
I fell in love with the transfer student

Theodore Moss has a dream that is to truly fall in love still in school, just like the characters in the romance books. Living adventures, sharing sweet moments and overcoming obstacles are some things he hopes will happen to you. But it is not so easy when other students are prejudiced with their sexual orientation. But everything can change with the arrival of the transfer student, Gabriel Jones, who even under the spotlight of popularity tries to get closer and friendly with Theodore. That is, if the rich and popular girl Sadie let this happen! Will this friendship be able to unravel true love? This is a romantic cliché, to sweeten your imagination. {Boys Love | Omegaverse}

Alisgreen0107 · LGBT+
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140 Chs

Hot and maddening touch

― All right, Theo. But don't be too late, see? Anything calls, Pete will pick you up.

― All right, Mom. Kisses.

Turning off his cell phone and keeping it in his pants pocket, Theodore crossed his arms again while watching the three quarrelsome cleaning the bathroom on the first floor. He should imagine that the coach would ask him for that favour right after they discussed the training plans. Professor Marcos would be suspicious that from there would arise another fight that would completely undermine the dynamics of the team. The blond, in turn, believed that the fight had made it clear that Sadie's two friends lost their pride by catching up in front of the whole school. That is, they would not have the courage to raise their fists.

Crossing his arms releasing a tired sigh, the blond watched their silence. Time and again they heard them complain about the dirt, but they didn't dare talk to each other. And, of course, they avoided Nicolas.

The head of the omega began to throb. What a tiring day! Nicolas had certainly had an explosive return. What would be the next days?

Feeling a pleasant smell, Theodore turned back seeing Gabriel hidden behind a wall, calling him with his hand. Quickly the omega checked the distraction of the three punished before sneaking out to the corridor where the alpha was hiding. With the darkness of the corridors, Theodore had stifled a scream when he was suddenly pulled up and pinned against the wall.

― I can finally touch you.

― What are you doing? I thought you were gone!

― Shhh, speak quietly or we will be caught ― Smile Gabriel to look around and find out that no one would have listened to them ― I would go away, but lately we have not been together.

Theodore's cheeks gained a rosy tone, and he thanked the partial darkness of the corridor for keeping Gabriel from seeing, as he had not commented. Resting his hands on the shoulders of the alpha, the omega looked at him intensely without undoing the silly smile of his lips.

― We have too many troubled friends. I'm feeling like I'm all three spies in this whole story.

Gabriel had let out a nasal laugh and hugged Theodore's waist touching him to his body. A chill excited the omega the instant the heat of Gabriel's body enveloped him. He could feel his heart racing against yours, both at one pace.

Curling his fingers in Gabriel's hair, he felt the softness of them. By heaven, how could he survive the last days without touching his stay?

― Our friends are troubled, but you're also becoming popular now. I need to get a ticket and stand in line to talk to you.

It was Theodore's turn to let out a laugh.

― I told you that story would pay off.

— And I told you it's okay. I'm not complaining, I swear! ― For a moment Gabriel had raised his hands in surrender, but soon returned to embrace the waist of the omega. ― Only... Hell, they stuck on me in a way that's suffocating.

― It's Sadie, isn't it?

― Yeah. I've told her so many times, I don't love her, but it doesn't seem to get inside her head.

Gabriel was tired, he was sharp. There was no knight smile on his face, let alone that glare so intense in his brown eyes. Yet his hands were warm and did not detach from Theodore. The omega strummed the alpha's neck, until resting them on his shoulders.

Now that he had brought it up, it would be pertinent to tell of his conversation with Sadie. Theodore didn't want to act like those romance girls who don't talk and try to play the heroines themselves. He didn't have the strength to handle it alone.

— She came to talk to me these days. ― Theodore had begun, feeling Gabriel's shoulders stiffen at his fingertips ― She told me to stay away because you two were getting together, and soon you would tell the whole school you're dating.

― What? What the fuck? You didn't believe that, did you, Theo?

Theodore denied it with his head.

― I did not believe, but I challenged her. ― Realizing the confusion in Gabriel, the blond soon continued ― Said if it was true, do it right then.

― Why? Ever wonder if she actually says something?

― You would need to take a stand. ― Theodore had said calmly. ― The denial, right?

― Well, of course. But...

Theodore had noticed Gabriel's discomfort. Biting his lower lip he nodded and leaned against the wall again, creating a distance between them.

— You don't have to tell you're with me. Besides, it's just a hypothesis. I don't think she's going to have the courage to announce anything in front of the school when you know it's not true.

