
I did it my way (multiverse traveler)

our protagonist finds himself between three beautifle goddesses in his room after he died. they grant him a few gifts and send him to his own universe which he has to visit the omni-verse to collect and imbue energy into. should he get a few ladies along the way, who would complain.

Silver_Call · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Sirius Meeting

As Lily potter, soon to be Evans was still passed out Dante decided to get a report on the progress of the operations in this world.

"The initial investments are already returned, we're currently making profit" Solo explained their standing in regards to the purchased shares and in some cases, entire companies "we have also hired most of the people on the list, we're also in negotiations on purchasing Microsoft as they developed windows, but still haven't released it"

"Great, with this and apple we now have two of the five and only need to make the other big-tech five ourselves. Try getting their creators to manage them themselves" Dante pointed out. The big-tech five are Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google and apple. Once he has them, he will rule the internet

"How are we progressing in the magical world side of things?" he asked Solo

"Since the plan to have Merlin claim the Wyllt family seat worked, he is now the sponsor of Inoki in London" Solo explained

In the magical world of Britain, nobility still carried power, and there is no higher nobility than Merlin Wyllt. The news of the Wyllt family activating its power was missed by no one, and it blew as a story for weeks, but no one knew who it was that activated it. Was it a decedent? Was it merlin? No one knew

What everyone did know, was that it was done through the Gringotts bank and that his first act, was to sponsor the Japanese company Inoki industries. Needless to say, many had cried in outrage. No way, the heir to Merlin would support, outsiders, who would steel their magic.

"The Wyllt heir is a fake"

"He is not a true British mage"

"He is a disgrace to his ancestor"

And so on and so forth they cried, but they could do nothing. Magic spoke, the same magic that Merlin placed on the realm. As it speaks, it shall be, and it said "the most ancient and most noble house of Wyllt" is back

Dante smiled at the chaos he was responsible for "how many elves do we have now?" he asked Solo. Dante asked Solo to find all free elves and bind them to Sparda itself, thus in turn to him as it is part of him

"151…152 as of now" Solo replied looking at his pad "they are all happy to be the city workers. They clean and repair the city and even the fields" he then looked at his tablet again "we still need more to cover everything in Sparda, and it is a challenge to teach them about basic stuff, like eating full meals and not punishing themselves" he sighed in a tired manner

Dante chuckled "hang in there" he encouraged Solo who smiled warily "when are we going to move on to elves outside Britain?" he asked

"I want to take a year to establish our name in the 'western' magical world first. Then we can open branches in other continents" Solo explained "Yasaka also says we need to increase production, in the magical world, as the Chinese magical people love their drink, especially ours"

Dante nodded "establish our base and strengthen our foundation before expanding. I approve" Dante gave Solo a thumbs up, causing Solo roll his eyes

Solo was about to move on but suddenly felt a chill go down his spine "what are you planning?" he asked the innocent looking four year old

"I don't know what you're talking about" Dante replied, doing his best puppy dog eyes while tilting his head to the side

Solo narrowed his eyes at Dante "our connection may have an on and off button, but I can still feel when you are planning a horrible prank or the like… so I'll ask again, what are you planning" Solo punctuated his question slowly

Dante sighed "let's just say it will be a prank on those noble snobs, and not anyone else" he said with his best innocent smile

Solo Sighed, giving up "please take it easy… please" he begged

Dante crossed his arms, still wearing the panda onesie "no promises" causing Solo to groan


After Lily woke up, Dante explained that he was no longer a horcrux and that he was safe. Making sure she was calm, he led her around and introduced her to the people there.

Things got quite awkward when I introduced her to my parents, Minato and Kushina. The reason was not that I have more than one set of parents, but the fact that Kushina was subtly (to her) 'complementing' her husband to Lily, causing both Minato and Lily to leave the conversation with their faces red.

"Did Kushina just try to set me up with her husband?" Lily asked Dante

"um, probably" Dante answered "she is a bright woman, though lacking in subtlety and he's a good man, no one here would judge you for joining them" Dante then had a big shit eating grin on his face "he also has a thing for redheads with strong character" He said causing her to blush even more

She clapped him on the back of his head "Don't tease your mom" she admonished

"Yes mom" Dante said, feeling a sense of déjà vu


Dante/Harry and Lily are currently in front of 12 Grimmauled place after Lily contacted Sirius for a meeting. Though reluctant, Sirius eventually accepted and so here they are.

After knocking the door a couple times, it opened to reveal possibly the ugliest house elf Lily and Dante have ever seen "what does red mud-blood want?" it asked, only to be immediately kicked to the side by a black boot

The rest of the boot revealed itself to be Sirius Black, the current Heir black "sorry about that, I was busy with little Dora" he said as he straightened his rock band shirt, some band called 'falling rocks'… Dante was confused, were they some rolling stones wanna be or something "please come in" he said with a polite fake smile

'It seems he still holds a grudge for the potters abandoning me' Dante thought "it's nice to meet you God father" Dante bowed as he spoke like a proper noble raised child

Sirius looked very uncomfortable "I'm not your Godfather Albus, its Dumbledore" he said with a frown as he remembered his 'lost' Godson

"Ah, I apologise" Dante said as if forgetting something "allow me introduce myself" Dante said while tapping into the posh force "my name is Dante Wyllt" Dante paused to take in Sirius's surprised face then continued "previously known as Harry potter" he said as he bowed with flourish

Dante looked at his Godfather as Sirius stood there, eyes looking ahead at nothing till Lily snapped him out of it "we have a lot to talk about Sirius, I need you strong for it" she said with a no play tone

Sirius, for his credit, recovered quickly "yeah, yeah …umm what do I call you?" he asked Dante

Dante smiled and continued his act "if you would call me Dante I would very much appreciate it"

Before Sirius could respond Lily interjected "could you call the Tonks over too Sirius, I need their help" she asked to which Sirius nodded

Since his mother died he has been the Lord of the House of Black. The first thing he did was kick Bellatrix and Narcissa from the family and returning Andromeda to the family. He would've made nymphadora his Heir if only she was a male. Since returning them to the family, the Tonks have been living in Grimmauled place with him, much to Sirius's enjoyment, as he, as a lord is free for most of the day, and so he plays with his Dora... and maybe teach her a thing or two on pranks to prepare her for Hogwarts.

It took everything I have not to make a Sirius Joke… I’m serious… KEK

( •_•)

( •_•)>⌐■-■


Song of the chapter

Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Money don’t grow on trees

I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed

There ain't nothing in this world for free


Silver_Callcreators' thoughts