
I died and became Naruto

A 26 year old man is accidentally killed by a God, this as compensation makes him transmigrate to the universe of Naruto, but not transmigrate into any person, but in the very Naruto Uzumaki, who by mistake of that God died while training. First story I write in my life, I'll see what comes out, bad spelling, I use translator xd

Shikabo_119 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

-Edgar Hernandez, you are dead!"

It was the first thing I heard when I opened my eyes, I was sitting in front of a traditional Japanese table, on the other side was sitting a person, I was not sure, he does not have a face, hair or any other distinctive feature that normal people have, he is just a white silhouette, the only feature he has is a mouth.

-Where am I?" I asked as I looked at the place where I was, this was a totally white world, besides the table in front of me there was nothing.

-And can you tell me why I'm naked?"

-We are on the borderline between death and rebirth, I think you humans know it as Deantarābhava and you are naked because you have died, you have separated from your physical body, what you see at this moment is your soul, souls cannot wear clothes," he replied as he laughed.

So I died?" - "So I died?" ... - "How did I die? I don't remember," I said as I put my hand on my chin.

-About that...let's say...you were hit by a lightning bolt that I accidentally threw into your world," replied the being in front of me nervously.

-Ooh, so I was struck by lightning... What a dick, really?"

-"Language, and yes, I'm sorry I didn't mean to," the faceless guy replied nonchalantly.

-You don't seem to be sorry," I replied as I picked up a glass from the table and drank its contents.

-Why should I be, I'm a God, I can do whatever I want without consequence," he replied arrogantly as he puffed out his chest and looked up.

- "This wine is quite good, you were saying?" - I said as I took the bottle and drank it.

-Hey wait, that's not something a mortal can drink," shouted the self-proclaimed God.

-I don't care, you just killed me, the least you can do is buy me a few drinks," I answered while I gulped down the contents of the bottle.

-Buurp, haaaaah, this is the best wine I've ever tasted in my life," I said as I slapped the bottle on the table.

-T...you were able to drink the wine made by Bacchus, but you are only a mortal, how is it possible," said God in disbelief.

-I'm sorry I finished it, by the way, why the fuck am I here, shouldn't they have sent me to hell, because there's no way I'm going to heaven, hahaha with everything I've done in my life, at least they should send me to the deepest part of hell, hey, do you have anything to eat, I'm hungry" - I said while scratching my belly.

-Haaa, I can't believe it, the wine I worked so hard to get was taken by a mortal, I guess it's karma for murdering him," God muttered.

-Hey, are you really God, you know, I thought you'd be something much more majestic, not some guy with no face, you remind me of a guy I saw in an anime," I said as I kept scratching my belly.

-I am a God of low rank, I am in charge of receiving and judging the souls of mortals after their death, as I told you before, due to an oversight of mine I caused your death, so I brought you your soul in order to compensate you, although I should consider it, that wine cost me a lot to get it," God said annoyed.

-Come on, it was just a bottle of wine, no big deal, at least someone didn't throw a fucking lightning bolt at you and 'accidentally' kill you," I said with an annoyed tone.

-If I understand, I apologize for murdering you, I hope you apologize," God replied as he bowed slightly, "I'm sorry I killed you.

-I forgive you, by the way you said you are a lowly god, are there any other gods besides you?"

-"That's right, there are many more gods, each with a specific role that..."

-Ooh, that's interesting, to be honest I don't give a damn, now would you be so kind as to tell me why the hell am I here?"

-How about being a little more polite, even if it doesn't seem like it, I'm a God," God mumbled in annoyance.

-Naa, I don't feel like it, you of all people should know that I hate religions, in fact I want to hit you, can I do it? "I asked while smiling

-I'll ignore that, well, let's see," said God as a center with a black sphere at the top appeared.

-Your name is Edgar Hernandez, Mexican nationality, you were orphaned at age 11 when your mother was cruelly raped and then killed by his own brother along with several of his friends, all while you were forced to see everything, that is something cruel, typical of humans, let's continue, after your mother's death you were almost raped by a friend of your uncle's bastard, who sold you for money, fortunately you managed to escape killing your attacker, that would be your first murder, well that was very violent and bloody, for a child you were pretty scary "- spoke God while shaking his head.

-Well, I had just seen my mother die at the hands of the person I called uncle for 11 fucking years, I think I was a little angry, by the way, aren't you going to take out some botanitas, you know, while you remind me of the miserable life I had" -I answered with a sarcastic tone.

