
I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and Trophies

In the ordinary modern world, my life met an extraordinary end - I was run over by a Ferrari. But death was just the beginning. Transmigrating into a realm of limitless possibilities, I found myself bestowed with a system, promising the power to devour entire multiverses. Creation and destruction becoming mere thoughts at my fingertips. My journey has just begun, and I aim to traverse the vast array of multiverses, taking whatever piques my interest, whether it's worlds, treasures, or the alluring top beauties. But my epic adventure starts with an unconventional quest - I must power up by consuming something as mundane as grass. After which, I'll go on a adventure across many worlds, visiting cultivation, magic, and mortal. Having some fun, getting a beautiful few wives and servants, and gaining the power to become god. ------- Cover generated with AI

CarathAthor · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Escape and Kedron's Life Lessons

I refrained from an immediate response when they attempted to take me away. Perhaps I harbored a hope that someone would intervene, but a quick survey of the surroundings revealed everyone purposefully ignoring the unfolding scene, their expressions reflecting mild pity. It seemed relying on others to solve my problems was a futile endeavor.

Nicholas had informed me that Kedron, as the direct disciple of the patriarch, enjoyed immunity from punishment. Additionally, the enforcers were loyal followers of Kedron. Fighting Kedron's people risked accusations of initiating conflict, with consequences ranging from imprisonment to potential murder.

With no allies stepping in and fearing dire consequences, I contemplated the possibility of escape. I discreetly assessed the two individuals restraining me and evaluated potential escape routes.

Their hands rested solely on my shoulders, guiding as if leading a prisoner, offering me an opportunity to escape forward. Regarding escape routes, numerous options presented themselves. My plan unfolded: I would move a few steps forward to break free, then veer off at a 45-degree angle towards an alley. A left turn after reaching the alley's end should position me near the library. My intention was to circumvent it and hope they believed I was hiding inside.

My muscles tensed in readiness to bolt. They noticed, but it was already too late. I surged forward, a few steps ahead, turning sharply towards the alley. As I ran, a triumphant smile emerged as I heard their shouts to stop. Running at the peak of my abilities, I felt the wind on my face, utilizing the footwork honed over the last month to further enhance my speed.

Upon reaching the alley, I turned down its length, sprinting past stone walls on either side. A person approached from the opposite direction, responding to the shouts from the two behind me. The guy in front tries to take a swing at me to stop my path. Must be another of Kedron's goons.

Haha, slowpoke! After extensive sparring with Nicholas, a strike from a peak foundation establishment individual like him was akin to a turtle attempting to punch a cheetah. Swiftly evading the strike, I continued running to the end of the alley, amidst shouts of "Useless!" trailing behind.


Just when it seemed I might escape, the air rippled as a fist collided with my stomach.

Instantaneously, I doubled over in pain, falling and using my face as a skid plate, coming to an abrupt halt. Clutching my stomach, I knew I was done for this time.

Looking at the assailant, he was not one of the three from before but another unfamiliar face, I observed he was a peak astral refinement realm, and calmly looked at me with contempt.

"Think you're the first to run from the boss? On a day like today, we're everywhere, anticipating fools like you. Isn't it fun?" With those words, he delivered a kick to my chest.

I felt bones crack as blood flowed from the corner of my mouth.

The original two caught up, delivering more bone-shattering kicks to my stomach, chest and back. Grateful it wasn't my head, I recognized the futility of resistance.

"How dare you try to run from us! We work for Kedron; whatever we say, you do."

Lifting me by my arms, they dragged my limp body away. Turning my scratched face back towards my original path, I saw the captor from the alley's corner, waiting for the next unfortunate soul to run down.

He noticed me looking back, offering a smirk and a casual wave, as if saying "Bye-bye now, come again soon."

Navigating through several alleys, each step they took intensified my pain. The broken parts of my ribs grated against each other, causing a horrible sensation.

Arriving at the back of the resource hall, we joined a small crowd and a line of people. I hung between the two goons.

Contemplating taking a recovery pill to stand without pain, I observed the others who were brought in by accomplices receiving further beatings before being dragged away. Laughter emanated from ahead—undoubtedly Kedron's. Considering an impending beating, taking a pill seemed futile.

Moreover, recovering from my current condition would likely raise Kedron's suspicion. I envisioned him forcing me to explain and relinquish recovery pills—a wasteful expenditure of precious energy.

When we got to the front after what felt like an eternity of pain later, I could see the scene around Kedron. Seated on a wooden throne was a handsome 18-year-old with brown hair and eyes, Kedron. He was flanked by some pretty girls with lustful expressions wearing disciple robes, as well as more goons acting like body guards. Seated on the ground between his legs facing him, was another girl with her head bobbing in his crotch, another was seated sideways on one of his thighs with her long legs arching over the bobbing head and her feet resting on his other thigh, with her back leaning against one of his arms. His other arm disappeared into her robes and you could see his hand massaging her large breasts through the fabric. At his feet was a basket with some astral stones in it.

The look Kedron aimed for was evident: 'I'm a god; everyone wishes to worship and please me.' It was my first close encounter with him, prompting me to check his realm—late-stage astral refinement.

Kedron grinned, "Oh, another attempting his luck. Allow me to impart a crucial life lesson."

"In the world, there are geniuses, and everyone else is trash. The benevolence of geniuses permits the survival of the trash, occupying space with their worthless selves. If the trash refuses to bow down and respect the world's geniuses, they need not let them live. In exchange for this kindness, the trash should offer whatever they have to the geniuses. Don't you agree."

"I'm a kind genius, so I'll overlook your disrespect this once. Next time you acquire your astral stone, come here immediately to offer it, as you should." What a speech! In your next life, you'll probably be a rich second-generation kid of a politician.

The goon on my right delved into my pocket, retrieving the stone I had just acquired, dropping it into the basket.

No wonder he reached late-stage astral refinement at 18, stealing as many stones as he did. Even an idiot would display some improvement.

Kedron waved dismissively, addressing the two holding me, "Ok, go make sure he takes my teachings to heart and send him on his way. Next."

Dragged to an area where another group awaited to ensure I "take this teaching to heart," the two holding me dropped me before the new group. They then walked back toward the front of the resource hall, likely in search of their next target.

The group wasted no time on formalities, initiating the beating. I shielded my head with my arms, thankfully managing to do so, though both my arms were now fractured. Tears fell on the stones beneath my head as kicks and punches rained on my already broken body. Kedron's laughter could be heard off to the side, his giggles like an insane person.

"Ok, that's enough. If he dies, it's one less stone to collect; we don't want that to happen again," one of the group members stated.

So people have died due to this before, and their concern isn't for the lives lost but for the potential loss of a stone.

One of them seized the back of my robe, dragging me down an alley in the direction of the housing. After depositing me, he remarked, "You go the rest of the way on your own," then turned and departed.

"Kitty, what grade recovery pill will I need for a complete recovery?"

"[Grade 3 will suffice, but higher grades will work faster.]"

'Shop, grade 4 recovery pill, buy.'

0.5 Energy wasted just like that. I consumed the pill, recovering enough to walk after about a minute.

Limping out of the alley with the support of the stone walls, I turned towards my house and thought, 'Taking my things isn't free. All of my possessions have a price, I'll make you pay that price, and you can't afford it.'

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