
I Fell In Love With The City's Villain

After a breakup with her husband, Katelyn has decided to come back home and live with her family again. But her arrival didn’t go as planned. Jason, a vengeful werewolf has attacked the city yet again and is defeated as always. Katelyn becomes curious to know more about this villain and follows him.

Raven_paw123 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


Katelyn's POV

Again, I woke up the next day to find myself wrapped in Jason's arms. He wasn't awake though. I slowly got up, trying not to disturb him, and I layed him down carefully. Yes, good puppy. Stay asleep. On my way to the door, I look at my phone. Ugh. Now she tells me. I carefully open the door, and it creaks loudly. Crap. I look at Jason and all he had done was turn.

Lexie's POV

Where is she? I was just about to text her when....


Oh. There she is. "Where were you," I asked. "Nonya," she says being sassy as always. Then she says. "I was helping out someone. He doesn't have a lot of food at home so--" "Oooh, is he a killer," I interrupted. Katie sighed and palmed her face. "Serial killer? No. He's shy. Cute? Maybe." My eyes widened with wonder. I would like to meet this cute guy.

Katelyn's POV

I know he's not necessarily shy. But knowing my sister, she will go crazy over 'cute boys'. If she sees Jason, there's no telling what will happen. I don't want anything to happen to him. Yes, I know my sister's crazy. I mean, she loves serial killers! But there are some comics and anime shows that make them look cute. I NEVER SAID ANYTHING!

Lexie's POV

I told her that she needs to stand up to him. And if anything goes wrong, I'll be there for her. So today, we will be meeting with him. SHE will be meeting with him.

Katelyn's POV

I don't need much. "All I need is a little courage." And possibly a blade if anything goes wrong. My fingers tapped on the counter. I quickly grabbed a steak knife and put it in my purse.

Lexie's POV

I turned to my sister. Her eyes were glowing bright blue and she was staring at the wall with that look when she never wants to talk to anyone. "Katie, you ready?" Her eyes stopped glowing, and she turned to me, with curiosity. Like always when someone calls her. "Yeah," she responded. We walked down to my car and I started the ignition. My sister turned to the window. I could see her numb face returning. It made me curious myself. Did one of her friends just die?

Katelyn's POV

Hey, I wonder how Jason is. I'm kinda worried about him.

Jason's POV

Hur? Where-where's Kitty? Welp, I guess she left.... I need to work on the button. Ya know, sometimes I'm curious what she does when she goes home. No, I'm just curious. I can't go out into the daylight without someone spotting me.

Katelyn's POV

.....He'll be fine. After all, he is stupidly brave and he knows how to defend himself. Hey can we get something to eat? "I haven't had breakfast," I said, as we stopped at a red light. Lexie drooped her head on the wheel and sighed. "Why didn't you eat while we were at home?" Erm...think Katie, think! "I was...busy worrying about..." "Don't-worry about him," Lexie shouted. That's a first. "You're lucky I have a stash of snacks in the back."

I look back and there is a bag. "Are they in this bag?" "Yes." I have never seen her this frustrated. I looked through the bag took out a small bag of chips. This should satisfy me for now. We came to a stop eventually. At a hotel? There he was. Bryan. Waiting for me at his door. I start to wish Anna were here. I get out of the car and go meet him. This is not going to end--

"I want you to come back," he said. Um...EXCUSE ME? NO! YOU ABUSED ME, TOLD ME TO GET OUT, AND NOW YOU WANT ME BACK? Oh-ho-ho no, I don't think so. I forced out a friendly smile, put my hand in my purse, and clenched the knife in my hand. "Why don't we go inside and talk about this," he asks. "Fine with me," I reply. Once we're inside, he offers me lunch. How nice. Really. But..."what's for lunch?" I looked at the mirror. My eyes were glowing. Even Bryan seemed to notice it. And just like that, he slammed me against the wall.

I breathed shakily. If only Jason were here. Actually, would he help me if he were here? My mind constantly told me "kill" yet my fear had told me "don't resist". I can't let him get the better of me. " You're one of them, " he says angrily. "I'm a normal person," I said in a squeaky voice.

