
The Incident Of Lost Ruins (3)

Whenever a General moves, it means something big has happened. It was something everyone understood, as Generals didn't take action most of the time. And if a Formal General was planning to engage personally, there was no doubt about the information.

Jim also realized that, and his mood became sombre. At first, he also dismissed Amber's words, but now he was taking them with utmost priority. He knew General Max personally and knew his personality very well.

He wouldn't come personally if it were a small matter...

"And apparently, even Former General Marvin was involved in this," Amber continued, her voice low but expressing her emotions very well. Even she was shocked by this information she had managed to get from Ruby.

Setting Max aside, Marvin was someone who was reputable and feared in other nations. Not because of his strength, no he was actually the weakest General of his time.