
I do not want to be a villainess any more (GL). Erliu Li (a soft spot)

Tangli is a gold medal employee in the female supporting department of Kuaishou. Ever since she succeeded in the interview, she has been wandering between the vicious female supporting role and the dog-licking female supporting role. No matter how fragrant the rice is, you will get tired of it if you eat too much, not to mention those ordinary male protagonists? I'm tired of looking at it. So in the next mission, the character of Tang Li's vicious female supporting character collapsed. Author: Erliu Li (a soft spot) Translator: A wild dreamer (NOTE: I am not earning any money from this story. If the author has any objection for using the story without permission, do tell me and I will take it down immediately.)

A_Wild_Dreamer · LGBT+
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154 Chs

World 3 Chapter 36

Chapter 36.

"When you see He Wen later, you are not allowed to say another word to him."

"I am the only one who can speak! If he says anything, think of it as farts!"

"You made me angry today, and I haven't forgiven you yet. If you don't listen to me later, then don't even think about asking me to forgive you!"

"Did you hear that clearly, Ms. Lu Yanwan?"

Lu Yanwan was accompanied by Tang Li who was chattering non-stop. She looked at the sky speechlessly, feeling that the stars were really bright tonight. It would be better if the little beauty beside her could talk less.

They were talking in the corridor before, but before they could say a few words, they were caught by Sister Li. You must know that Sister Li had been looking for Lu Yanwan for a long time. Only after asking other people did she find out that Lu Yanwan had gone to a private room to meet friends.

Now that we have reached this critical juncture, no friend is too important to Sister Li.

Sister Li hopes that the couple she has brought together will succeed. The handsome man and the beautiful woman are all people she admires very much. This must happen.

Although Lu Yanwan shied away from this blind date and made Sister Li lose her enthusiasm, He Wen gave Sister Li a lot of encouragement, and she increasingly felt that He Wen was a good man suitable for a lifetime.

She couldn't help but come up with an idea for He Wen. They said that good girls are afraid of stalking men. As long as He Wen took the initiative, it would be difficult for a gentle and kind woman like Lu Yanwan to refuse.

So He Wen asked Sister Li to come and see Lu Yanwan again tonight.

Sister Li and He Wen's plans were so loud that Tang Li, who was at school, heard them. There was such a thing in the plot, and Tang Li also knew it very well.

As a female supporting role that is annoying to everyone, if she doesn't show up now, when will she wait?

Tang Li waved her hand magnanimously. In order to celebrate the moving out of the annoying Zhou Liantong, she came to this hotel as a matter of course, and this was how she ended up in this situation.

Sister Li frowned and wanted to make a twist. She wanted to refute what Tangli said, but Tangli was Lu Yanwan's friend and guest. Sister Li really couldn't offend her, so she could only hope that Lu Yanwan would drive her away quickly.

Speaking of driving her away, Sister Li really thought too much. After what happened during the day, Lu Yanwan would not entertain this idea again. She still wanted to take Tangli away after get off work safely.

Therefore, Sister Li's eyes did not receive any response from Lu Yanwan, so she treated her as if she did not see her.

Lu Yanwan looked at the tall and thin man standing under the tree, and felt a faint pain in her temples again. What happened today? All the exciting things are gathered together, right?

"Sister, did you hear what I said!" Tang Li said a sister, and she shouted smoothly. People who don't know the inside story must think that they are very close friends. In fact, they are not. They just know each other. After two days, this is still a rounded conclusion.

Lu Yanwan lowered her eyes and looked at Tang Li, who was holding her arms and swinging around. Her eyes were unconsciously attracted by her exquisite hands, and her mind was wandering far away, obviously looking absent-minded.

It wasn't that she wasn't listening to Tang Li's words attentively, but she felt that Tang Li's worries were unnecessary. Because she had no intention of saying anything to He Wen in the first place, and now that Tang Li was her microphone, she felt even more at ease, wishing she didn't even bother to say a word.

She talked a lot during the day at work, and she was very tired.

