
I died and now im alive

I am a 16 year old girl. I'm just a orphan and all I want is to have a loving family. but one fateful night some bad things happen and im murdered... when i wake up that's when I truly feel alive! and i literally reincarnated! (O.O)

SkeletonDeathAngel · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

I'm alive!

I am a seventeen year old girl. I'm just a orphan and all I ever wanted was to have a loveing family.

I have brown waste length hair, fair skin, big ocean blue eye's, heart snap face, normal nose and small but full cherry lip's. My body is curvy I'm not a small girl big bust big hips got a little tummy mostly normal overall.

One night I snuck out as I usually do "when I'm sad or feeling lonely" I was just sitting on the swing thinking about my friends and how I would need to leave them in a year because i was turning eighteen... when a group of boys came over.

Leader: Hello doll face.

Chloe: leave me alone creep...

Leader: Come on doll face come with me it will be fun.

Chloe: I said leave me alone!!

Leader: Mmm feisty... just the way I like it~

*pa I slapped him strait in his disgusting mouth*

Leader: "touches his bleeding lip" STUPID BITCH! hold her down it is time to show her who is BOSS! HaHaHa

Thay held me down then the leader grabbed me and started kissing and touching me I tried to scream or hit them but thay were to strong.

Thay each took a turn and tied me up in an abandoned place for 3 days and three night's... Thay would come and rape me. one day some older gangster came with them, they all raped me like usual but then the older guy came in and the others went out he tortured me for hours... with various tools then he raped my mangled body and disposed of me...

as I wake up I see a beautiful little river and a slight waterfall with a nice little pond at the end. Around it are some beautiful small blue flowers.

I go over and look inside you can see strait to the bottom the water is very clear there are some really colorful crystals in it it's not that deep only to my hip I dunk my hand into it and if feels cool I cup some water into my hands and splash my face it felt so refreshing~

Too the right is a huge tree with big red fruits. I stood up went to the tree and grabbed one I washed it in the pond and took a bite it was extremely juicy and sweet it had a very fresh melon-y flavor it was delicious! Too the left is a small run down old cottage

Inside the cottage is 2 bedrooms,

Bathroom, kitchen and a living room .

This is what it looks like.

When you walk in The living room is too your left the kitchen is too your right.

If you keep going strait the bathroom is at the end of the hall, the bigger bedroom is to the left and the smaller one to the right.

In the bedroom to the right we'll I'm not sure if I should call it a bedroom anymore it is just like a kids room When I opened the door I heard.

Unknown: Mommy!

It's a little boy about five years old with soft jade skin with pink cheeks thick black hair, big crystal blue eye's, small nose, and little cherry lip's

Me: Who are you?

Little boy: Can I call you mommy? I'm so happy you came. I have been waiting for you like a good boy~

Aww he is so cute I want to pinch his cheek's. alright calm down.

Me: What is your name? Were did you come from?

Little boy: my name is Noah I don't exactly know where I came from I'm just so happy your here~

Me: What do you mean?

Noah: I came from your body that is all I know. Can I call you "mommy" now~

Me: I don't know...

Ok I confess my weakness is children I love them and I would like one of my own or maybe two or more. Now he is giving me sad puppy dog eyes with little pouty lip's. That is when my heart betrayed me I gave in to the cuteness.(💝,💝)

Me: Ok you can call me mommy.

Noah: YAY! I can't wait to tell daddy!

Me: What do you mean!?

Noah: Come on mommy!

Noah grabbed my hand pulled me to the other room to the right.

Me: Noah what are you...

Before I could finish my sentence. A male voice interrupted me.

Unknown: Noah I see you brought your mother.

When I look up I see a handsome man with black hair cold blue eyes chiseled jaw seductive lip's and an amazing body you can even see the outline through his shirt.

He is lazily laying on a king sized bed

with a book in his hand When he said...

Male voice: Noah You can leave now.

Noah: but daddy... I want to stay with mommy...

Male voce: Noah don't make me tell you twice.

Noah: Yes sir "leaves the room"

Me: Who are you

Male voce: Of course I'm your husband and your my wife... I have been waiting for you.

Me: I don't even know your name and you are claiming to be my husba...

Male voice: my name is Ashton Now come here.

Me: No!

Ashton: No... "Stands up and walks over to me"

Me: What are you doing⁉ Don't come an...

Before I could finish he grabbed me by my waist and locked the door, he picked me up and took me to the bed then ,he put me on the bed and got on top of me.

Before I could say anything he put his lip's on mine. I tried to push him away but he is to strong. I tried to say something but when I opened my mouth he shoved his tongue into it

I didn't know what to do my mind was blank until I felt his hands slip under my shirt.

Me: Stop! we don't know each other let's talk first.

Ashton: Okay.