Bryan took out a gun...but how did he get it in? He points it right at me. "You're one of those werewolves," he growls. Clearly there is no way out of this situation...or is there? I could feel growling deep in my throat, much like that of a wolf's. I quickly take out the knife and slash his throat. I watched as he choked and fell to the floor. I stared as he struggled to keep his life. He had been holding his hand around his throat.

"Now you know what it is like to suffer don't you?" I knew he was trying to nod. I threw the knife aside and walked out the door with no blood on my hands. When I walked out the door, I finally realized...I just murdered someone. That's not the kind of person I am. I held back my tears as I walked towards the car. "Do you want to go to the park," Lexie asked. "Maybe," I replied. We drove to the park, halfway. The ride was a deadly silence.

Lexie's POV

Okay, I thought this was the shortest route to the park. "Is this thing lying," I asked out loud. I saw Katelyn shrug, then take out her phone. She's been quiet since we left. Katelyn then set her phone in the cup holder. I looked at her phone. It was another route. I don't see why-- I HEARD THAT YAWN KATIE! "I know I didn't just see you yawn."

"I'm tired."

"It's only Twelve O'clock Katelyn!"

"Can we just go home now?"

"What are you in a rush to go somewhere?" Haha. "Sorta," Katie murmurs. Sor-Sorta? SORTA?

Katelyn's POV

What can I say? Coming to my senses, I'm just very worried about him. I need to know if he's okay. When I looked in the mirror, my eyes were still glowing. It was at that moment we arrived home, I was running everywhere. I put my purse down in my room and hurried to my car. I know there's still sunlight but...

Jason's POV

My wolves started barking and I looked out the window. What is she doing here? I hid everything and put on my jacket. I sighed as I walked towards the door, and nearly yelped when I looked at her. Then I asked, "Kitty why--" Kitty quickly wrapped her arms around me. She held on tight, leaning against me. I could sense her sadness and fear. But I didn't know how I should help her. I mean, I've never comforted anyone before. All I can do is wrap my arms around her and hope it helps.

Katelyn's POV

I stayed with Jason for the rest of the day until the next day during the afternoon. I eventually cried at one point tonight. Jason seemed confused. Honestly, I would have cried on Anna. But she's gone.

Jason's POV

I feel like this is my fault. I think maybe if I didn't scratch her, none of this would have happened. I held Katie...Kitty close, ignoring the fact that she was yet again snuggling me like a teddy bear. I could have sworn I heard her say 'Don't kiss me'. But she's probably just dreaming. I looked down at Kitty. The ears, the tail, her glowing blue eyes... how can a big bad wolf not? She's so...so...so...

"I said don't kiss me."

Confirmed. I scoffed. "Kiss you? Why would I? And besides, I'm an evil mastermind. Psht, evil people never fall in love." "They do actually. Also you're not evil you're sweet," said Kitty.

Wait what?

Katelyn's POV

I tried to hold in my laugh as I stared at Jason with his mouth dropped to the floor. Eventually he shook his head and came back to his senses. "No. No, no, no, no, no. You're just watching too many romance movies," he barked, "Everyone falls in love in the Romance movies! And I AM an evil mastermind." Jason folded his arms against his chest, his ears being flattened against his head.

"Say it."

"Say what-what are you doing?"

"Say it."

"Say what? I don't know what to say except enough with the glare!"

"You promised."


"You promised to call yourself a puppy the next time you started pouting."

"I'm not pouting, I'm thinking."

I grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie and moved closer, my nose touching his, while still glaring into his eyes.

Jason's POV

Please don't kiss me please don't kiss me. Although maybe I did want to kiss you, ahHH NO! I'M AN EVIL MASTER MIND I DO NOT FALL IN LOVE!

"Uhhh...Uhhh, OKAY OKAY OKAY! I'M A LITTLE PUPPY," I yelped.

Katelyn's POV

I pulled away just to see Jason blushing and jerk his head away. "Don't do that again," he murmured.

"Okay, I won't." I don't want to again anyway.