
I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and Trophies

In the ordinary modern world, my life met an extraordinary end - I was run over by a Ferrari. But death was just the beginning. Transmigrating into a realm of limitless possibilities, I found myself bestowed with a system, promising the power to devour entire multiverses. Creation and destruction becoming mere thoughts at my fingertips. My journey has just begun, and I aim to traverse the vast array of multiverses, taking whatever piques my interest, whether it's worlds, treasures, or the alluring top beauties. But my epic adventure starts with an unconventional quest - I must power up by consuming something as mundane as grass. After which, I'll go on a adventure across many worlds, visiting cultivation, magic, and mortal. Having some fun, getting a beautiful few wives and servants, and gaining the power to become god. ------- Cover generated with AI

CarathAthor · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Journey in Polaris and my New Job

Over the next three days, I asked Kitty for more information about this world.

Astral World 1.98NJSIF4 has power levels here are categorized into distinct realms, each further divided into Early, Middle, Late, and Peak stages. To help you understand better, they are measured on a scale from 0 to 100, with 0 representing mortals with no power. Here's a detailed breakdown of these realms:

Foundation Establishment (1-10): At this initial stage, individuals work on building a solid foundation for their abilities. However, Foundation Establishment provides only a small increase in one's lifespan.

Astral Refinement (11-25): Practitioners in this stage refine their connection to the astral energy from the stars and enhance the purity of their power. This realm increases one's lifespan by about 25-50 years.

Star Condensation (26-40): Here, individuals focus on condensing their power into a "star core," which significantly augments their abilities and grants mastery over astral energy. The expected increase in lifespan at this stage is approximately 100-150 years.

Supreme Attainment (41-70): Supreme Attainment represents the peak of power achievable by most geniuses. Those in this stage are considered among the most formidable beings in the world, with their lifespan increasing by 200-300 years.

Legendary Ascension (70-100): Legendary Ascension is the highest and most revered stage of power, achieved by only a select few. Those in this realm have ascended to legendary status and wield extraordinary cosmic abilities. It's an exceptionally rare achievement, with a being ascending to Legendary status appearing only about once every 100 years. Achieving Legendary Ascension boosts one's life expectancy by an impressive 400-500 years.

Kitty also clarified that I couldn't use the body forging technique I received from the first reward yet because my current strength was insufficient. This news soured my mood, as I felt like I had received a somewhat useless reward for all my previous efforts. However, I consoled myself with the knowledge that I would be able to use it in the future, making it valuable in the long run.

In this world, practitioners of astral power typically join a sect and tend to distance themselves from normal mortals. The level of support they receive from sects depends on their talent in cultivating astral power. Some sects offer full support, while others may provide only a portion of what's needed, contingent upon the practitioner's efforts.

It was on the third day that I came across what appeared to be a road. It was distinguishable from the rest of the terrain by narrow ruts in the ground, likely left by wagon wheels. However, this road led northeast, which contradicted my previous plan to avoid traveling north due to the cooler climate in that direction. I needed to decide whether to abandon my original plan or continue walking east. I ultimately chose to follow the road.

About a day later, scattered farmhouses came into view, and beyond them, I witnessed a magnificent city wall with a castle perched atop a hill. As someone who had grown up in America, I'd never seen a castle before, so the sight was incredibly exciting.

The grey stone walls stretched endlessly in each direction, with an arched opening in the middle for a gate. As I got closer, I could see a line of about seven people waiting for the guards, clad in dull silver but well-fitting armor, to let them in. There was one guard standing in front of the first person in line, checking their papers, likely identity documents.

"Kitty, can I get an identity in the store? Also, is there a way to communicate with you without speaking out loud?" I asked.

[Yes, identities are available in the store, and I receive all thoughts directed at me.]

This system, I couldn't help wishing for a manual. I decided to test it out and thought, 'inventory.'

Whada ya know, the inventory screen appeared immediately. It was useful, even if I couldn't find that non-existent manual. 'Go to the identities,' I thought.

There was only one option, so I clicked it and found fields to fill in for name, age, gender, and location, location has several sub-options helpfully already filled in with my current information. I completed the required fields with my real information since I didn't see a reason to create another identity at the moment. Purchasing it revealed that creating something as simple as a piece of paper was cheap and had an insignificant energy deduction from my stats.

Taking out the identity paper, I noticed it looked well-worn, as if it had been used multiple times before. It stated that I was somewhere in the Polaris Empire, specifically the city called Polaris. It was likely the capital, as it seemed unlikely that a random city would dare use the empire's name.

