
I Feel What You Feel

Mature content warning Vanessa goes through the worst at an early age seeking to find what better days could be ahead

Rhituomoh_Makama · Urbain
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2 Chs


"Vanessa you're always late!" her boss yelled on the phone as she tried to get her car flying over the others in the traffic.

"I'm really sorry sir something came up with my p…"

"Oh please, spare me your flimsy excuses. I've had just too much with your repeated and unacceptable behavior and will have it no more. That was your last draw Vanessa and you blew it. When you get here, clear your desk. This is done".

"No please, hear me out sir".

Then it was nothing but that long beep on the other end of the call. All the signs were there. This was going to be the literal worst day of her life and who was to blame? Of course, Vanessa. She was never the early bird. Even though she wasn't the cause for her lateness today but she had already built up a reputation at work. She was to make another presentation on the company's new federal road project presenting its accounts. The company needed the project to work but she blew it and can't even blame them for firing her. She quit speeding, it wasn't that she would get pulled over or something. Tears filled her eyes as she remembered why she was late. Kenneth hit her again, more than just that. Their 2-year relationship was weakening every minute. She could feel it but she just wanted something that works. They were okay for a while but things got dark after he was fired at work or that was the lie she continued to tell herself every time. She arrived at the gate and felt an overwhelming pain shoot right through her heart. One of those moments when emotional pain turns physical. She placed her head on the steering wheel of her Corolla as tears fell unto her lap. It was the worst day. "Shake it off" she whispered to herself as she dabbed her face with a serviette not wanting to ruin any of her makeup hiding the bruises under her eyes. She got out of the car and headed straight for her desk hoping she wouldn't bump into Mbechung Daniels, her only work friend. She can be really nosy but is also a darli… "Vee why are you so late today!" Mbechung yelled from three offices away making everyone turn around to see the 'Judas' who made them loose a billion naira deal. "Oh shit". She muttered under her breath. So much for going in unnoticed. "Good morning to you too" she replied angrily as she tried to collect her things from her desk.

"Hey… are you okay Vee? I heard what happened with Engr. Ogede." She asked in a more subtle tone.

"That should have been your question before yelling my name in the office".

Mbechung could see the dark circle under her eye so carefully coated with layers of foundation.

"Oh come on Vee, he hit you again didn't he?" She said this time in a worrisome whisper. You are now going to loose your job as a financial secretary in Zaki Holdings all because of some scumbag you refuse to let go?"

"Don't call him that Chunnie, I did something wrong".

"Oh please Vanessa. Why do you keep making excuses for him? We've talked about this again and again. It's not like you're married or something. I can't keep talking to you about shit like this. In in a so ki karasa haka, sai ki yi abin da kin na so [Do whatever you want]. Just don't call me next time. Good luck finding a job out there". She said and stormed away. Vanessa knew deep down that the best thing to do was free herself from Kenneth but she didn't want to accept it. She finally had something that was sort of stable compared to her other encounters. She collected her things and turned in her office keys. She swiftly left the office before anyone else saw her or worse, her black eye now exposed by her constantly dabbing the sweat off her face. She kept her stuff in the back of her Corolla and flopped into the driver's seat and started the car. Tears streaming down her face as Chunnie's words continued to cut deep. This wouldn't be the first time she'd lost a friend because of her issues with Kenneth. Just 10:30am and she was already headed back home. "It's going to be a long day".