Lu Yanwan responded to her, "I know, I know, I'll just pretend I don't exist later, is that okay?"

Tangli asked her suspiciously, "Really?"

The heroine is so cooperative, I feel super cute.

Lu Yanwan didn't want to have a dispute with Tang Li over He Wen. Since this girl wanted to attract He Wen's attention, she certainly wouldn't reveal Tang Li's thoughts. Although in Lu Yanwan's opinion, Tang Li looked very stupid. She didn't understand what attracted her to a man like He Wen, but she was not Tang Li after all, so it was normal that she couldn't empathize with her.

"Well, I don't want you to be jealous." Lu Yanwan said the second half of the sentence very softly, but it was as heavy as a thousand pounds when it fell on Tangli. Tangli bared her little white teeth and said with a fake smile: "Then I am really grateful, thank you so much."

Lu Yanwan smiled and said, "You are too polite."

Tangli took a deep breath and almost fainted on the spot because of Lu Yanwan's considerateness. She pressed her body's strength on Lu Yanwan's arm as punishment.

Without even looking at the ugly-faced Sister Li, she called to He Wen who was standing under the tree looking at the night scene: "Hey."

He Wen slowly raised his eyes. Under the bright light, the first thing he saw was Tangli, followed by Lu Yanwan.

A look of embarrassment flashed across his handsome face. The gathering of these two women reminded He Wen of the embarrassment he had experienced in the coffee shop that day. It was also in Tang Li's mocking words that he suddenly realized that he had a successful career. He didn't even own a car. In the past, when his colleagues suggested buying a car, He Wen would always use the fact that his home school was not far away as an excuse. In fact, he was short of money and had little money.

That friend needs help, this friend also needs help, He Wen know that he has always been described as a righteous man, like a knight in the world, who will help wherever there is trouble.

This sense of honor generated by helping others made He Wen fall in love with such actions, and he would show love from time to time.

No one would say a bad word about He Wen, because he is indeed a very nice person.

He has many friends, and he still hangs out with his former elementary school classmates from time to time. This is He Wen's personality charm.

So He Wen never thought that he was bad. Except that he didn't have much money, he felt that he was no worse than anyone else.

Until relatives and friends started getting married and starting families one by one, he suddenly realized that it was time for him to start a family too.

It just happened that he didn't have much money, which became a drag on him not being able to get married.

He Wen could only lower the conditions for choosing a spouse. Later, he met Sister Li through his parents, and then he had the opportunity to meet Lu Yanwan on a blind date.

He Wen pretended to be calm and said hello calmly, "Miss Tang, Miss Lu."

The first person he saw was Tang Li, but he ignored her at this moment and said to Lu Yanwan, "My parents will come here for dinner later. I wonder if I can book a private room at Miss Lu's place in advance."

Tang Li showed her arrogant and domineering side vividly, raised her delicate eyebrows, and said with a crooked face: "What a coincidence, I have already booked the last private room."

He Wen looked at Sister Li in shock, and when Sister Li nodded helplessly, he knew that Tang Li was not telling lies.

"Then... let's eat in the hall."

"You are very strange. If you want to order a meal, you have to make a phone call. Why do you have to find someone to act as a lobbyist to meet Lu Yanwan?"

He Wen's eyes were vague. Under Tang Li's knowing questions, he could not make eye contact with Tang Li.

This girl comes from a superior family, has outstanding appearance, and has a place in the art world at a young age. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a winner in life.

He Wen was both happy and afraid to be admired by her like this.

That surprise gave He Wen a sense of superiority over everyone else, indicating that he was also an outstanding talent.

But that fear made He Wen have the idea of ​​running away from her quickly. If he agreed to Tangli, wouldn't he be thought to be a softie? Even if he does good deeds in the future, he will be misunderstood as taking his wife's money to make a fortune and show good intentions. What's more important is that Tangli will give him a sense of oppression. He Wen can't control her when facing her. He Wen has seen the horror of Tangli's rebellious period. Even if Tangli is mature and beautiful now, all of this couldn't let He Wen miss her.