― That's why she's been around me lately. Asking me out and all that crap. I should have figured she was messing with you.

It was great to know that Gabriel cared about him, but it was so clear that there was something else worrying him. Theodore could not say exactly what it was, yet he was there forming a shadow in his eyes. Whatever it was, it was something that made Gabriel hesitant.

― I've done my part, the rest stays with you.

― What do you mean by that? ― Asked Gabriel looking frightened, approaching Theodore again.

— When Sadie asks to be with you, or date you, it will be the time for you to decide, Gabriel. ― Theodore held the alpha's hands, and smiled. ― I really like you, Gabriel. It wouldn't be crazy to say that I'm in love with you, and it's a feeling that's grown since the day we shared a book.

Holding his eyes, Theodore was sure of every word spoken. It was not a very romantic setting to declare, after all they were at school hidden in some dark corner. If they were caught, it would certainly make a big mess. Only those feelings needed to come out of his chest.

Theodore spent months guarding them, swallowing with the intention of never being noticed by Gabriel. He would endure and be content with the alpha's friendship as long as he could be by his side. Perhaps life would be kind to him in introducing him to the right person in the future, allowing him to bid farewell to youthful feelings by keeping them as a sweet memory. And so he would move on.

However, for some reason Gabriel wanted to stay with him. He wanted to kiss him, wanted to protect him and share his days with him. Theodore couldn't not fall in love even more.

He wanted so much more.

Love made him want to monopolize Gabriel entirely for himself.

— I told you once that I am well resolved with my sexual orientation. I don't want to rush you or anything, I just want you to understand, there are two people fighting over you right now. I can't tell you how deep Sadie's feelings are, and how far she intends to go. I can only say for myself. And if you really end up holding my hand, things could change in your life. It'll be scary, but I'll do my best for your sunflower that will lead you to the sun instead of the darkness.

Gabriel was paralysed in front of him, staring at him with teary eyes. Raising his arms to embrace Theodore tightly, the omega could feel a heart beating wildly. When he returned the touch, rubbing his hands on his broad back, he realized that his words had touched Gabriel.

— I swear I do not deserve you. I am the most cowardly before your strength, Theo. ― Whispered Gabriel in his ear ― But I am the most selfish of us. Of that I have no doubt.

It was Theodore's turn to remain quiet to hear and receive the alpha's feelings. Only he limited himself to those few words. Fingers curled into Theodore's hair, caressing them gently.

Turning his face to be able to look at Gabriel, he realized that he smiled like a complete asshole. A different smile than he usually saw, looking relieved. That's... relieved.

― Why would you be the most selfish?

— I will not tell, it is a side of me that was born here and I intend to hide from you. ― Theodore had arched his eyebrow in complete confusion, making the alpha laugh and move far enough away to caress his face ― Just keep that in mind, Theo. I've never done anything like it with other people. Everything with you will be the first time.

Silent, Theodore had again wrapped his arms around Gabriel's neck and had taken the initiative to seal his lips. With his waist hugging both bodies, the alpha had made it clear that omega would not escape him anytime soon.

Neither did Theodore wish to escape those lips so wonderful, which kissed him delicately in a growing desire. Or get rid of those big, warm hands that squeezed him hard.

There's no way Theodore wanted to escape.

Quite the contrary. He wanted to stay there forever.

Especially when the hot tongue had asked passage between his lips, and had met with the like in that moist mouth. Gabriel's breath hit his face with the snap of the kiss that echoed in his ears. The timing was precise and exciting, creating a flame that rose from the tip of the toes going to the heart in seconds.

A feeling that left Theodore with legs wobbly, but thirsty for more.

Gabriel sucked out his tongue shamelessly, and Theodore moaned making him shy. His body had moved away instinctively, as ready to flee for having let Gabriel hear his voice come out that way. A plea for more. It was so shameful.

However, the alpha pressed his embrace and leaned his omega against the wall preventing him from leaving. He had not released his lips, and had repeated the act to hear more of that groan. Theodore had felt it, and had worshipped it. Only he wouldn't give up their groans so easily that time.

Gabriel's hands came down his back, passing from the waist where they liked to rest. The curious fingers went to the hem of the sweatshirt that was raised quickly, along with the social shirt underneath. And then finally Gabriel had touched Theodore's warm skin.

He had goosebumps all over when he felt, for the first time, Gabriel's fingers touching him like that. Directly on the skin. The groan had again escaped his lips, this time accompanied by a husky, whispered voice.