After waiting in line for about a minute, there was a commotion up ahead. Peering around the people in front of me, I saw a cloaked figure running out of the city gate, with guards chasing. The guards shouted something about a spy from the Zluxstead Empire. Eager to make a good impression in the place I was visiting, I tried to trip the fleeing figure by sticking out my foot. I failed miserably as they managed to jump right over, shooting me a scathing look as they did. Unfortunately for them, their escape was short-lived, as an arrow soon found its way into their knee. It seemed the guards had noticed my attempt to help, as they gave me a small nod as if to say thanks for trying to be a good citizen. Mission: Good impression, somewhat successful?

When it was finally my turn at the gate, I handed my identity paper to the guard, whose armor was inscribed with the name "Williams." Nervously, I waited, my imagination running wild with thoughts of potential errors on the paper and worst-case scenarios, like having to run only to have an arrow smash its way through my knee and getting hauled off to some dark dungeon for being an otherworlder. However, all my worries proved unfounded as the guard quickly returned my paper and motioned for me to enter the city.

The streets inside the city were paved with stone, a stark contrast to the dirt roads I had been traveling on for days. Stone shops lined the streets at the entrance, with the road being straight as an arrow all the way to the main palace, wide enough for four wagons to comfortably drive side by side. As I walked farther into the city, the shops gradually became grander, eventually transforming into large mansions. Another gate appeared shortly before the palace grounds, and this one was heavily guarded. It was evident that civilians were not meant to pass through, and it was likely reserved for officials.

Turning around, I walked back in the opposite direction until I found an inn. A nice, warm bath sounded appealing, but I quickly realized I had no money.

'Kitty, can you create money?' I inquired.

[Yes, but it's a bit expensive. You should consider finding a sect to join or look for a job.]

Joining a sect sounded more appealing than finding a regular job. Instead of entering the inn, I backtracked to a blacksmith shop where an old man sat, watching his disciple intently as the young apprentice forged a blade. I patiently waited beside the old man, not wanting to disrupt the lesson.

When the disciple returned the blade to the forge for reheating, the old man nodded in satisfaction. However, he still pointed out some areas for improvement. Turning to me, he inquired, "Is there something you'd like help finding?"

"Not exactly. I've just returned to the city after a while and would like to join a sect. Could you point me in the right direction?"

"Sects aren't recruiting this time of year. You'll have to wait until next month. They'll be right outside the gate, as usual."

"Thank you. I don't have a place to stay, nor do I have any money until the sects start recruiting. Do you know if there's a place I could work until then?"

"Mrs. Lorrie Pickett runs an inn and sometimes needs some help. You'll find it by walking toward the palace. It's called the Sunset Inn."

"Thank you, sir," I replied.

He nodded and turned his attention back to the disciple. Walking in the direction of the palace, I eventually came across the Sunset Inn, its name engraved in black letters on a signboard hanging outside a light gray stone building. Being this close to the palace, the inn was rather nice, with windows sporting dark gray trim and a large oak door. As I entered, I approached the small desk where a young, average-looking blond girl was seated.

"Hyia I'm Tamara, welcome to the Sunset Inn. How can I help you?" she greeted me with a smile.

"I heard from the blacksmith down the road that Mrs. Lorrie Pickett sometimes needs help and was wondering if she's hiring now."

She gave me a slightly funny look but replied, "Please wait here; I'll go find her."

A few minutes later, a brown-haired woman in her 30s walked in, followed by the receptionist. As the brown-haired woman laid eyes on me, she, too, gave me a funny look, though it quickly disappeared, and her face returned to a professional demeanor.

"Tamara tells me you're looking for a job?" she said.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"I am hiring. Are you also looking for room and board, or just work?" she inquired.

"Room and board is preferable," I responded.

"I can't pay very much, so I'm not sure if that will be acceptable to you," she cautioned.

"Why wouldn't it be acceptable to me?" I asked, somewhat perplexed.

The two women exchanged glances before the brown-haired woman answered plainly, "You're pretty well dressed, so I can't imagine you'd want to work for minimal pay at an inn."

Now I understood the funny looks. I smiled and replied, "I don't actually have any money, nor do I have a place to stay until the sects start recruiting in a month. Earning some money would be a welcome opportunity."

"Alright. I can pay you 70 astrals a day, along with room and board," she offered.

"Deal," I accepted, not entirely sure what an "Astral" was worth, but the pay including room and board sounded like a fair arrangement.

[You've obtaind a new job(temporary)]

I'll check it later.

"I'll give you a try and show you around," she said.