-Haaaa, okay, I get it, let's get to the point, the reason why you are not in hell is because you gave me some pity, not only your life has been miserable, but because of me you died long before your time, so I decided to give you the opportunity to transmigrate, what do you think? "

-Transmigrate, why not reincarnate, I mean that would be much better than stealing someone's body."

-About that, it's because I don't want to, by the way, your opinion has no value whatsoever, so I have no right to deny you," God replied while smiling smugly.

-"What a son of a bitch, well, who am I going to steal his body from? Or will I have to find out on my own?"

-I can tell you that, you will take the place of this guy who just died, because of a mistake of mine, he ended up dying, if it was anyone else I could just ignore him, but it turns out that this guy is the pillar of that universe, so I can't ignore him, and that's where you come in," God said as he made a screen appear.

In this one there was a person lying on the ground, he was wearing some kind of orange and blue suit, it seemed that he had blond hair, although you could not see very well because a large amount of blood covered his body, a sharp stone was piercing his abdomen almost splitting it in half, it seems that he had fallen from a great height.

-Waa, what happened to the poor boy, it looks like he died pretty ugly," I answered while looking at the miserable state of the boy.

- "He was pushed by his master to a cliff, I think he was trying to get him to use a special power found in his body, but because of me the divine protection that protects him failed for a moment, and he ended up in this state, although I must tell you that, this universe has been rewinding millions of times, no matter what we do, it always ends in its destruction, we have even sent some reincarnates so they can help the pillar of that universe but they always end up failing, we are already thinking of just giving up"- God said with a tired tone.

- "Rewind the world, just out of curiosity, have you ever rewound my world?"

-"Yes, I've lost count of how many times we've done it."

- "I'm not surprised, people in my world are so stupid."

- "I agree with you."

-So, what's the boy's name, and what's this about him being the pillar of the universe?"

-His name is Naruto Uzumaki, and the people who are known as pillars are those who are key pieces for the survival of the universe, their actions dictate the future of the universe".

- "Naruto Uzumaki, we're talking about the protagonist of the anime called Naruto from my world, the blond guy with whiskers on his cheeks and who has a giant fox locked in his belly? "

-Yes, that same one, right, a person from that world reincarnated in yours, that usually happens."

- "So the world of Naruto is true, then are the other worlds of other anime true?"

- "Yes, all of them."

- "Waaa, how crazy, so you want me to transmigrate into Naruto's body, me, of all people?"

- "Yes, it would be interesting to see what happens."

- "Mmm, I was never really a fan of that anime, you know, it's good, there are moments that moved me a lot, but there are many things that I didn't like, I guess it's due to my way of seeing life, besides I don't remember much of the story, I don't think I'm much help, how about sending me to another world, how about One piece? I know that manga very well".

- "No, as I told you you have no right to have an opinion, besides I am being so kind as to give you the opportunity to have a new life, shouldn't you be happy?"

- "I guess you're right, even if it's necessary for him to transmigrate into Naruto, his future is a pain in the ass."

-"If necessary, I need someone to take his place and you are the only one I can send, besides, you owe me a bottle of wine, it took me several thousand years to get it together to buy it from Bacchus."

- "Well since, so what do I have to do, what's the mission? "

- "There is no mission, just live as you want, just try not to die so soon, oh, and if you can procreate several children, that would be great!"

- "Well, since you say so."

-By the way, let me warn you that you will not be protected by what you call "plot armor" or the luck of the protagonist, it will only depend on yourself so be very careful, I will allow you to choose an ability that will help you in your new life, compensation for killing you," said God while waving his staff, at that moment several cards appeared on the table.

- "Choose the one you like, you can only take one."

I leaned over and began to look at the cards, in this one came the name and information of the available abilities, they were not so amazing, they were quite common, some were, immunity to pain, improved vision, bigger penis, super smooth skin, unequaled hearing, etc.

-Don't you think those skills are a little useless for the world you're sending me to, besides, what's this about having a bigger penis, it's a fucking joke, is that even a skill? "

- "Ahh, it's just that these are the skills that some reincarnated people asked for when they were judged, so I kept them in case anyone else was interested in them."

- "Hey, are you kidding?"

- "No."

-"... I see, well I have no use for any of these things, can I ask you for something different?"

- "As long as they are not too powerful abilities, I think you already have enough benefits being Naruto Uzumaki."

- "I want to be able to use Haki, all three if you can."

- "Haki, the power used by the inhabitants of the One piece world? "

- "Yes."

-Let me see, mmm, there seems to be no problem, I can only grant you the lowest level of these skills, you have to train them to improve them," God replied while waving his staff and pointing it at my head.