― Ah, Gabriel.

Theodore felt his whole body ignite in moments when Gabriel usurped his mouth so abruptly. He couldn't react in time, he barely knew what to do to repay that fire that was growing inside him. All he could feel was the blood pulsing and concentrating on one spot.

His back was caressed gently by the tips of Gabriel's fingers. Until their curiosity was brought to their abdomen that had been fingered. The chills ran all over Theodore's body, and all he could do was prop himself up against the wall, completely surrendered to the pleasure that Gabriel provided.

Breathless, the alpha had abandoned his lips, descending them to his ear where he had nibbled and played with the earring with his tongue. Theodore had covered his own mouth to muffle the groans, hiding his face on Gabriel's shoulder without the courage to look at him, only to feel him.

The joke had become even more dangerous, as Gabriel was worshipping Theodore's reactions. When the fingers met with a stiffened nipple, the ruin of omega had been declared. His scent had grown strong, and the blond man only surrendered to the sea of sensations allowing himself to be vulnerable in front of that alpha.

The tip of the tongue would tread a path from the back of the ear to the neck, gently nibbling at your skin to cause further chills. How could Gabriel dare say he was inexperienced when he seemed to know what to do? Theodore was going crazy in that play danger.

His fingers clung to the alpha's blouse when the stimuli on his nipple began to torture him. Gabriel had rubbed the hot palm against the stiffened beak, and once again Theodore groaned the name of the alpha.

His little secret was revealed when Gabriel used his knees to spread Theodore's legs. The erection was felt, and the omega wanted to hide. But Gabriel would not allow him to escape. Never.

― Look at me, Theo.

Gabriel's voice was music to his ears. Hoarse, thick and full of desire. As he lifted his eyes toward him, noticed that his cheeks were also warm as was his breath. The eyes reflected the excitement and his mouth was moist from the distributed saddles.

― Tell me what to do.

What should he do? Theodore's head was completely blank thanks to Gabriel's bold touches. He didn't have the strength to stand on his own two feet, let alone let go of the alpha. Its smell was strong, and could be discovered because of him. Despite all this, Theodore was not prepared to finish everything right there.

― Touch me, Gabriel.

The shy request had been accepted. Theodore's lips were captured by Gabriel's in a fiery kiss, while the alpha's knees played with the erection still covered. He swallowed his groans, and then used his other hand to undo his trouser belt and slowly open it.

His calmness in getting to where the omega wanted was not a punishment for Theodore. Not when his nipple was so stimulated with your fingertips, and when his mouth got that hot tongue. He enjoyed all that pleasurably.

It was a fright, even, when Gabriel's hot hand went straight to the stiff member. Theodore's whole body had shaken and he had lost his strength completely. About to lose his breath, the kiss was closed to the frustration of the blonde. But it was short-lived when Gabriel suddenly turned his back to him, hugging him so tight still touching him under the clothes.

By heaven he was going crazy.

Gabriel's breath hit his neck, and felt his chest leaning completely against his back. His neck was nibbled, his nipple was pinched between his fingers and his masturbating member with that big, hot hand. Theodore hardly believed it was actually happening.

Throwing his head back, the omega simply gasped. He leaned on the wall with the last strength he had, closing his eyes just to feel more and more. What splendid sensations! It had never been touched in that way, with curious hands just to pluck the most diverse reactions. Maybe everything became more intense because they were still in the school hidden. A secret that only those two would keep.

A smile appeared on Theodore's lips, and Gabriel's hand appeared beneath the collar of his shirt to hold his face and turn him back, where a thirsty mouth sought him.

And it was there that Theodore had reached his peak of pleasure. With his breath panting and his heart almost coming out of his mouth. With his lips swollen from being punished by an alpha who longed to overpower him. When he felt Gabriel's hand come out of his pants, it was as if the emptiness took over him.

Theodore could barely stand up. He leaned on the wall and sat down on the floor facing Gabriel squat in front of him as messy as he, staring at his own hand. The white liquid slipped between his fingers, the alpha licked them to Theodore's surprise.

By heaven, that was insane!

Opening a smile, Gabriel had brought his own honeyed hand to Theodore's lips. Panting, the omega received those fingers inside his mouth, sucking them feeling the taste of their own enjoyment. His eyes light without deviating from the brown ones, sharing the secret of that night.

And then Gabriel finally told him something.

― With that I will become addicted to you, Theodore.