But... He Wen really wanted to give up such a girl completely, but He Wen couldn't let go of her, so he was very distressed. After struggling, he agreed to his parents' request and agreed to the blind date.

So He Wen's overwhelming self-confidence was like a deflated balloon that deflated with a "pop" after meeting Tang Li.

He Wen smiled dryly and said: "I think what I said last time may have made Miss Lu angry. After thinking about it, I decided to come and see Miss Lu."

Seeing this, Sister Li also spoke up. She said hello to He Wen and said: "Yan Wan, you are not young anymore. You are almost thirty, so don't be too picky. It's not easy to come across a high-quality stock. Look at Mr. He, the teacher of No. 2 Middle School has a guaranteed job, he is handsome and tall, and his family has a local registered permanent residence, so the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

Tang Li teased: "Then you might as well stay with him."

Lu Yanwan suppressed her smile to prevent the corners of her mouth from rising too much. She hurriedly said before Sister Li got angry: "Tangli, don't talk nonsense."

Lu Yanwan hid her behind her back, looked at Sister Li and smiled lightly: "She is still young. Sister Li, don't care about a child."

Tang Li blinked, wanting to say that she was already twenty-three and no longer a child, but in this current atmosphere, she should just stay under Lu Yanwan's wings. After all, Sister Li and Lu Yanwan are colleagues, so Tang Li can't make things look too ugly.

001, who had been eating melon for a long time, couldn't help but get excited.

[Although this Sister Li didn't do anything harmful, she is really annoying. ]

"This is to influence your life in the name of doing you good. This is not a bad person, this is called a best friend, a weird one."

[Yes, yes, that's what I mean! ]

Tang Li couldn't help but defend Lu Yanwan, saying: "Lu Yanwan is only twenty-eight, not ninety-eight. It's as if she will die if she doesn't get married tomorrow. There is less salt in the world. If you don't worry about people, things will get better."

[Keep eating melon! Don't delay Tangtang, you can do your work! ]

Tangli pulled Lu Yanwan's arm, stretched her head to observe her, and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that Lu Yanwan was also suppressing a smile.

Lu Yanwan looked like she was doing business and said, "Why?"

She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that Lu Yanwan was also suppressing a smile.

Lu Yanwan looked businesslike and said, "Mr. He is too preoccupied. I wasn't angry yesterday. I'm really busy at work and don't want to start a family for the time being."

He Wen smiled apologetically at Sister Li, looking quite polite, and then said: "Miss Lu, let's talk about it some time. I'm very satisfied with you and hope you can consider me. The same goes for Sister Li. For your own sake, please don't take it out on her. If you want to blame her, blame me."

He was tolerant and generous, and did not show any resentment in the face of Tang Li and Lu Yanwan's sarcastic remarks. He Wen persisted in his opinion, neither flinching nor wavering, as if he really took into his heart Sister Li's words that good girls are afraid of stalking men.

Lu Yanwan reluctantly chose to ask Tang Li for help, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

Seeing those cat eyes, Tang Li felt like a hero saving the beauty. She pointed at He Wen and cursed, saying, "Are you satisfied? If you are satisfied, then you have to let Lu Yanwan make time to see you? Who do you think you are, or do you have the qualifications to make her give up her job for you? Do you have long ears? Lu Yanwan is not your student, she does not need your satisfaction to add any luster to herself. "

"Just give up on this idea, Lu Yanwan won't agree to it!"

He Wen's anger weakened as soon as he met Tang Li, and he smiled and said to her: "I also know that you are angry with me, but you can't make decisions for Miss Lu, Tang Li, considering what I have taught you. For the sake of it, please stop making trouble. I'm different from you. I have an old age to support, unlike you who have money and capital."

Sister Li couldn't help but echoed He Wen, and said in a sinister tone: "Some young people behave recklessly because they are ignorant, thinking that they know a lot of things. If it were my child, I would have taught her a lesson long ago."