Then a small ball of light came out of the black sphere of the cane and entered my head, an intense pain hit me, it was as if my head was about to explode, I gritted my teeth and withstood the intense pain, after a few minutes I felt a new information in my head.

-Very well Edgar, your ability has been bestowed upon you, it is time for me to take you to the world where you will transmigrate," said God as he waved his staff again, a circular portal appeared behind God.

- "Come on, it's time to link your soul with the body of the late Naruto."

- "Okay."

I followed God and entered the portal, after crossing it we appeared above a cliff, this was surrounded by a large forest, the curious thing was that the whole place looked in black and white was strange, at the bottom of the cliff was a body made pancake, a sharp stone was in his abdomen, and almost broke him in half.

-Waaa, I'm flying," I said happily as I swam in the air.

-At this moment you are just a soul, well come on, I don't have all day," said God as he took me by the hand and we descended to the bottom of the cliff.

As we descended I could see Jiraiya, he was suspended in the air, he was not moving, his face was terrified, as he looked down at Naruto's body, it was also in black and white.

-When Naruto died I had to stop time in this whole universe, or it would have been rewound again, if I am not mistaken there is only one chance left for this universe, if it fails again it will be destroyed from existence" -God said when we arrived in front of Naruto's corpse.

He touched Naruto's head with his cane, with a flash we appeared in front of a huge red cage, inside we could see a huge orange fox, nine tails were on his back, at this moment he was also motionless, his expression was quite scary, it seemed that he was about to go crazy.

-Well, it's time to begin," said God as he struck his center to the ground.

Suddenly the whole place became colorful, a terrifying pressure invaded the place, an unhealthy thirst for blood was directed at me, the culprit was the huge fox behind the bars of the cage.


-Shut your mouth, creature, you're too noisy," said God quietly.

The fox at the sight of God immediately fell down, his huge body began to tremble, he looked terrified.

-W...who are you?" asked the fox as it continued to tremble.

God ignored the fox's question and started to move his center, a yellow ball of light started to form in front of me, it was quite warm, after a couple of minutes it finished forming, it was almost the size of a basketball, then God moved again his center towards my head, the yellow ball that formed entered my head, again a strong pain assaulted me, this was a little more mild than when I passed the Haki knowledge to me.

Several memories that were not mine appeared in my head, I also saw that my shape began to change, I became shorter, my constitution became quite thin, my facial features changed completely, I took the form of Naruto Uzumaki.

-"There, your soul and Naruto's soul have successfully merged, no matter how you behave no one will notice that you are someone else, well apart from that huge fox no one else will know," said God as he moved his center again.

- "I'll take some of your chakra creature, I need to heal Naruto's body, it might hurt a bit"-he said as he moved his center and pointed it at the fox.

From the fox's body began to come out a reddish orange aura, this bubbled quite a lot, it looked quite powerful, a huge sphere was formed from that aura, then from the center of God came out a small ball of white light, this joined the huge ball of aura of the fox, and then spread throughout the place.

That same aura surrounded Naruto's inert body, and he began to heal at a great speed.

- "Good, everything is ready, you should wake up in a few minutes, my work is complete, Edgar, no, Naruto Uzumaki, I wish you all the best in your new life, by the way, before I leave let me tell you that there is only one thing you are forbidden to do."

-And that would be, eeh, even my voice changed," I said in surprise when a squeaky voice came out of my mouth.

-You are forbidden to tell anyone in this world that you are a transmigrant, if you do you will be instantly destroyed, the creature is the exception, after all it has already seen me, even so, you cannot say anything or you will also be destroyed, am I clear? "God spoke seriously.

- "Okay/I understand"-I answered next to the fox.

-By the way Naruto, there is a different soul and chakra in your body, and it is not your parents, it belongs to someone else, I guess you must already know who I mean" -God said while opening a portal.

- "I think I know who it is, any advice? "

-Don't die so fast," God said before entering the portal and disappearing.

- "And he left, what a bastard."

-Who are you? "asked the big fox.

-Well my name is Edgar Hernandez, it's a pleasure to meet you Kurama," I replied while smiling.

-How do you know my name?" growled Kurama as he narrowed his eyes.

-It's a very long story, is there any way I can show you my memories, I'm too lazy to tell you everything, it's better if you see for yourself," I answered as I sighed.

- "We are in your mindscape, you can do whatever you want."

-Ooh, really? so," I said as I closed my eyes.

Suddenly a giant screen appeared, with a thought it started to scroll through everything I remembered from the Naruto anime and my memories.

