
I Don't Want To Be A Hero.

I will fight to survive in this world, whether it be power-hungry elites, evil gods hiding in the shadows, and monsters that will make you lose your mind... I don't mind crawling as long as it means I can live another day in this unforgiving world in that is in an eternal war "What... Wait, I don't want to be a hero."

ALEX_TG · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 – I am going to survive in this burning world (4/5)

Fritz – retreat!

Nobody doubted and everyone took the wounded, which was a number of 50 soldiers who no longer had ammunition, but it was better than nothing.

They realized something and that was that they were surrounded by thousands and thousands of skulls

They weren't like the fallen soldiers who moved relatively slower where the skeletons were impressively faster, but they weren't faster than a bullet.

They cleared wave after wave and looked at the great army of skulls

It was even bigger than the front and the front was impossible to cross, they had to hurry or they would be caught, but more and more skulls arrived to delay them.

If they fell they would face thousands more enemies, making it more difficult for those at the front not to mention that they would be dead.

Fritz wanted to avoid this scenario, he should have returned when he had the chance, it was not too late and now he had to break the news.

Fritz – No, back off!

At this point Fritz had become the leader, maybe it was because of the medal he had, maybe it was because Ronal didn't say anything, but it was obvious that the priority was to survive and get to the front and warn the rest.

This was a desperate situation, they were 3 hours away from reaching the front, if they counted their entire journey it would only take 3 hours and 30 minutes.

It was no secret that the Eastern Front, better known as the cemetery, is a battlefield that was always in constant war.

Being one of the most lethal and hostile fronts, so a lot of personnel were needed, there was a reason why 40,000 rookie soldiers were arriving and it was obvious that they needed the numbers urgently and if I looked back, this attack made sense.

They are newbies, fresh meat, cannon fodder and more concepts, but this is the main point

He didn't know if the battlefront would receive a strong blow with their arrival as zombies because it gives him the impression that this is just a normal Thursday for those who live here.

Ronal simply quickened his pace, he could tell that he was fatigued, in fact most of the soldiers were in this state.

Which this surprised Fritz because if he was tired, but he could continue, what's more, he wouldn't have any problem with running 2 more hours, he would arrive in fast time and he would still have energy to shoot.

At Agnus Academy he overdid it in the training field, he always did the minimum in school matters, since he saw it as a waste of time.

While there were students who enjoyed their youth going to the women's campus visiting their girlfriends.

He spent time at the training camp with a perverted teacher who spent half the time half-naked and with a muscle lover.

Luckily Fritz got rid of the perverted teacher, but not the muscle lover.

The academy was divided into two

A team for men and one for women, it was very common for the teams to be divided between women and men, since let's be honest, two people with raging hormones and strong emotions that soldiers live day by day with a lot of adrenaline is very bad. idea, and more if there are mixed feelings

But it was very common, although there were no rules that dictated that you could only team up with the same sex, Fritz remembered that he was teaming up with a girl, but that didn't matter, they were just partners who completed the simulations... But back to the feelings.

It is a fact that if something happens to your partner in the army, your performance can go down, putting not only your life but those of your companions at risk, and that is why we were prohibited from going to that campus, but everyone had a good time.

Especially the nobles and the workers on the campus who did their thing

They crossed the campus many times to bully me for hitting a bastard, who needs a girlfriend, I'm not a waste of time

Deep down, Fritz had his confidence shattered, coming to the conclusion that no woman other than his mother from his old life would love him, he would like to say the same about her from this life, but he was an orphan.

Something very convenient and very cliché, for as long as he can remember he has always had great luck getting out of potentially dangerous accidents unscathed.

Although he did not want to bet on that luck because one thing is to be very lucky and another was to bet his life on a number and if mathematics taught him anything it is that whenever something is improbable you should never trust it because it is never 0.

Fritz for his part saw that the soldiers could no longer hold out and in the rear there was some time left for the skeletons to reach his position, he needed to take advantage of this opportunity.

Fritz – 20 minutes rest all in defense position

Ronal – We can still run

Fritz – Ronal will eventually collapse, those skeletons can run for all eternity, but we haven't been walking restlessly.

Ronal – Because you don't look tired

Fritz – I am a special case

To a certain extent Fritz was right, he did not have inhuman strength or that bordered on ridiculous levels, but he was certainly strong bordering on an Olympic athlete or perhaps slightly superior, since for 7 years he prepared himself as best as he could to achieve a goal.

*I have to survive, if I became a veteran and survived for 70 years I could retire, exactly retire, I would be in an asylum surrounded by other elderly people, but I would have my basic needs covered*

*The only problem is that soldiers die every day, 1 in 10,000 reach old age, it seems that the life span of people in this world is 150 years, they age more slowly, but the majority do not exceed that age of 30 years .*

*I am 19 years old, I would retire at 90 years old and I would still have 60 years to enjoy the rest of my life, there are people who lived up to 200 years, although the truth is I don't want to live that long because that would be agony and honestly he had doubts. *

Ronal just sat down, but they looked at each other and he had a slight anger - You seriously don't know who my sister is.

Fritz just shook his head.