Lu Yanwan listened to the two of them singing in harmony, her smile unchanged, and her gentle knife was sharp enough to hurt people. "Okay, can you shut up? Mr. He, there is a reason why you were single until you were thirty-three. It's not that other women are not worthy of you, but that you are not worthy of marriage. You are still living with your parents at such an old age. The house was bought by your parents, and you don't have a car. You are not even as good as me, a migrant worker from other places, so what confidence do you have to be proud in front of me? "

"And Sister Li, I think you can change your career to work in a marriage agency. I will propose it to the boss when I meet him another day."

Lu Yanwan took Tang Li's hand, turned sideways, and said politely: "Welcome Mr. He and his family to the restaurant for dinner. Cuicui, please lead Mr. He to an empty table in the lobby. By the way, he is a friend of Sister Li. Remember to give some side dishes."

Her eyes passed over the two equally livid faces, with a hint of disgust in her eyes, but Lu Yanwan hid it well, and even Tang Li didn't notice this emotion.

Wu Cuicui over there heard Lu Yanwan's call, quickly adjusted her smile, went out to greet He Wen, and said, "Welcome."

Tangli looked at Lu Yanwan with admiration, wishing that a little star would bloom.

She followed Lu Yanwan like a cat after seeing a dried fish.

One is tall and the other is short. Lu Yanwan is wearing small high-heeled leather shoes, which makes her figure graceful and sexy, giving her a kind of intellectual beauty.

He Wen, a grown man, was completely hurt by Lu Yanwan's words. Even the polite smile on Wu Cuicui's face was regarded as mocking him. It must be said that Lu Yanwan completely poked the inferiority complex in He Wen's heart. He thought that he is well hidden, and he usually has a good-natured face, so he will not be exposed by others. Unexpectedly, he suffered a boring loss today.

He walked with heavy steps to Sister Li and smiled awkwardly.

Sister Li's palms were sweating because Lu Yanwan's good temper had made her forget that Lu Yanwan was her immediate boss, so now she felt full of regret.

She did not dare to speak ill of Lu Yanwan in front of Wu Cuicui, so she could only mention Tang Li, who was beautiful but spoke poorly, and said, "Does that little girl have a grudge against you? It seems to me that you two know each other."

He Wen fell silent and said nothing.

He stared blankly in the direction where Tang Li was going, thinking about Tang Li constantly.

She had no grudge against him. She was probably blaming him. Who made her deliberately not face her feelings and instead went on a blind date with another woman. So was Tangli jealous just now? Otherwise, why would she have said those words?

Seeing that his attitude suddenly became cold, Sister Li couldn't help but cursed: What kind of shame have I done? It's a good thing now, I not human inside or outside!

She sighed unhappily, and when she looked at He Wen, she felt that he was not as pleasing to the eye as before. When she thought about it, what Lu Yanwan said was really right. If you don't have a house, a car, and money, how can you pretend to be a great man? How come I am so blind that I think He Wen is a pretty good person? No wonder Lu Yanwan can become a manager, but she is a small employee!

She didn't want to waste any more time with He Wen. She turned around, patted her face, got into the kitchen and never came out.

Lu Yanwan took Tangli up to the second floor. The slightly tight skirt that covered her hips was particularly sultry when she moved with her legs up. Her calm demeanor made Tangli keep glancing at her.

"You think I scolded him too much?" Lu Yanwan frowned helplessly.

Tangli looked up at her blankly, "Ah? What."

[Character! Your dog-licking persona! The heroine thinks you feel sorry for the hero. ]

"..Someone please kill me."

Tang Li coughed a few times, waved her hands and said, "No, no, you are right."

Lu Yanwan stopped, leaned back against the staircase railing, glanced at Tangli, and said, "I didn't fulfill my promise to you, but I scolded He Wen and it was considered that I stopped thinking about him. All in all, I will never see him again."

Tang Li cursed: That's not necessarily true. You two are the hero and heroine. How could it be possible without meeting? Fate will create opportunities for the two of you.

"But that's not the point I want to say."