Kurama saw all my memories, he was silent, after a few minutes he spoke.

-I understand your situation, it's still hard for me to assimilate... it's so unreal," said Kurama while sighing.

-Don't tell me, I was walking calmly towards my next target when I appeared in front of that bastard, mmm, looks like I'll wake up soon"- I spoke when I felt a small tug.

- "So it seems, and what will you do? "

-Well, since they gave me another chance to live, I'll have to make the most of it, you saw what's coming, if I want to get out alive and kicking I have to get strong as fast as possible, will you give me a hand?"

-"...I guess so."

- "Huh, really, I thought you would refuse? "

- "I prefer to cooperate with you, I would not like to be forced to serve you with your methods, you really are a very scary human," said Kurama as he lay down on the ground.

- "Ooh, come on, I'm not that bad, all those things I did for the greater good."

- "Yes whatever you say."

-Well, since we're going to be compadres, let me fix this place up so you'll be more comfortable," I said as I closed my eyes again.

At that moment the whole space started to shake, a strong light started to shine blinding Kurama, a few seconds later the brightness stopped, Kurama opened his eyes slowly, what he saw surprised him a lot, they were no longer in the dark and wet sewer, also the huge cage had disappeared, now he was in a beautiful green field, a blade of wind hit him in the face, he turned to all sides in disbelief, then he saw behind him, there was a huge cherry tree, it was gigantic, almost ten times his height or even more, he also managed to see a beautiful lake in the background, the water was crystal clear, it was a very beautiful place.

-What do you think, it's a simple thing, but at least it's not a sewer anymore," I said as I looked around the place.

-"Aren't you afraid that he will attack you and possess your body?" asked Kurama.

-You can't, I just changed the appearance of my mental space, you're still sealed," I said while pointing to Kurama's neck.

In this was a necklace, the seal that was in the cage hung on Kurama's chest.

- "I see, thanks for the detail, oooaaah, how good it feels to stretch your legs"- Kurama said as he stretched like a dog.

- "I'm glad you like it, ooh, looks like I'm about to wake up, hey Kurama, I need to borrow some of your chakra"-I said as I started starting to fade out of my mental space.

- "What for?"

-"I want to give Jiraiya a scare, the bastard threw me off a damn cliff, he practically killed us for a moment, he needs to be taught a lesson."

-"You're right, kick his perverted ass," said Kurama as he smiled.

Outside the mental space

Jiraiya was scared, more than scared, he was terrified as he saw the crushed corpse of Naruto, a moment ago he was training the son of his late student, he was teaching him, rather, trying to teach him how to use the Kyubi chackra that is sealed inside him, but no matter what he did they were not achieving a significant improvement, time was running out, there were only 8 days left for the last round of the Chunnin exams to begin, so he came up with the brilliant idea of throwing Naruto to a cliff, it was supposed that being in a situation of certain death, the Kyubi would give him his chackra, thus being able to invoke the boss of the toads, Gamabunta thus avoiding his imminent death, but that did not happen, instead the boy crashed to the ground turning into a human pancake.

There were no signs of life in the boy, he had died, or so he thought, seconds after he went down and saw the boy inert on the ground, a reddish chakra, with slight white touches began to cover him, as if by magic his wounds began to heal, even the huge stone he had in his abdomen disappeared, A horrifying wound could be seen on the boy's belly, but it immediately began to close, it was a very bizarre spectacle, after a few minutes, the boy was completely healed, as if nothing had happened, if it wasn't for the shredded clothes and stained with blood, I would have thought it was just a Genjutsu.

-"It was the fox's chakra, I knew I wouldn't let him die, but that was close, I almost killed my own godson, if the old man finds out he will surely kill me," Jiraiya murmured.

-I can't blame him, I don't even want to imagine the mental and physical pain he must have experienced, what was he thinking when I threw him from above, I'm such a jerk," Jiraiya muttered again as he closed his eyes and clenched his fists.

- "On that we agree."

A thick voice was heard right in front of him, and a terrifying pressure appeared out of nowhere, it was as if a ferocious beast was looking at him with unkind intentions.

- "Huh? "

Before Jiraiya opened his eyes, he felt a strong blow in his abdomen, he curled up a little, vomited a little saliva mixed with blood, tried to look up, but was sent flying by a powerful kick in the face.


There was a small clatter when Jiraiya's back hit the walls of the cliff, he fell to the ground abruptly, he spat out another mouthful of blood, that kick had been quite strong, he was a little disoriented, he slowly looked up to observe his attacker, when he looked up he froze for a moment.

