
That night

The big storm was about to hit the city ,lucky enough today i was off work . I really hated getting wet the rain is just disgusting and after few hours i will be down with cold .Knowing very well that nobody was here to take care of me when i get sick ,i snuggled up against the covers as i eat ice cream for some weird reasons whenever is cold i crave cold stuff, I could literally walk for about 30 minutes to a small shop down the street to buy a pop . When is cold, but on rain days like this I stay in my sofa with my blankiey and ice cream while watching some thai bl series ,i die for those series.

i was one of those lucky people that came from a well off family not really rich but the can afford to take me and my brother to private schools and at 24 years here i am working really well as a Surgeon ,it was a really nice job with a decent pay and I can afford to live comfortably alone in an apartment ,and get away with not sending my parents money since they literally had everything . My elder brother was also a very successful man ,as he is working as a dentist . He gave my parents everything and now they lack nothing. My life eventually became peaceful.

The atmosphere was interrupted by a loud ringtone which is obviously my phone .

" hello " obviously is my dumb brother he better not ask me for a favor today is not a good day.

" Cas i know is late but can you do me a huge favor ? i am in Spirit that club at Mereskly lane park street ,can you go get my friend ?" well he did say it nicely.

" which friend? you know i hate rainy days the most and why don't you go get him?" i asked I have a lot of trust issues in my heart.

" I will send you his numbers and call him when you get there, i am babysitting Annie today and i cannot go with here there , Catherine is going on a nightshift today so i cannot really be there okay "

I forgot to mention that my brother is a husband and a father .

" okay sent them ,you own me a favor a big one at that " I said as i get up .

"Thanks Cas " he hang up and simply sent me the location .

I got changed wearing a blue ripped jean and a white tee paired with a black hoody and my black boots. I was just giving I am busy to dress up vibes . My hair was in a messy bunny on a serious note managing my hair was a lot of work i don't want to lie. 

I rushed down to my car as i went the storm through it ,i could barely see the road with all the rain . It was at that moment that i regret why was i even doing a favor for my brother .It was a 40 minutes journey which too me 1 hour to reach ,getting in the line i found to bouncers there on the gate ,two black dudes masculine as hell, I was scared of approaching them ,they did let me in after i told them I'm here to get a friend, and they were very nice guys just scary physical bodies. I got in it was really loud and crowded knowing my brother and people he hanged around there is no way they would mingle themselves in this crowded place he is in the vip ,due to how small the club was the vip room or space since i cannot really call that a room it was too small that it was really concerning . Smoke everywhere it was just a mess,but over roll the songs were a vibe .

I went near the VIP when i got blocked by two guys the muscular guys ,they were double my height i really had to crack my head upwards to be able to see them properly. I took some cash in my bag and gave it to them it always works ,they tookk it and acted as if the don't see me ,i walked in and called him saw him answering the phone all tipsy i knew it was him 'LIAM' I wanted to scream that name when i saw it's him . He was always drunk why did my brother tell me to come get him ? he is a regular here .

 I went to him mad as i was ready to pull him and beat him up . 

"Liam how dare you ?" my voice filled the entire room no no space and people in the VIP raised their heads to see me ,i went to him and pull him up he was all drunk and he just gave me goofy smile as i pull him away and getting out he was so heavy really heavy .