Ronal – Don't screw around like you don't know my sister, the drunkest tramp even the emperor himself knows who she is

Fritz – To be honest, that homeless man has more of a social life than me, I'll be honest from my perspective, I'm not someone to win anything with

Ronal – Win something

Fritz – Nobody gets together with anyone without wanting something, there are many prejudices who only think of joining together with people who consider themselves their equals.

Ronal – It doesn't make sense, they are all commoners, I thought they were already united

Fritz – Yes, but I am also an orphan and everyone has a high ego because they arrived at the most prestigious academy by their own merit and people like me arrived by the grace of the goddess, who if it were not for the church that feels sorry for them the unluckiest would not have that wonderful opportunity

Ronal – It doesn't make sense, what's more, if it's true, then there are more orphans like you, you didn't make a connection with them.

Fritz remembered someone and then looked at him as he was hanging

Fritz – I honestly couldn't care, the rest of the orphans were submissive who allowed themselves to be trampled on by other students, of course they wouldn't be crazy enough to confront me, they didn't see me as someone exactly weak and if the Agnus school respects something, it is strength and money

Ronal – It would have been nice to go to school Agnus

Fritz – You don't miss much, it's classes, training, doing stupid things left and right and fighting or watching fights every 5 minutes, if you had money and power you could have other nobles as your bitches, but I don't really know how they had fun they

Ronal only had a slight look of sadness, since he could remember he was always compared to his twin sister, the 6th daughter of the Fervius family.

Being the pride not only of his family but of the empire itself, always being locked up, studying and training to be able to live up to the family.

If he had been at the Academy, Agnus wondered, he could have met Fritz, he could have avoided a lot... He didn't need to show weakness, he was a Fervius, he comes from one of the most important families.

He needed to create a name for himself and then he opens his eyes

Ronal – I will become a hero

Fritz – a hero?

Ronal – A hero is one who collects enough merits, a respected person, a person who has proven himself thousands of times and is recognized by the empire as a great person, his reputation is enormous, he may never surpass my sister's reputation , but it would be fantastic because it is the highest honor a soldier can achieve

Fritz thought that he would never be a hero, if he became a hero he would attract too much attention and he wanted to stay away from the elites,

If she is close to Ronal it is because she needs him, but once this nightmare is over she would have to get away from him, nothing good comes with nobles even if this is the friendly noble that she told her about

Fritz – I hope you can fulfill your wishes

But Fritz wondered what kind of reputation her twin sister had that even a hero's reputation wouldn't surpass her, if she was told that this guy was a hero of the empire.

Well he would think that she has a very high reputation, they were 19 years old, it is obvious because Ronal said that she was his twin sister... What could she have done to be recognized

At times like these it would have been convenient for her to gossip and pay attention to the topic of the nobles, it would be obvious that they would talk about her

Fritz looked at the clock and saw that there was 1 minute left until the 20 minutes were up.

He puts away the watch and looks at the two medals that Edwin gave him, one represented the seal of the Morvius family and the other was a holy medal, a medal that praises the goddess of the sun.

Fritz spent years hearing about her, but he is not that much of a believer, even so he had always pretended to be a believer, of course he did not pray to fanaticism like his classmates and that brought him a couple of problems at the academy, but nothing out of this world.

And finally he looked at a third medal, the goat medal, unlike the other two medals, this one was more worn and really no longer had a value, but something in him made him smile a little.

I keep the three medals

Fritz simply stood up, the 15 minutes had passed and he had no time to delay – everyone continue!

Shots were heard, the skeletons were arriving but it was nothing that a few bullets took care of them, they couldn't afford to wait, they had to keep fighting the more time passed the more and more skeletons came.

The soldiers were running out of ammunition, they could no longer waste bullets, this made everything more desperate, some soldiers silently cursed for having followed Fritz and Ronal, but there was no use in complaining.

They had to return

For 2 hours they continued, but when they realized the undead were reduced, they were no longer as present, but there were still

They did not hesitate and quickened their pace, but Fritz looked at him as the undead were on the sides, they were advancing, it was a large circle and the final objective was the outpost, he needed to advance and warn the rest.

He couldn't die, but the more time passed, the more the sunset came, a sunset that comes with darkness, something that told him that when night came everything would get worse.

At a certain point, they were no longer pointing their weapons, they accelerated their pace to the maximum, they were at a point between running and jogging quickly, you could see the desperation, it got to the point that if someone was left behind, no one said nothing but it was implicit

Fritz saw how soldiers were aiming at him, he was happy, but he noticed that they were about to shoot.

Fritz – Wait, we are not fallen soldiers!

The soldiers were surprised and looked at each other

The first soldier – I thought I wasn't going to see more reinforcements

Fritz – The rear front fell… we need to go to the main base, the enemy forces will arrive at night

This news scared the soldiers and they took Ronal and Fritz to the main battalion where the main battle will begin.

There were several people there, first there was Deng at the beginning, he was second in command and then his hierarchy went down a lot, but he still had some relevance because he was one of the first to organize the front.

Then there is Fren, a strange guy who is the strategist... That guy scared Fritz a little.