In front of him was Naruto, but he had undergone some changes, his body was being surrounded by a bubbling reddish orange chakra, it was violent and evil, it assimilated the shape of a fox, two tails waved on Naruto's back, it was the Kyubi chakra, large claws had grown on his hands, his face had lost the immaturity it normally had, instead it was being adorned by a fierce look, his eyes were blood colored with a slit in the middle, they were the eyes of a bloodthirsty beast, his whiskers were wildly highlighted, a pair of fangs adorned his half open mouth.

- "N...Naruto," Jiraiya spoke as he got up from the floor."

-Naruto went on sabbatical, honey," I said as I lunged towards Jiraiya.

I flexed my legs and rushed towards the Toad Sage, with Kurama's chakra supporting me, my strength and speed multiplied to an inhuman level, in an instant I arrived in front of him while aiming my foot towards his face, he easily dodged it and distanced himself from me, my foot shattered the wall where Jiraiya was previously standing.

("As expected from one of the legendary Sannin, his reflexes and movements are on another level, I wonder how much good the martial arts of my world will do here") I thought as I took the basic fighting stance of traditional Karate.

-The kyubi took control, this could be problematic, I need to cut the connection he has with the fox, besides, what's that strange pose?"- I muttered while also taking a combat stance.

I kick the ground to get closer to the sannin, with a spin I throw a kick towards his ribs, he easily blocks them and tries to grab my leg, before he can do it, I throw a punch towards his face that was again blocked.

Thus began a fierce melee, fists and kicks flew everywhere, every second that passed fighting I was more excited, the feeling I felt when I used the energy known as chakra was addictive, even more Kurama's chakra, this was much wilder, more ferocious, but as if you injected a good dose of adrenaline, it was exciting.

About ten minutes passed since we started fighting, the way Jiraiya moves it is more than obvious that he is still holding back, this frustrated me a little, after all I spent a lot of time polishing my skills in hand to hand combat, but the old pervert nullified everything, I used the martial arts that best dominated, Karate, Jiujitsu, Sambo, Taekwondo, Muay Thai and Krav maga, but I still couldn't hit him, but it was also because he was physically stronger, besides I still can't get used to this pathetic body, if it wasn't for the chakra, this body would be useless for combat.

("What happened to the boy, he couldn't fight like that before, it's as if he was someone else, how strange, besides, what's wrong with these Taijutsu styles, I've never seen them before, if the boy was physically stronger he would be in big trouble, besides it seems as if he wasn't used to his own body, could it be that he was really possessed by the Kyubi? ") thought Jiraiya while blocking a series of kicks.

{What's the matter, didn't you say you'd kick his ass} Kurama spoke from my head, his tone was quite funny

{What do you want me to do, this body is pathetic, how the hell has this brat survived so far?}

{Possibly because of the divine protection that God spoke of, also because of the chakra, this helps to strengthen the human body, besides if you add my chakra, that makes the boy very strong, although he is really a softy, and that he is an Uzumaki, it is a wasted lineage in this kid, the only good thing was his determination, a pity he is no longer with us, besides don't forget he is only twelve years old}.

{Yes I noticed, by the way, do you think you can give me more of your chakra, I want to pick up the pace}.

{It is not recommended, your body will not be able to withstand it, in fact, if you do not hurry you will begin to notice the wear, I estimate that about 20 minutes at most}

{time enough, well it's time to get a little more serious}

{I'll go to sleep, don't wake me up unless it's important}


I closed the mental conversation with Kurama, and continued my fight with Jiraiya.

("It's time to use Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki")

I close my eyes and concentrate all my senses as much as possible, thanks to Kurama's chakra it is easier, I see Jiraiya's silhouette in front of me, I also feel his presence much better, I must say that his presence is quite strong, about ten times stronger than mine at the moment, in that I duck dodging a kick from Jiraiya, then I turn my body to the right dodging another series of kicks that tried to hit me in the ribs.

I open my eyes and smiled, at this moment I managed to briefly feel Jiraiya's movements, he seemed surprised, after all this is the first time I anticipate his attacks, he smiles and throws a punch to my chest, I raise my right arm and put it in front of my chest to block his attack, then I concentrate and imagine that my arm is covered with armor, I feel a fresh sensation running through my body, and then concentrate on my arm, Jiraiya's fist collides with my arm, compared to the previous times I blocked an attack, this time I did not feel pain when I did it, I see Jiraiya make a gesture of pain, he steps back and stares at me.

-What was that, I didn't know the great Kyubi knew how to use earth element chakra," said Jiraiya while rubbing his fist.

