
I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and Trophies

In the ordinary modern world, my life met an extraordinary end - I was run over by a Ferrari. But death was just the beginning. Transmigrating into a realm of limitless possibilities, I found myself bestowed with a system, promising the power to devour entire multiverses. Creation and destruction becoming mere thoughts at my fingertips. My journey has just begun, and I aim to traverse the vast array of multiverses, taking whatever piques my interest, whether it's worlds, treasures, or the alluring top beauties. But my epic adventure starts with an unconventional quest - I must power up by consuming something as mundane as grass. After which, I'll go on a adventure across many worlds, visiting cultivation, magic, and mortal. Having some fun, getting a beautiful few wives and servants, and gaining the power to become god. ------- Cover generated with AI

CarathAthor · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Receiving Still Beating Hearts and the Little Girls Art

Isabelle spoke and I perked up thinking it was an objection or her trying to get out of it. I was, however, immediately disappointed.

Her tone was like I had asked her to do any normal job, "Is here a good place to start?"

I glanced up to see they all held the daggers on the line to the right side of their hearts. The other two looked where Isabelle held hers while waiting for confirmation.

"Yes, perfect."

Upon receiving my answer, they all plunged the daggers into their chest, starting to force and saw it in the path I drew. These artifacts cut through their ribs like it was refrigerated butter, not hard or soft, but pretty easy to go through.

The blood running out of Scarlett and Enya had an intoxicating smell, making me want to try it immediately. With every breath they took, I could hear it was difficult and blood bubbles came from their lips or nose.

I used a little magic then waited for them to finish.

They all seemed to be in severe pain, however, Isabelle looked the worst. I suppose she was never trained in that regard, whereas the others would need to be completely unfazed when bitten or sliced open.

Blood ran down their clothes and dripped off their arms depending on the path it was taking, pooling onto the floor, their clothes were completely soaked.

Scarlett finished first, pulling out her still-beating heart. I could have sworn I saw a flicker of pride on her weary face filled with pain. Was she seriously happy she was the fastest to cut out her own heart?

There's defiantly something wrong with her brain.

She only got to hold it over the glass before fainting. Her heart slipped from between her hands and bounced on the stone floor, each beat made it have tiny jumps.

The others didn't fare any better. Only seconds after Scarlett fell, the others were out cold next to her and partly on top. Their hands reaching into their own chests, making it a gruesome scene.

I removed the extremely complex glamours I'd used. Everything returned to normal, except, of course, the three passed-out girls on the ground with a little blood on them.

They should wake up as soon as their bodies realize they aren't dead. Though, if I left the glamours too long, they really would have died since their bodies are completely and totally convinced they're dying, but we aren't close to that point yet.

They had stabbed themselves for real, but after they got just a little bit of the cutting done, I recalled the real daggers back to the aether, leaving only a glamour behind. Then, I cast a healing spell to fix the real wound.

I probably could have done the whole thing with a glamour, but I wasn't confident enough it would completely trick their bodies.

I sighed. I was sad they didn't even try in the slightest to escape their death. Isabelle especially had the perfect excuse to try, with her blood being no good so it would be a waste to have her do that. The others too, they could have said how I would really need them later or something…

I'm sure Elaria would give me her heart if I asked it of her, but she would at least cry about how I didn't want her anymore and try to change my mind first, although I still think she would mostly be thinking about me instead of her own life. At least she would think a little bit though.

I walked over and picked up the three of them, carrying them over and placed them on the bed. There wasn't much blood from where the real wound had been, but there was enough it ran down to where their shirt hung from the last buttons around their hips.

I unbuttoned and scanned the shirts so I could always make more easily before devouring them. Then I created a wet rag and began gently cleaning them up while thinking about how I should change the contract I would give to these three from my usual one.

I just realized if anyone caught me like this, there would be 100% misunderstanding. I'm cleaning blood off three girls who are laying passed out on a bed and naked from the waist up.

I shook my head and moved my thoughts back to creating a contract for them.

I think they are essentially brainwashed into thinking they should do whatever I say without regard for anything else. I mean, that's some type of loyalty, but not loyalty because they want to be loyal or I've earned their loyalty.

I'll leave the part that won't let them ever betray me. Ever. In any way. I don't think I will ever be able to completely trust anyone, even my wives, which is a little sad. This will give me peace of mind with my servants though.

I suppose I feel that way a bit from when my Dad and Mom were divorced but still living close, and he just pulled in the driveway one day, rolled down the window, and was like "By guys I'm off to across the country! Come visit sometime!" I mean, it was only 2000 miles right? I suppose I'm lucky he said bye at least though, maybe. Then I have also heard too many stories from the internet, and in other worlds where people were betrayed.

Some part of me came to the conclusion that humans, demihumans and intelligent beings are untrustworthy.

I wouldn't make a contract with my wives, I just have to work on myself and do my best to believe in them.

These three should also be required to tell me if they ever want to quit. Some day after they learn about the world, more likely other worlds and experiences they offer, they might want to do something else and we should discuss it at that time. I wouldn't want them to grow to resent me.

As for the rest, I really only ask for their best; they shall be mine and under the protection of my sword and shield. If harm is brought upon them, I shall take my vengeance. This is true for any of my servants, but I didn't say it in the contract before. I feel like it needs to be written into theirs so they won't forget that; no one is allowed to bully them.

