
I Curse You

Known as a business powerhouse in the surface, a righteous person underground...and the "Good witch" in the underworld has been killed by none other than someone whom she treasured. Unbeknownst to all of them, she has reincarnated in an entirely new place similar to earth and has just begun her journey...now with a darker and cruel personality... "Perfectly sane, frighteningly normal, yet capable of extraordinary cruelty."

Lou_Eli · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


I ran and ran as fast as my two feet can. The dry leaves making crunching sounds under my feet as I tried to breathe, under the heavy cold night breeze. My blood has spilled throughout the forest as I ran inside the cottage. I knew that this was bound to be, that's why I have prepared ingredients. Luckily I was able to reach the hut I have prepared long ago. I gathered what was available and had thought of an incantation...I shall make them pay...all of them!

"By the power of witch and mages, by the power of crones and sages, by the moon and through its stages, by the sphynx, and through its ages." I began as I light up the frankincense.

"By the night of sorrow, I see thy heart be hollow," I said as I hear footsteps approach. I immediately sprinkled the salt on the images below. The door went bang as someone stepped in.

"I see thy blood turn back, I craft a curse upon your back," I whispered as I looked back at the man standing behind me. The man holding the gun pointed at me.

"It's game over Anastasia." He laughed wearing a grim face. He seems to have forgotten something very important.

"I take my revenge and leave it be..." I continued which shocked him. "You b*tch" Now realizing what I had just said he shot me.


I slowly fell unto the ground as tears fall down my pale face. I have accepted the fact that he chose my sister Cassandra over me, but to kill me and inherit my titles with Cassandra. But no matter how angry I get there's no way back now. I trusted him and that was my mistake. Two feet adorned with red heels were in my sight.

"Oh, dear sister...bwahaha. You stupid tramp can finally f*cking die!" The only woman whom I treated as a sister released a laugh befitting a witch. But she also forgot something, sadly these two dumb idiots are the ones who caused my demise.

"I take what you deem free, so let it be," I said in my last breath as I heard thunder and rain outside. I laughed not because of them, but because of myself. I thought with all the good that I had done, the love I gave, and the never-ending chances they recieved from me, that I would be rid of the name "witch". I tried my hardest to change my fate and destiny, to be someone I'm not supposed to be. And who would have thought that I'll accept the so called destiny in my last moments?

"Hahahaha, you seem to have forgotten something, my dear," I said. Throughout the years that we've been together, you forgot the one thing that I will always have above you.

"I'm the last and only witch existing." This being a fact, It will upset the dark forces.

"What do you mean!? You will be replaced by a far much wiser and greater witch like me!"

"I can't believe that I raised a stupid f*cking idiot like you." I sighed

"you can try and copy me, but that will stay as it is. You're nothing but a try-hard, nothing without me." This seems to hurt her pride as she snatched the gun from Derik and shot me again.


This greatly upset the dark forces and the sound of thunder became louder and louder. Animals of the night such as the owls, wolves, vipers, and other predators that are near started making noises. Howls, Hoots, and screeches can be heard.

"Oh darling, many eyes have seen what you just did." And as if nature heard me Lightning struck which gave light to what was inside the cottage...Dolls. This place is my purging hut where I extract evil souls from houses and objects and transfer them to the body of dolls to give them existence.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" I released a high pitch laugh as the eyes of the dolls inside the cabinets move towards our direction. This sent shivers to anyone witnessing what was happening, those who knew what I was and those who didn't were frozen in place. I engrained all their faces inside my head.

"Run, run, run. Because what will haunt you is not only the curse that I have put upon you but also the dark forces and evil entities that you upset." I cooed as my eyes started to feel heavy, I guess I'll have to leave the matters to my creations instead. I closed my eyes and finally, felt what I never have in my thousand years' existence...Relaxed






"You've finally realized who and what you are." The familiar dark and low voice said. I laid there in pitch darkness staring at the figure before me unmoving. I had cried and grieved as if my eyes were to pop out, but now I feel nothing...empty as I'll ever be. I didn't care anymore.

" *sigh* You're giving me serious headache Anastasia. I'm saying it again anyway. You're not a "good witch", you're a being from the underworld not a human. To think that you'd actually adopt a frail human-being and "love". Seriously what.the.f*ck!" The tall man said as he walked towards his red seat. I still laid there, doing nothing and letting him continue.

"After thousandths of times you never learn do you. Now you went through a year of torture what next huh? Are you going to offer the whole world to a man? For f*cks sake Ana, now you're killed."

'Ah...yes, thousandths of years. I already forgot where and when I was born exactly. I've traveled through different changes and got accustomed to 'earth', too accustomed in fact.'

"How...I'm dead." I'm already dead, how can he still be in my conciousness?

"You really thought that you could deny your *destiny*, be human and be free blah, blah, blah, bullsh*t. Stop living that lie and accept it already, you're not. *sigh* You just made father angry. And as the most beloved brother of yours I'll resurrect you, well...transfer your soul to be exact." He said and kept on staring at my state as he sighed once more and shook his head. It was expected he must be thinking.

"I can only go along with you for so long sis, You also need to accept it, you've already lived for 15 demonic ceremonies (15,000 in human years, she's 15,999) and you'll turn 16 soon, think of your age...I don't like seeing you like that." He said.

"Weren't you also the same big brother?" I asked still spacing out. Out of 4 of my big brothers, the youngest brother is the closest to me. I remembered how he once encouraged me to run away and hide from father, he was crying just after being lashed for 5,000 times by father because he "helped" someone from earth, when we were only supposed to watch them and count up sins. I was still 6 (6,000) demonic years when that happened and he was 12 demonic years. He cried to me and told me that we had to run. We did run away and ended up on earth, but he then left me after maturing. I was broken of course and never met with any of them anymore. I wanted to change myself so bad into being good that I did my everything.

"We need to balance nature, I have so many responsibilities other than bathing in fire and skinning animals alive. I know that you understand it Ana. That's why I'm sending you to another reality." This made me snap out of my trance and look at him.

"What do you mean?! Never put me in one of that realities again because I'm telling you...I'll f*cking destroy it!!!" I shouted at him as I sat from my lying posture. This however made him smile. I just taunted him, but he actually smiled?

"The morningstar is really in your blood! Do it then... I and father will be waiting for it Anastasia." He smiled with his usual demonic and twisted figure and snapped his hands. I felt heavy, so heavy that I slowly lost my breath. I was out again, enveloped in complete darkness.