-"It's just a trick, if you behave yourself, I may teach it to you in the future."

-"That's nice of you, but it's time for you to return Naruto's body to him."

I smiled mockingly and challenge him with my hand, he smiles and rushes towards me, now he is much faster, in an instant he arrives in front of me and throws a fierce punch to my abdomen, I immediately covered my belly with Kenbunshoku Haki, but even so I bend a little because of the pain, his punch pierced my Haki, I shot a few meters while I hold my stomach, but I am forced to retreat dodging a strong kick aimed at my head, Jiraiya's foot hits the ground and forms a small crater.

("Hahaha, the old man got serious already, very good, I feel my body slowly getting stronger") I thought as he smiled fiercely.

This is the best fight I've had in several years, so I decided to enjoy it to the fullest, I kick the ground and shoot towards Jiraiya, I throw several kicks towards his legs, he dodges and blocks them skillfully, but I don't give up and keep attacking.

Another ten minutes have passed, our combat has become much more fierce than before, on my face there are several bruises from some blows that have landed successfully, my mouth is full of blood, but that does not take away my excited smile, on the contrary, I am much more excited than before, I finally got used to my new body, I raise my arms and deflect several punches from the old pervert, then I raise my leg and throw a kick towards the Sannin's abdomen, but it is caught by him, I use his grip as a support and throw a kick with my other leg coated with Kenbunshoku Haki towards his head, he raises his free arm and blocks it, he makes a small gesture of pain, but then my fist hits his face in a fierce way, the previous kick was a feint and he ate it.

Jiraiya goes flying a few meters as he rolls on the ground, my fist was coated with Haki, so the impact was much more powerful.

-Haha, I finally managed to hit you old man, you really are a tough nut to crack," I said as I sat up, the blanket of reddish chakra thickening to disappear.

I felt as if I had been exercising for a whole day, and I lay down on the floor while breathing heavily.

-So you were never possessed by the Kyubi, you damn brat that hurt me," Jiraiya spoke as he approached me, his nose was bleeding.

-You deserve it you fucking pervert, do you have any idea how much it hurt when I fell from that height, if it wasn't for Kurama I would have died"-I shouted while I raised my middle finger at him.

-And...I'm sorry," Jiraiya replied, looking quite sorry.

-This will cost you dearly, you horny old man."

-Haaa, it's okay, you can ask for whatever you want, it's the least I can do after what I did to you," said Jiraiya as he sat down next to me.

There was a long and uncomfortable silence, I was a bit nervous, after all Jiraiya is one of my favorite anime characters, and he seemed to want to ask me something, but he didn't dare.

- "Come on old man, what is it you want to ask? "-I spoke when I could no longer bear the uncomfortable silence.

-"... hey Naruto, how the hell did you manage to survive?"

- "Ah, that, I don't know, when I fell I felt a lot of pain, then I fainted, then I appeared in front of Kurama and he cured me and that was it."

{Hoo, interesting, do you think he'll buy that excuse}?

{I have no idea, I hope so, I can't think of anything else, any ideas?}


{Then don't be sucking and go to sleep}

{Hahaha fuck you}


- "That's the name of my tenant."

- "Does the kyubi have a name?"

-See, well, could you get us out of here, I'm really hungry."

At that moment a big sound was heard, it was my stomach, Jiraiya simply shook his head and carried me on his back, then he began to jump over the walls until he left the cliff, then he left me on the ground, little by little the exhaustion of my body began to disappear, even the pain, it was thanks to Kurama's chakra, it was slowly healing me.

I also noticed that my body was a little stronger, well according to the memories of the previous Naruto, it wasn't a big change, but it was noticeable.

-I'll go get us something to eat, we still have a lot to talk about," Jiraiya said as he headed into the forest.

-Okay, don't be long, I'm starving."

{That's crazy, I still can't believe it, I had a confrontation with Jiraiya of the Sannin, I must say that old man is very strong and skillful}.

{Yes, not bad at all, and now what are you going to do?}

{Training to kick the Northerner's ass, Konoha invasion coming up}

{You'd better win, my jinchuriki must be powerful}

{Of course I will, do you think a brat with no hair on his dick can beat me? }

{Hahaha who knows, by the way will you save the old monkey?}

{Naa, fuck him}

{I figured it out, besides, even if you wanted to, you couldn't do anything, you're too weak}

{See, well, I shouldn't waste my time}

I stood up from the ground and crossed my fingers, then molded my chakra according to the memories of the previous Naruto.

- "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu".

Several puffs of smoke appeared at the same time around me, they were 200 clones of me.

