
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

sneak attack

"I want to borrow a treasure from you. It seemed to be quite useful last time. Lynn said.

"Brother, please use it!" Da Jinya took out the key from the drawer and took Lynn to the basement in a hurry.

This basement is usually used by him to torture and extract confessions from people who disobey him.

Sometimes it is used to publicly punish some disobedient younger brothers and let the younger brothers watch from the sidelines to deter those disobedient people.

Skillfully lock the man in the chain on the chain.

Da Jinya retreated tactfully and closed the door intimately.

   "Papa papa."

The crisp slap echoed in the cold and damp basement.

Looking at the man whose face was flushed and still asleep, Lin En took a steel needle from the "instrument of torture" hanging on the wall next to him.

Looking at the fingers and feet, Lynn thought about where to start first.

Half an hour later, Lynn got his own satisfactory answer.

"I hope you don't lie to me." I will ask a doctor to treat your injury later. "If I find out that you lied to me, I will come back." Lin En pinched his face lovingly.

"I didn't lie to you; what I said is true." Benji, who was chained, kept muttering to himself.

   "Really? I can give you another chance; otherwise, there will be more than this pain." Lynn said.

   "Really!" Benji nodded frantically; he had already told her all the news he knew.

   "I believe in you." Lynn spoke softly.

Benji heaved a sigh of relief, but the expression of the rest of his life was only frozen at this second.

Because in the next second, a mass of acid missiles had already hit his face.

This guy named Bengui knows his address; if he stays here, Big Gold Tooth may be able to get some information from him.

Just in case, Lynn had no choice but to kill someone.

After he left Bangor Harbor and arrived in a new place, no one knew his family.

All the smiles on Lin En's face disappeared. It's been a long time since I said it. Today, I felt a little stiff when I suddenly smiled. He rubbed his face.

  Looks lucky, actually caught a big fish.

  Lynn recalled the news that Benji said just now.

Unexpectedly, there was a suspected wizard in Bangor Harbor.

The wizard's name is Rogge. According to Benji, Rogge is his distant cousin who played with him in the town when he was a child. Later, his parents went to Bangor Port to do business and opened a pharmacy.

I just heard that the business of my distant cousin's family is getting better and better. I thought that the relationship between the two would gradually fade away, until one day my cousin sent someone to find him and bring him to Bangor Harbor.

He found that his cousin had changed a lot, and he only liked to stay in a dark room with the curtains usually drawn.

My cousin is too busy to do many things, so I ask him to run errands.

However, my cousin also gave him a lot of money, which was an unimaginable figure. Later, my cousin's business grew bigger and bigger, although he knew that there might be problems, such as many hidden small shops or pharmacies in Bangor Harbor. The master and his cousin also asked him to buy blue king flowers and asked him to follow other people who bought blue king flowers on purpose.

According to an important clue provided by Benji, when he was delivering something to his cousin, he inadvertently noticed that his outstretched hand seemed to be just a bone.

It was from that time that Benji felt that his cousin might be under some kind of witchcraft.

It is possible that he is possessed by a legendary demon, and his attitude toward his cousin is also more cautious.

Lin En thought of more; he needed blue king flowers, fingers, or bones.

According to the feedback knowledge of variation, Lynn knew that the blue king flower is a relatively common main material, and many low-level potions related to spiritual power will use it.

And it is said that the blue king flower will have greater benefits for undead creatures, such as liches, wizards who have undergone undead transformation rituals, and so on.

Lin En rubbed his chin. He didn't know exactly how strong the lich was. He only briefly mentioned the lich in the knowledge provided.

He knows more about the necromancers involved in the undead transformation ceremony. Although the undead transformation ceremony has various disadvantages, it is undeniable that it will greatly increase the lifespan of people. It is said that many wizards will be able to perform undead transformation rituals to achieve a different kind of immortality.

From Bengui's narration, Lynn knew Rogge's address.

If you want to do something, today is the best time. If Bengui doesn't go back all night, how can the other party be suspicious?

So if you want to sneak attack, you have to do it as early as possible; the sooner you start, the less exposure you will have!

Lynn turned and left the basement.

Go upstairs to find Da Jinya. Lynn asks Da Jinya if he knows about fake silver mines.

"Boss, do you need silver coins?" I have some here." Da Jinya asked cautiously.

"Oh, I just wanted some fake silver mines." "Since you still have silver coins, then give me some silver coins." Lynn spoke lightly.

"." Da Jinya wanted to slap himself.

There's nothing more to ask!

Lin En took a deep look at the big gold tooth, "Prepare more; I will pick it up in two days."

After speaking, Lynn left the old port.

After confirming that Lin En really walked away this time, Da Jinya heaved a sigh of relief. Just now, Lin En's eyes seemed to see through his little thoughts, but he was really innocent, and he didn't intend to test Lin En. Whether you want silver coins or fake silver mines, it's just a professional habit that accidentally slipped out.

After saying it, I regretted it a bit.

He doesn't have the fake silver mine in stock now, but he knows where it is.

It seems that there will be a lot of blood.

The only thing left in the room was the sigh of Big Gold Tooth.

He wanted to take revenge, but he really couldn't do anything about it. He had secretly consulted with someone he trusted during this time, and the price of asking someone to make a move was more than what Lynn got from him, and if he couldn't guarantee that a blow would definitely kill someone and clear out that kind of monster underground, it would be better not to do anything.

Anyway, I am just a tool man, and the other party will not come to him if there is no need.

Since you can't resist, then lie flat.

come out of the old port.

Lynn first returned to the backyard of the house next door to his own.

After a while, Lauren climbed down the wall like a gecko.

"If you don't go through the main entrance, why do you like to climb the wall now?" Lynn joked.

"Usually, staying at home makes me panic." Lauren scratched his head. He didn't know why, but when he saw stairs and walls, he couldn't help but choose the wall.

"Squeeze? "I think other voices can be lowered next time." Lin En spoke lightly. He also had troubles when his physical fitness became stronger. He used to meditate in the bedroom occasionally, but now he basically meditates in the alchemy laboratory at night, except during the day. up.

   Lauren smiled.

"Master, is there anything to do?" Lauren said.

"Go and solve a problem." Lynn patted Lauren on the shoulder.

Standing next to this 2.5-meter-high meat shield gives him a sense of security. Humans always have an inexplicable pursuit of God.

I'm touched; thank you for your concern!