She got home to her little 3-bedroom flat. It was quite empty because she normally stayed at Kenneth's. She only comes to her house after they fight. It was becoming a more regular thing these days. She took all her office stuff inside and stacked them in the shelf. 'Oh wow' she whispered realizing how dusty the place was. Harmattan had its thing going on in there. She decided to clean up as she didn't know when she would be going back to Kenneth's. Plus she was just recently sent back into the job market, who knows, cleaning could be her next gig so she could use the practice. She changed out of her office clothes, wiped her makeup leaving her black eye to the world and into some old jeans she had cut into shorts and a tank top. She folded her braids into a high bun and set out to work. The electricity on so she turned on the home theatre and began to play her Jon Bellion playlist as she got to work. She opened up all of the windows and doors to let the dust out and wore a surgical nose mask. Yes! It was that dusty. She swept the whole house clean and mopped like her life depended on it. She dusted all the chairs, books and whatever had dust on it. She was done finally after 4 hours of extensive cleaning and washing she was finally done and starved. She stepped into the house again and literally felt like the only trash in the room. Cleaning could really be a good gig. She checked her phone for any missed calls or messages but nothing. WOW. She did feel alone. Her phone buzzed and it was a bank alert for her last pay at the office. The whole day came rushing back to her. She threw the phone to the corner of the bed and headed for her kitchen to fix something. She needed more groceries and she checked her fridge to make a mental note of what was out. There was some tomato paste left but she couldn't decide what to make of it so she decided to eat out. After all, she was headed to Kenneth's to get some of her things. She secretly hoped he'd take her back but didn't want to jinx it so she pushed it to the back of her mind. She freshened up and changed her outfit. She wanted to look good but not so desperate so she wore a cropped top on her mom jeans that left her waist beads peeking knowing how much he loved seeing them hug her slender waist. 'Yes, simple'. She thought as she looked at herself in the mirror. She noticed the black eye and quickly got to work with her makeup. She slipped her feet into her black slippers, picked her purse and headed out.

She was done eating and was already on her way to Kenneth's place. She pulled into his compound and parked beside his car as she mentally practiced the apology for making his noodles with sardine this morning which led to the loss of her job. She got out of the car and straightened herself and made it to the door. She pressed the doorbell as she waited nervously for him to come to the door. There was no answer. She remembered he got angry once because she over pressed the doorbell so she decided to let herself in. She took her keys from her purse and opened the door. "Hey Ken?" she called out but there was no answer either. The kettle was whistling so loud in the kitchen so she made her way there to turn of the gas cooker. The peace in her ears were surreal. Still no Kenneth around. She decided to go check his room. She thought about knocking but no that was too formal so she just went in anyway. He wasn't in bed but the shower was on in the bathroom and she could hear him. 'Whew' she sighed and decided to wait for him to come out. She sat on the ruffled sheets so tensed as if this wasn't where she slept every other night. Finally the showers went off and she stood to her feet still unsure if she should be in the room. The door opened and there he was. The dream. Droplets of water traced his body as his tall, dark, slender frame leaned on the door on seeing her. His perfectly sculpted face looked ever perfect in the dim room lights. He looked like he'd just gotten a haircut though the water made his hair all nappy again. She followed a water droplet falling from his hair as it went down the corner of his face into the left corner of his full lips.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He said bringing her back to reality. Startled, she tried to remember the reason then. "Oh, I just wanted to get some of my things for the time". He moved from the door and strutted proudly with a grin towards his drawer to get his clothes. "Then get them and leave". All her practice apologies but none could suffice. She packed a few things and turned to see him dressing. "I lost my job". She blurted. He paused what he was doing but didn't turn to her then continued to wear his shirt.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Please Ken, I'm really sorry about this morning. But I got to work late, missed a presentation and even lost my job all because you didn't like sardine and that's all you have to say to me? Not even a sorry?" Tears began to cloud her vision. This wasn't the first time he was ice cold. It wouldn't even be the last. He turned around with a condescending look in his eyes. He moved closer to her until he towered her 5'5 frame. She stumbled on to the bed trying to move away from him.

"Your carelessness with everything made you loose your job. Not me. Leave my house before I do something ugly… again". He laughed maniacally and left the room. She was broken again. She got her things and saw herself out. She got into the car and convinced herself that it would have gone worse and he'll be more approachable the next day.

When she got home, she sent Ken a text that she had but there was no response. She didn't call because he'd only get angry about it. She didn't want to stay up any longer because she might collapse mentally so she went straight to her room and didn't even bother eating. She took off her clothes and went to bed naked. Even the weather was out for her that day.