Lu Yanwan stretched out her hand and poked Tang Li's forehead. There was a look of uncontrollable depression in her eyes, and she said, "You looks like a smart little girl. How can you look at people so poorly?"

"Hey, don't make personal attacks! I will get angry!"

Tangli grabbed her hand, puffed up her chest and said arrogantly: "Who didn't fall in love with a few scumbags when they were young!"

"I don't."

Tangli raised a sly smile, leaned closer and said, "Isn't it that my sister has never been in love?"

Lu Yanwan nodded without any pause, "I have never been in love, but I have a baby kiss, but he has been married a long time ago. He is the first college student in our village to be admitted to university, and he is also the reason why I can escape from home, my benefactor. He gave me five hundred yuan at that time, which he seemed to have saved through his work-study program. Later, when I became stable here, I transferred five thousand yuan to him."

"Then what?"

Lu Yanwan recalled the past, with a softness on her face that she hadn't noticed. Her eyes were lowered and the corners of her lips were slightly raised, like rays of sunshine. Wherever they passed, there was no longer any haze.

Tangli blinked her eyes in panic and covered her chest, feeling that beauty was really misleading.

"There is no more, we have no contact anymore. So I cherish everything now, which is all achieved by my own efforts. I came here when I was eighteen years old, and I am twenty-eight now. I have met noble people, and I am grateful to them, as my boss is my noble person."

Tangli stared at her smile closely, with mixed feelings in her heart.

The world difficulty level of 50,000 points is indeed not simple.

Compared with the previous missions, the hero and heroine are not on the same level. To push such a heroine to the hero, Tangli, a veteran missionary, felt a little uneasy about her conscience.

Hey, after all, the hero and heroine of the previous mission are the best in character design, and the female character myself is so vicious that it makes people laugh. It is common sense to go offline early with such a character. Even the plot is normal, although she felt a little better. The halo of the hero and heroine was unstoppable, but at least the hero and heroine could compete with each other, and Tang Li's points were not at a loss.

But the plot of this world is weird, and the hero's design is even more unpredictable. Only a normal heroine will be harmed by the hero and the female partner in the end. What do you think of the little heaven in this world?


Lu Yanwan woke up Tang Li who was distracted and couldn't help laughing when she saw that she had been staring at her.

Tang Li took the initiative to hold her fingers tightly and said, "Sister, I'm not angry with you anymore, and I don't want to scold you anymore."


"I feel like it's not easy for you either."

Lu Yanwan burst into laughter. It was quite a novel feeling to be cared about by a girl so many years younger than herself.

"Then do you want to consider my previous suggestions?"


"Like a normal person."

Tangli shook hands with her and walked forward.

Tangli muttered: "Look again, look again."

My taste is not bad at all, it's just because of my character!

Don't underestimate people.


Autumn is gradually saying goodbye, and early winter is slowly approaching.

Tangli hid her face in her scarf and said angrily, "Sister, do you want to go have a hotpot together today?"

Lu Yanwan, who was signing the goods order in the store, frowned as if she found something missing. She was multitasking and said, "Want to eat hot pot? That's okay, but I may be late from get off work today. Business is getting better and better in winter."

"Then when the Chinese New Year is coming, won't we have to keep you busy?"

"There are a lot of rules for the New Year's Eve dinner. It was really busy at that time."

"Then I'll go pick you up."

Lu Yanwan agreed to her and warned Tang Li. They briefly talked and then hung up the phone. After all, Lu Yanwan was still busy.

As soon as she signed, she planned to go to the kitchen, but when she turned around, she was startled by Qiu Qiu.

"When did you come."

Qiu Qiu said dullly: "You were too focused on the phone and didn't notice me."

"All right."

"Did Sister Yan Yan go out to eat with Miss Tang again?"


Qiu Qiu pinched her palms and said, "Sister Yanyan, rich people are scheming. Stop playing with her. I'm worried that you will be deceived."


Lu Yanwan was confused.

Deceive me? Is she talking about that silly girl?