sweeten your imagination. {Boys Love | Omegaverse}

Alisgreen0107 · LGBT+
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140 Chs

Sweet cafeteria

― Ah! I'm sorry, Theodore! Am I too late?

Theodore stood against the school wall, arching his brow to the short girl who leaned on her own knees. He had watched Lilian running desperate in his direction, as the exit sign had been ringing for a few minutes.

― Were you taking a test?

— Yeah. In Portuguese. When the teacher asks to do some kind of text I always linger. But it's okay ― Turning to the school building, the beta girl joined both hands in a greeting ― I'll get good grades, amen.

Laughing at the girl, Theodore had disengaged from the wall to follow Lilian through the streets. It was somewhat strange that he was seen with someone other than Nicolas. Or with Gabriel. Even worse with a girl.

Even so, it was not uncomfortable. He imagined it to be the similarity between her and the little Lisa that Theodore always remembered. The short girl looked like an angel with an innocent and puerile smile. The light eyes shone like a new doll. Even her tone was calm. Fluffy would be the best definition.

― How far are we going?

— No, it's very close. Incidentally, did you have any commitment after class? ― Questioned the girl turning her head curiously to the blonde. Noticing the arch of his eyebrow, she soon explained. ― Your friend said you had training.

― Oh, no. I didn't have anything scheduled for today. I don't really know why he said that.

Should he have asked Gabriel about his behavior with Lilian earlier? At the end of the day he just let him talk about the conversation the night before. Taking a deep breath he had chosen not to think about it. He didn't want to have to deal with the symptoms of love in front of a girl.

The cafeteria Lilian had taken Theodore to was actually near the school. Small and cozy, with theme of the eighties both in the decoration and in the songs that played softly. The attendants of the small cafeteria wore characteristic clothes, leaving Theodore enchanted with the energy of the place.

The two young people chose a table near the window, being away from the other customers. The menu had been delivered to them, and Theodore was even more dazzled by the various options of sweet coffee. He ended up choosing one with plenty of chantily, nuts and some chocolate. While Lilian had ordered a hot chocolate decorated with sweets.

― What do you think of this, Theodore?

Looking around he nods with his head opening a slight smile.

― I enjoyed it. It's the first time I've been in a coffee shop.

― I imagined. It is my family. ― Laughed the girl before the surprise of Theodore.

― Your family? Wow, you guys had a nice touch...

― Listen... these bruises on your face... are you okay?

Theodore gave a slight nervous smile to the girl. He had completely forgotten that he was still hurt.

― I'll be fine. So, about the contest...

— Oh yes! Let's get to it, right? We will have a festival after the races in order to promote a cheering for the volleyball team in the qualifiers. Did you know that?

Theodore had crossed his arms in denial with his head. Despite being the captain's assistant, no one had told him anything about this festival. The possibility of the coach and the captain knowing about it was questioned.

He had made a mental note of talking to Nicolas later.

― Why do they want to do that this year? Last year we had another championship and the school didn't care much about it.

— I was told that this year the board is new, they probably wanted to do something different. Anyway a committee was created to take care of the preparations of the festival, and they decided to make a main event so that the players also participated.

― The beauty pageant thing?

― That!

Why the hell would anyone create a beauty pageant? Theodore would never have imagined that his school students cared so much. In addition, if the Mckenzie's brothers participated in something, they would already gain the support of their own friends... And in the end, the opinion of the other students would not matter.

― Let me get this straight. They want to make the contest for the volleyball players to participate, promoting this year's qualifiers?

― Looks like the new principal wants one of them to win to motivate the students to go see the matches. Like... an organized crowd.

― Wouldn't it be easier to create a cheerleading club?

Lilian had let out a laugh swinging her shoulders carefree.

— I don't understand the minds of grown-ups who love to trade in their starched jackets. The point is that the teachers thought it best that all classes participate, not closing the contest only for the players.

Theodore suppresses laughter by imagining that the teachers would have envisioned the possible outcome. If only players participated, surely Milles would win. Not only for being considered handsome, but because of the insistent girls who always appear in the games to shout his name.

It would be fairer for others to come in and compete.

Teachers were really scary.

An attendant had approached the table leaving both orders. Theodore and Lilian did not linger in sipping and smiling delighted with the sweet taste. Both looked at each other and laughed at the coincidence.

― Is yours good? ― Lilian asked with shining eyes.

― Um, very sweet.

― You prefer sweet too? Wow, there's two of us. I need candy in my life.

The excited way the girl spoke made Theodore smile. For a moment they forgot the main conversation, sharing their favourite sweets. Slowly the atmosphere had been relaxed, the mistrust that formed a barrier faded giving room for new friendships.

When their bowls were empty and the small cake plate, which they asked to try, was also empty, the two teenagers leaned on the chair satisfied.

― Back to the subject, why did you choose me to represent your class?

Lilian raised her clear eyes and leaned on the table opening a simple smile.

― Because I liked you.

Caught off guard, Theodore had felt like hiding his face between his hands. It seemed like the right attacks that his sister gave him, leaving the poor omega embarrassed. Then he just scratched his head opening a ashamed smile.

― How could I? We don't know each other...

— I did not expect you to remember me ― Laugh Lilian settling in the chair, lowering her eyes to her own hands resting on her lap ― In fact there was a time last year when I lost my parents in an event that had here in town. And you helped me.

Theodore stared at the girl lost in thoughts. A snap had made his memory work, remembering a little girl with short hair who was about to cry in the crowd. It was on a day that a circus had arrived in the city, making the biggest party to the point of visitors from neighboring cities also attend the show.

The blonde had gone with his family, and realized the lost girl.

Winking at Lilian, he realized it was really her. Although now her hair is longer and she has a smile on her face instead of tears in her eyes.

― Then we meet again.

— Sounds like fate, doesn't it? ― Laughs the girl leaning her elbows on the table and her face on her hands. ― Thanks for helping me that time, it was like finding a big brother... a big brother? haha.

With that childish giggle, Theodore seemed to see flowers emanating from Lilian. His hands covered his embarrassed face.

Theodore definitely had a thing for cute girls.