I stood and pulled the blanket up to their necks before heading out to where the kid was sitting down and building something with rocks.

I silently stood behind her. She didn't notice yet, so I got to watch her building what appeared to be a city. Off to the side, in a separate area, she had a 2D family, and in another, she had a person sitting in a floating chair?

I reached under her arms and picked her up, turning her around and holding her as one does with a child. Lila would be just a little too big to hold like this, although manageable. She would only think of naughty things though, so no, besides that would feel a little weird.

I pointed to the person in the chair, "Can you tell me about them?"

She put her finger against me.

"That's me? What am I doing there?"

She moved her hands as if she had a halo on her head, crossed her arms, and put on an arrogant look, turning her head away and looking into the distance.

"I'm an angel?"

I received a confused look. Maybe they don't have the concept of angels in this world.

Something they have in their world with a halo, or maybe a crown? "I'm the emperor?"

Her bright smile and nodding told me I was correct.

"Do I really look like an emperor?"

More nodding, "Nah, too much work. Maybe I can be a prince. Princes get to have all the fun, so long as it's not the crown prince."

After thinking about it, she seemed to agree. I pointed to the one that seemed to be a family of five.

"And who are they?"

She pointed to the main room of the cave where the barrier blocking her sight and sound out of it was still in place, then to me and herself.

"So it's those three girls, you, and me?"

She happily nodded. "I hate to break it to you, but those three aren't my wives; they are three slaves I just bought."

She seemed a little sad. I felt bad for making her sad and decided to create an illusion for her to see.

I cast a bit of magic in front of us; suddenly, three figures appeared. The little girl almost hit the ceiling even while I was holding her.

After a second, she calmed down. "Uh, sorry. Those aren't real; they're just an illusion I thought I'd show you of my real wives."

I set her down, and she ran over to Lila, whom I, of course, had put clothes on, trying to touch her tail, but her hand passed right through. She pointed to the entrance of the cave and back to the illusionary girls.

"It's the same category of magic, yes."

She seemed satisfied and kept looking. She looked at the other two for a little but mainly focused on Lila. Lila's tail and ears were fascinating her.

I pointed to the one on the left, working my way right, "That's Luna, Lila is a Foxgirl, and Zari."

Off to the side, I decided to make Elaria, Nyla, and Nona with her wings out.

Another immediately fascinating thing.

"These are a few of my servants. Elaria is an Elf; they have pointy ears. Nyla is a Catgirl. And Nona, she's Fae. You won't find any of these races here, though."

After running around and examining the interesting ones from all angles, she finally came back to me, wanting to be picked up again.

I picked her up and waved away the illusions then motioned back to the picture, "And you, are you supposed to be our kid?"

She shook her head, but I don't think she was telling the truth. She probably drew it while having a fantasy of having a family.

"Oh, here I was thinking you're a pretty well-behaved kid and thought maybe I'd bring you along."

Her eyes lit up, but quickly dimmed again. Maybe she thinks she should have told the truth and missed her chance, or maybe she thinks she's no good and would just be discarded. Really though, she does seem well-behaved.

I think all three of her drawings are connected. Me, on the throne, my family, and if I had to guess, the city I was watching over.

"Would you like to go see a city?"

Her eyes lit up, and she nodded energetically.

I set some alarms that would tell me when the girls woke, then walked out of the cave, still carrying the kid.

"I never asked, what's your name?"

She didn't seem sure how to tell me. Maybe she can't write either.

"Don't worry, you can learn to write or something later. Now off we go to see the world!"


Far away, Vampire Royal Palace, Emperor's Office.

Emperor Randolph sat in his grand office, working on signing paperwork required to run the kingdom. His thoughts wandered off to other topics as he felt very bored.

A knock sounded at the door.


A servant pushed open the door, letting another man inside. He bowed respectfully as the door closed behind him.

"I have news about Lady Nyx and Lady Nova your Majesty."

The emperor perked up ready to hear something to relieve his boredom, "Oh, I was just wanting to hear something interesting, my good little great grand nieces always have all the fun. What is it this time? New records for most kills in a day? No, they would have just returned home." He rubbed his hands together, "Hmm, lemme guess lemme guess. Nova pissed someone off, a Lord perhaps, and this Lord wants permission to... get some of their land in return?"

"Close you Majesty, she has been angering this guy but, that's not the main news. There is a man named Max Frost. When he entered Lady Nyx's city, she invited him as would be courteous for someone of his power, then she allowed him to stay on their estate while he was in the city."

The emperor shot to his feet, papers flew in the air as he roared, "WHAT!? Who even is this frost character?! All the guys I told her to marry mysteriously died, and just let this guy stay at her home!?"

"It appears as though Lady Nova tried to kill him, and Lady Nyx wanted to keep a closer eye on him while he was in her territory. So now he is staying at their estate.

He also captured a group of 5 werewolves trying to enter the estate that may well have leveled it according to how strong they were.

Currently he just left for the battlefield at the time of this report.

By accounts he has a very pure bloodline and an age greater than 15,000.

As for who he is, the only option is an old families that just keeps to themselves and we don't know about, this fits with what he said about just wanting to go see the world."

"Hmph! Find this family and investigate them to ensure they don't mean harm, find out where they came from. I want to know every movement of this guy! Send the most elite people you have!"

The man smiled, "Your Majesty, I've been in your head of information gathering for thousands of years. I'm proud to say, I have already given the orders."


I sneezed.