- "You know what to do."

They all nodded and divided into several groups, some approached the river and began to walk in the water, others approached the trees and began to climb it with only their feet, others began to meditate.

I got into push-up position and started doing push-ups while Jiraiya arrived, I need to take advantage of all the remaining time to strengthen my body, I don't want to depend on Kurama, surprisingly I had enough strength, I guessed it was due to the chakra.

Ten minutes later Jiraiya arrived with a couple of bags, he was surprised when he saw all my clones.

- "Naruto, what are your clones doing? "

- "They train my chakra control, ooh, that's ichiraku ramen, great."

I quickly approached Jiraiya and snatched a bag from him, in it were two bowls of steaming ramen, I quickly sat down and began to devour the ramen.

{Waa, but what a delight, the ramen of my world is garbage compared to this delight}.

{Great, you also need to be a ramen addict}

{Naa, it is true that it is very tasty, but I prefer a good steak}.

- "So you know the other benefit of shadow clones, when did you discover it?"

- "When I fought the giant snake in the forest of death."

-And why are you barely using it?"

-I had a mask to keep, but I don't see it as necessary anymore."

Jiraiya was silent for a long time, he just looked at me while he kept eating

- "Aren't you going to eat?"

Jiraiya just shook his head.

- "Well more for me."

-Are you really Naruto?" asked Jiraiya seriously.

- "Ooh, what's with the question? "

-You behave like a different person, tell me, are you really Naruto?" Jiraiya spoke seriously, a slight murderous intent was coming out of him.

{Didn't God say that no one would notice that you had replaced Naruto? } asked Kurama.

{That said, I guess it's because I'm not acting like an idiot, it's obvious he would notice the sudden change in the way I'm acting}

{What will you do?}

{I'll put all the blame on you}


-I've lived with the Kyubi for 8 years, do you think that little murderous intent is going to scare me Ero-sennin? And you must be calm, I'm Naruto, the real one, the one you met was just me acting like an idiot, a mask"- I spoke while I continued eating the ramen.

- "what do you mean?"

- "It's a facade I create in order to survive, you know, I live in a village where 99% of its inhabitants hate me for something I didn't do, all because my father decided it was a good idea to lock a giant fox in my gut!"


-It's...wait, you said your father?!!!! h...h...h...how do you know that?" asked a very nervous Jiraiya.

- "Kurama"

{I see, what a bastard you are, putting all the blame on me}

{Well it's the only thing I could think of, besides I can use this to teach me the rasengan, it will be very useful in the fight against Gaara}.

{I guess you're right}

{You're taking this very well, with your attitude you probably would have told me to go fuck myself, why so cooperative Kurama}.

{...let's say I like you, besides with what's coming, I'd rather cooperate with you than be absorbed by that statue, you're not the original Naruto, so you won't be able to solve everything with your evangelist jutsu, you'll need to be strong to survive everything that comes your way}

{I see, thank you, Kurama}

{Humm, let's save the chatter for later, the old man is still waiting for you to answer}


-The Kyubi, since when do you talk to him? "

- "Since the age of 4"

- "Why didn't you say anything to the Hokage?"

-I didn't trust him," I replied coldly.

-May I ask why?" asked Jiraiya in surprise.

-"Simple intuition, besides Kurama suggested it to me, he told me that if I told the others that I talked to him they would probably kill me, they already hate me for being their jailer, if they found out that I talked to him they would probably ask the old man to kill me for fear that I would be possessed or something like that, so I had to act like an idiot to protect myself, but I think it is no longer necessary, it is time to stop pretending and show them who Naruto Uzumaki really is"- I said while raising my fist.

-"... haa, I see, so you already know who your parents are, what else do you know?"

-My mother was the previous Jinchuriki of Kurama, my father the 4th Hokage, you were my father's teacher, I think you would be like my godfather or something like that, am I wrong?"-I said while looking coldly at Jiraiya.

He swallowed dryly and began to sweat profusely.

- "I won't ask you why you weren't in my childhood, so calm down, besides, complaining to you won't help anything."

Hearing this he breathed a long sigh of relief, we were silent again, I was still eating the last two remaining bowls of ramen.

- "Ero-sennin, I need you to teach me the earth jutsu that is used to bury the enemy, I need it to kick the Hyuga's ass, also it would be great if you get me some weights for my body, as you can see I need some muscle, and also buy a lot of meat"."

-O...hey Naruto, and who will pay for all that?" asked Jiraiya in a nervous voice.