Then there is Edwin and Jay, one is a nobleman who did 80 percent of the work and the other seems like a born fighter who loves muscles.

Everyone was surprised by the news of the fallen rear front, except Fren who seemed to have already expected it.

Fritz – Any comments Fren

Fren – Actually, yes, the first point is that it was somewhat probable, it was not 0, second it is obvious that most of the strength of the skeletons was in the rear and the ones in the front act more as a wall to that we do not pass, what happens is that they slowly lock us in and more skeletons are going to arrive exactly at this point

Edwin – So, if we had stayed in that area

Fren – Right now they would be fighting with the skeletons and most likely you would have become a fallen soldier

Jay – You're very smart, it's a shame we didn't meet at the academy

Fren – I am not from Agnus Academy

Everyone was surprised by this statement.

Jay – Then there was no one from the academy

Fren – Don't misunderstand... I massacred all my classmates who were from Agnus Academy and made it clear that I was in charge

Jay – …

Fren – After that I was going to create a front, maybe I would have been further back, but I would create it… luckily he arrived and let me have the authority I needed, so that's why I left him alive, besides idiots understand each other and let me say it exceeded my expectations

Jay looked at each other angrily and Fren didn't take his eyes off Jay as two animals that were about to fight luckily backed away.

The situation was too dangerous and time was running too fast to waste time in an unnecessary fight.

Fritz for his part had to watch, but he knew that nothing would occur to him, this was something that surpassed him - So Fren, what's the plan

Fren simply stood in the middle and began to explain – While you were outside, ordering a force to go to the trucks, corpses or any resource that was useful to us was very easy because most of the road was already clear.

Edwin – Preparing all the resources at hand for a final stand

Fren – Even if we resist the problem will be the arrival of reinforcements, I sent a couple of soldiers to check the front and it is an impenetrable wall, minimum for us… 2 hours later, those soldiers died

Fren – There is something macabre there, it is not advisable to go to the front, something is brewing

Jay – That means something

Fren – They are followers of death, it is obvious that they have witchcraft of… I wouldn't know how to explain it and I don't want to think about it

Fritz felt as if he was in the command center and somehow he felt that he did not fit in this place, it would be better to choose to participate as little as possible.

Edwin – The problem we have to give priority to is the rear, after all that is where most of the skeletons approach.

Jay – Our priority is the front, if we can get through the defenses

Fren – Great, now the primates are giving their opinion

Deng – I agree with Jay, it would not be more beneficial for us to cross the front, of course many lives would be lost, but in the end we would survive

Fren – oh wow those at Agnus school are such idiots, you are good at giving orders, but from my perspective you are just taking us to the grave, die if you want, but for that I can use my gun, it is more painless

Jay – Don't mess with Agnus Academy!

Fritz looked at Ronal and he felt, got a look of determination and determination.

Ronal – You better calm down or I'll kill you, I made a decree where!

And that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Everyone started arguing, shouting and babbling, nothing made sense anymore.

There were so many screams that Fritz felt a pain in his forehead, today he was supposed to arrive at his new life as a soldier, but out of nowhere he was trapped with a bunch of subnormals who are not able to reason in a civilized way the patience of Fritz was running out

He just took a big breath and went to his happy place for a second, then he opened his eyes suddenly with great anger in his eyes, he grabbed his gun and shot up.

Everyone stopped reflexively, even those who were outside stood guard looking from which direction the shot came from.

Everyone looked at Fritz, as he had his gun up and as he looked at himself with his angry face, he said one thing with certainty in silence.

Fritz – They want to die

Everyone looked at each other confused.

Fritz – I ask you, do you want to die because right now you are all behaving like children?

Fren just looks away

Jay simply had his eyes fixed on Fritz

Fritz knew there was an option in which his chances of survival would increase.

Fritz – We will follow Fren's plan, in the second plan we are just throwing life away

Of course Fritz was not the type of person who respected life, in fact, the only life he valued was his own, self-sacrifice did not come with him and he would only do it if there was a benefit.

Fritz – Fren I don't care if you are not from the Agnus academy, if you can save the majority that is enough and as Fren said we do not know what kind of witchcraft he uses and we will not be able to ensure survival

*Especially mine*

Fritz – We cannot afford to lose more people, we lost half of our forces, the rear front has lost and half of the fallen soldiers are coming here, while we discuss the skeletons are coming by the thousands.

Fritz put his gun on the table

Fritz – I invite you if you want to die use my weapon, after all you are not going to drag down all those soldiers who are looking for a way to survive

Ronal – Cooperate or die, it's that simple

Everyone was silent, deep down they knew that Fritz was right, the undead came in droves and they couldn't afford to fight, after all they had to survive, each one had their goals and objectives.

The one who seemed most determined was Jay.

He simply opens his hand and offers it to Fren, who simply shakes his hand with Jay.

They both knew that they would never get along, but in the meantime there will be a truce until this situation is over.

Fritz grabs his gun and goes outside, but there were many soldiers pointing where he was.

Fritz considered that perhaps shooting inside a base full of paranoid soldiers had not been the best idea, both Ronal and Fritz were in charge of calming all these soldiers and emphasizing that everything was a misunderstanding.