
chapter 2 :Am a freaking vampire.

I couldn't place my hands on why this place gave me that deja Vu feeling any way Looking out the window I saw this handsome young elf he looked my way and I think I saw his face flash between a girl and a boy wait don't tell me the guy was an illusion well I believe am dead I sighed suddenly I heard laughing and I couldn't believe rain and yun where laughing at me " so I have become a laughingstock I said " no offense it's just that you have something on your face " I quickly brought out a mirror and I didn't.....see anything I turned to rain and said" I can't seem to see my own face with a look of confusion " rain seems shocked and said" place your hands out the window I obliged after all he was my teacher then I placed my hands out said I felt pain weird that hurts rain grabbed me and looked into my eyes and said to yun his eyes are turning red no way I was a vampire no not a vampire but a half blood as only one of my eyes were red the other hard gone from brown to peach Black .

I didn't even know how I greeted the elfin family and my father as right now my dad is inspecting me to see why I stopped as a half blood according to what he is saying there has only been one cause of this as a half blood is stronger than a true blood I didn't get the rest as I fell asleep there after.

gosh I fell asleep wait vampire vam...pi..re am a VAMPIRE a freaking vampire shit was I beaten by bats, no that in possible bats don't turn people into vampires oh no what will mom say no what would dad do am sooo dead I think we'll they love me but what if I caved blood the look of horror was seen on my face as dad and rain walked in the last thing I heard before fainting was son you are a vampire now...