- "Well who else, you, remember you just killed me for a few minutes, I wonder how the old Hokage will react to that?"-I said while putting on a shit-eating grin.

-"...haaaa, what a load of crap, okay, I'll buy it, I can't believe I'm being ordered around by a childish boy, anything else you want your majesty?"- asked Jiraiya sarcastically.

-Ero-sennin, teach me my father's techniques," I spoke seriously while looking into his eyes.

He frowned at me for a couple of minutes, then sighed again.

- "Haaaa, I guess it's no problem, it will be harder than the summoning training, do you think you can do it?"

I smiled as I stood up, at the same time I dissipated all the clones, the memories of my clones emerged at the same time, I felt a little pinch, but nothing I couldn't handle.

{It's not that hard to control chakra, why did Naruto have such a hard time with it? } I asked myself while I was circulating all my chakra through my body, I must say that the amount I had was quite large, about half the size of a Kurama's tail.

{Lend me chakra Kurama, it's time to call Gamabunta}

I felt the bubbling cjakra begin to circulate throughout my body, I bit my thumb, a little blood came out of my finger, I smeared some on my hand and then weaved hand seals.

-Summoning Jutsu," I shouted as I touched the ground with my hand.

A big puff of smoke appeared, I put chakra on my feet to keep from falling because suddenly I was about 17 meters from the ground, under my feet was a huge toad of opaque red color, some red lines framed his body, he was wearing an open blue shirt with some kanji on the back, a pipe was in his snout.

Jiraiya was quite surprised when the huge toad appeared.

-It's been a long time since I've breathed the outside air, Jiraiya, you fucking pervert! Why the fuck did you call me?" shouted the huge red toad.

-Hehehehe, long time no see Gamabunta, I wasn't the one who called you, you have it in your head," said Jiraiya nervously.

Gamabunta looked up and saw me above her head, I simply made the peace sign with my hand while smiling.

-HAHAHAHAHA you're kidding me Jiraiya, how is it possible that a microbe like him summoned me?" said Gamabunta while laughing loudly.

{That fucking toad is the bastard that fell on me that night, Naruto let me out and I'll make mincemeat of him} Kurama growled as he let his chakra flow violently.

At that both Jiraiya and Gamabunta tensed up as they felt Kurama's chacka, my body was already covered with the two-tailed cloak and it was still increasing.

{Easy, you scare them}

-It seems that Kurama wants to eat you Mr. Toad, apparently you fell on him a few years ago and he's pretty pissed off," I said while smiling.

(Strange, why doesn't Kurama's chakra make me lose control? I wondered as I looked at my clawed hands, "Is it because of the Haki?

-Who the hell are you, brat?" shouted Gamabunta.

-Uzumaki Naruto, Jinchuriki of the Kyubi, nice to meet you," I replied as I smiled.

-"So the Kyubi's pot, you brat, what did you call me for?"

- "Ask Jiraiya, he wanted me to summon you."

-N...Naruto, you fucking brat, I didn't say that," Jiraiya shouted comically as he started to run.

Gamabunta ignored Jiraiya and stared at me while standing on his nose.

- "Are you the new toad summoner?"

Yes, it will be a pleasure to work with you Gamabunta".

-...Same here brat, when you have time visit us at Mount Myoboku for a few drinks," said Gamabunta as he disappeared in a puff of smoke, "I'd like to see you again.

- "Okay."

{That came out better than I thought it would}

{Fucking toad will pay for it} growled Kurama

-Where did that old pervert go?" I said as I looked up at the darkening sky, "It's a little late, I should go back to my apartment.

{Most likely he has gone to spy on women}

{May be, well let's get out of here, tomorrow will be a busy day}

I headed towards the village, I followed the path that was in the memories of the previous Naruto, after about 30 minutes I arrived at the village, the training camp was quite far away, this was so that we would not alert people that I was using the Kyubi chakra.

In front of me were a pair of huge green doors, they looked quite imposing, I entered through the door, and saw the two eternal chunins, Izumo and Kotetsu, they looked quite similar to the ones I saw in the anime.

{I still can't believe all this shit, a few hours ago I was supposed to be going to go and take out a fucking rapist, but now I'm in the world of an anime, how crazy}

{Humm, you must get used to it, or you will die}

{I guess you're right, well since I'm here we'll do things big, I'll surpass the original Naruto and survive in this damn world, this world would witness the birth of the most powerful man who ever lived} I thought as I clenched my fists and smiled fiercely.

End of chapter

Good gang, here I leave you a chapter of this fanfic that I came up with in a toilet seat, I hope you like it, it's my first fanfic, let's see what happens